- Release notes
- Getting started
- Installation
- Configuration
- Integrations
- Authentication
- Working with Apps and Discovery Accelerators
- AppOne menus and dashboards
- AppOne setup
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 menus and dashboards
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 setup
- TemplateOne menus and dashboards
- TemplateOne 2021.4.0 setup
- Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator menus and dashboards
- Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator Setup
- Order to Cash Discovery Accelerator menus and dashboards
- Order to Cash Discovery Accelerator Setup
- Basic Connector for AppOne
- SAP Connectors
- Introduction to SAP Connector
- SAP input
- Checking the data in the SAP Connector
- Adding process specific tags to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding process specific Due dates to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding automation estimates to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding attributes to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding activities to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding entities to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- SAP Order to Cash Connector for AppOne
- SAP Purchase to Pay Connector for AppOne
- SAP Connector for Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator
- SAP Connector for Order-to-Cash Discovery Accelerator
- Superadmin
- Dashboards and charts
- Tables and table items
- Application integrity
- How to ....
- Working with SQL connectors
- Introduction to SQL connectors
- Setting up a SQL connector
- CData Sync extractions
- Running a SQL connector
- Editing transformations
- Releasing a SQL Connector
- Scheduling data extraction
- Structure of transformations
- Using SQL connectors for released apps
- Generating a cache with scripts
- Setting up a local test environment
- Separate development and production environments
- Useful resources

Process Mining
Attribute selectors
An Attribute selector enables end users to select which attributes are used in a chart. End users can decide how to subdivide a chart by using attribute selectors.
Follow these steps to create an attribute selector.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Open the app in your development environment, and go to the Data tab. |
2 |
In the table item list, right-click on the table that contains the attributes you want to use in a selector and select New control - Selector.... A selector New selector is added in the table item list. |
3 |
Double click on New selector to open the Edit Control dialog. |
4 |
Right click on the Selector items panel and select Add…. See illustration below. |
5 |
Select the datasource attributes you want to add to the selector and click on OK (2x). |
function must be used to refer the attribute. For other filters the default value can be configured as a text value.
Follow these steps to set the default value for an attribute selector.
Step |
Action |
1 |
In the Edit Control dialog, click on
expression next to Default value.
2 |
Enter the expression
uid([attribute[) , for example uid(Invoice_owner) .
Note: [attribute] must be one of the attributes available in the selector.
The attributes which are most relevant for the end user to manipulate are added to the selector for quick access, whereas other, less relevant, attributes can be added to the More... items.
Step |
Action |
1 |
In the Edit Control dialog, right click in the “More…” items panel and select Add…. |
2 |
Select the dastasource attributes you want to add to the selector and click on OK (2x). |
A new entry More... is added to the attribute selector. When a user clicks on this entry the Select An Attribute dialog opens in which the user can select the additional attributes. See illustration below.
The Edit Control dialog contains several useful options that are available for attribute selectors. For example:
- Use the Allow empty selection option in the General panel to control whether or not a user is forced to always select one attribute in the selector.
- Use Hide name for end user in the Other panel to control whether or not the name of the attribute selector is visible to end users.
- Use Custom dots in the Other panel to control what is shown when no attribute is selected or in the drop-down menu when an empty selection is selected.
Follow these steps to add the attribute selector on a chart
Step |
Action |
1 |
Go to the Dashboards tab and create a new dashboard based on the table in which the attribute selector control is present. |
2 |
Go to the Chart tab. |
3 |
Select the attribute you want to display in the chart from the Rows drop down list. |
4 |
Select the attribute selector control from the Metric drop down list. |
5 |
Drag the attribute selector control to the Header controls of the chart. |
Follow these steps to add the attribute selector on a legacy chart.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Go to the Dashboards tab and create a new dashboard based on the table in which the attribute selector control is present. |
2 |
Go to the Chart tab. |
3 |
Drag attribute selector to the Rows level in the General panel. |
Dropping an attribute selector on one of the levels of the General panel automatically adds the attribute selector to the Header controls.
See illustration below for an example.