- Release notes
- Getting started
- Installation
- Configuration
- Integrations
- Authentication
- Working with Apps and Discovery Accelerators
- AppOne menus and dashboards
- AppOne setup
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 menus and dashboards
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 setup
- TemplateOne menus and dashboards
- TemplateOne 2021.4.0 setup
- Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator menus and dashboards
- Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator Setup
- Order to Cash Discovery Accelerator menus and dashboards
- Order to Cash Discovery Accelerator Setup
- Basic Connector for AppOne
- SAP Connectors
- Introduction to SAP Connector
- SAP input
- Checking the data in the SAP Connector
- Adding process specific tags to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding process specific Due dates to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding automation estimates to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding attributes to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding activities to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding entities to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- SAP Order to Cash Connector for AppOne
- SAP Purchase to Pay Connector for AppOne
- SAP Connector for Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator
- SAP Connector for Order-to-Cash Discovery Accelerator
- Superadmin
- Dashboards and charts
- Tables and table items
- Application integrity
- How to ....
- Working with SQL connectors
- Introduction to SQL connectors
- Setting up a SQL connector
- CData Sync extractions
- Running a SQL connector
- Editing transformations
- Releasing a SQL Connector
- Scheduling data extraction
- Structure of transformations
- Using SQL connectors for released apps
- Generating a cache with scripts
- Setting up a local test environment
- Separate development and production environments
- Useful resources

Process Mining
The Workspaces tab
From the Workspaces tab, you can create and manage your personal workspaces. Moreover, you can create releases, generate translation files and change the default application settings. See illustration below.
Below is a description of the elements of the Workspaces tab.
Element |
Description |
Workspace menu |
The Workspace menu contains items that you can select to create and manage your workspaces. See the illustration below. |
Workspace drop-down list |
Enables you to select the active workspace. |
Current revision (r391) @ branch (UiPathProcessMining) in repository (mvlocal:upstream.git). |
Build: UiPathProcessMining 20.10.1 |
The current UiPath Process Mining version that is used. |
Files |
A list of all the folders and files in the current workspace. |
Status |
The status of the files in the current workspace. If there a local modification that are not committed yet, the status is Changed and the modification date is displayed. In case there are no modifications, the status is Unchanged. |
You can display the Workspace menu by clicking on the menu icon.
Below is an illustration of the Workspace menu.
The table below describes the items of the Workspace menu.
Menu item |
Description |
New... |
Enables you to create a new app which can be based on an existing app. A new branch and workspace are created automatically. |
Open... |
Enables you to open an existing app whilst creating a new workspace on the current branch. |
Update |
Enables you to update the current workspace to the latest revision and to see the changes that other team members have made. |
Commit... |
Enables you to save your local modifications from the workspace and to create a new revision. |
Show log... |
Opens the Log Messages dialog, showing the current state of your workspace and the history. |
Application settings... |
Opens the
ApplicationSettings.json file where you can define app specific settings, for example for app translation.
In general, application settings are used to customize the look and feel of your apps. |
Generate translation files... |
Generates a
.json file for the translator for each supported language that you have defined in the ApplicationSettings.json file. The translation files will contain all keys that require translation.
See Translate Apps. |
Create release... |
Enables you to create a release that can be used to make your app available to end users. Note: if there are local modifications in the workspace you must commit these to the branch first.
Upgrade |
Enables you to upgrade an app to a newly released version of the app on which your app is based. All changes you made are merged to the new version. |
Fork app... |
Enables you to fork an app in case you want to duplicate an app . For example, to start a new app by using an already existing app as the basis. |
Close* |
Enables you to delete the current workspace. Note: this does not delete the branch.
Rename... |
Enables you to change the name of the current workspace. |
- In UiPath Process Mining 2021.1 the Delete option was renamed to Close.
Follow these steps to upgrade an app to a newer version.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Go to the Workspaces tab and select the workspace that contains the
.mvp file of your app.
2 |
If your workspace contains any local modifications, click on the Workspace menu and select Commit.... |
3 |
Click on the Workspace menu and select Upgrade.... |
4 |
If you have selected a Base app when you created the app, or when you have upgraded the app before, the Base app is automatically selected. If not, then select the released version on which your modified version is based from the Base app drop-down list in the Upgrade App dialog. Note: Make sure that you select the correct Base app for the upgrade to prevent merge problems.
5 |
Select the released version to which you want to upgrade from the New app drop-down list. |
6 |
Click on UPGRADE. See illustration below. |
7 |
Open your customized app and check whether it was successfully upgraded. |
8 |
Click on the Workspace menu and select Commit.... |
It is possible to fork a app in case you want to duplicate an app. For example, to start a new app by using an already existing app as the basis. Forking an app creates a new branch. This branch contains the history of revisions up until the one your app was based on.
See the illustration below.
Follow these steps to fork an app.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Go to the Superadmin Workspaces tab. |
2 |
Click on the Workspace menu icon and select Fork app.... |
3 |
Click on App name next to New app name and enter a name for the new forked app. Note:
• the name must start with an alphanumeric character and can contain hyphens, underscores, and full stops. • the name cannot be changed. |
4 |
Select the option Switch to the new app to open the new workspace on the new branch that will be created for the forked app. |
5 |
Click on FORK APP. |
This creates a app in a new workspace on a new branch, including any local modifications you had.
There is also a context menu with several options available in your workspace. The context menu contains additional options depending on the place from where the menu is opened.
Below is a description of the options available from the Workspace context menu.
Item |
Description |
Edit... |
Enables you to open the selected file for editing. |
Open... |
Enables you to open the app in the developer mode. |
Update |
Enables you to update the current workspace to the latest revision and to see the changes that other team members have made. |
Commit... |
Enables you to save your local modifications from the workspace to the branch and to create a new revision. |
Show log... |
Opens the Log Messages dialog, showing the current state of your workspace. |
Revert |
Enables you to discard any local changes you made to your app or file. Your file is restored to the state of the revision your workspace is based on. |
New application... |
Enables you to create a new empty project file. |
New folder... |
Enables you to create a new empty folder. |
Upload file... |
Enables you to upload a file to the workspace. Note: In your workspace, only data files with a maximum size of 10 MB are allowed.
Download file... |
Enables you to download the selected file to your computer. |
Delete |
Enables you to delete the selected file or folder. |
Duplicate |
Enables you to duplicate the selected file or folder. |
Rename... |
Enables you to rename the selected file or folder. |
Below is an overview of the available Application Settings.
Setting |
Enables you to ... |
Default value |
override the style of the iframe. This overrides the style, but you have to also set the position. | |
shown a URL in an iframe on the application page. It is possible to reference files in the resources directory or to use an absolute URL. Note: when using an absolute URL where the
HTTPS-ness is not the same as the weblive host, some browsers may give warnings/refuse to show the page.
| |
specify a token to set up integration with UiPath Automation Hub. | |
prefix the branch name to use in releases for display purposes. This should be used together with branch names ending with '-' follow by a part of the release version numbers. For example
with a branch
MyFirstApplication-3 all releases names should start with v3 .
apply a custom color scheme to the application by defining a JSON object containing settings with a color specification for: •
PrimaryBackground ,
PrimaryText ,
Secondary ,
Hover .
| |
disable adding users using the admin interface. |
define an external authentication method to use. Possible values are: •
som : authenticate with an external SOM authentication server.
guest : bypass authentication and login without a password.
adlogin : authenticate users using Active Directory.
define a key/value object which is only used for
som external authentication.
ExternalAuthentication .
`{ |
allow whether emails can be sent for password changes and new users. | |
define that users login with their email address, without a separate login name. |
define an e-mail message for reset password, new password, or user account activation by defining a JSON object. Available settings: •
from : the email address that is displayed as the sender.
ResetPasswordHeader : the subject of the reset password e-mail.
ResetPasswordBody : the body of the reset password e-mail.
NewPasswordHeader : the subject of the new password e-mail.
NewPasswordBody : the body of the new password e-mail.
NewPasswordResultSuccess : the message that is shown when a password is mailed to the user.
NewUserHeader :the subject of the new user e-mail.
New UserBody : the body of the new user e-mail.
`{ |
enable admin users to give users the right to change the visibility of favorites (i.e., public, only for me). |
white label, or brand, UiPath Process Mining by defining a JSON object. Available settings: •
homeIcon •
loadingIcon •
favIcon •
ColorTheme •
texts |
`{ |
specify a URL to the image which will be shown as a background of the entire app, including the header. | |
specify a URL to the image which will be shown as a background in the app. | |
specify the locale to use if an unsupported translation locale is detected/specified. This must be one of the locales in the
supportedLocales setting.
specify a URL to the favicon. | |
specify an e-mail address to which user feedback is sent. |
specify a comma separated list of fields which are editable even for imported users. |
speficy a URL to the image which will be shown as a background on the end-user and developer header, this overrides the
headerBackgroundColor setting.
| |
specify a color value to override the header color with, e.g.,
#FF0000 . This can be any CSS color representation.
| |
specify a color value to override the disabled color in the header (e.g., non active tabs) color with, e.g.,
#FF0000 . This can be any CSS color representation.
| |
specify a color value to override the header foreground (e.g., labels in the header) color with, e.g.,
#FF0000 . This can be any CSS color representation.
| |
specify a color value to override the header hover color with, e.g.,
#FF0000 . This can be any CSS color representation.
| |
specify a URL to the image which will be shown as the header button in the app. If set, this image will replace the module name in the header. | |
specify a URL to the
HTML file which will be used as help. This setting takes precedence over helpURL .
| |
specify a URL to override the help pop up. | |
specify a URL to the image which will be shown as the home button in the app. | |
specify a URL to the image which will be shown in the center of the loading animation. | |
define a set of messages that are shown to end users below the loading icon. Using loading messages can keep end users engaged while waiting for your app to load. | |
specify a URL to the image which will be shown as a background on the application list, the login page, and on the full-screen loading screen. | |
specify a CSS URL to use as background for the product logo. The product logo is shown in the app, below the favorites. | |
specify an array with a list of supported translation locales for this app. See also
fallbackLocale .
| |
define several strings for white-labeling. |
`{ |
to enable generation of translations files. See Translate Apps. |