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Automation Hub User Guide
Audit Logs
By accessing the Audit Logs page the tenant's System Admin as well as other users with roles that have the permission to access the option, can view and download CSV reports containing information about the user activity on their Automation Hub tenant as well as Open API calls made.
The types of logs available in the Audit Logs section are:
- Event Log - main report where you can find a list of all the events that happened, who performed them and time.
- Open API - list of all the API calls performed on your Automation Hub Open API service - includes the entire request and response.
- Tenant service - list of all the API calls performed on your Automation Hub instance - includes the entire request and response.
- Object reference - list of API calls that too large to be displayed in the Tenant Service or Open API report.
To access the page go to Admin Console > Account -> Audit Logs.
The table contains the following columns:
- Service Name
- Date Range
- Size
- Download button
- View (button)
Defines the type of service that the log is generated for.
- Event Log - main report where you can find a list of all the events that happened, who performed them and time.
- Open API - list of all the API calls performed on your Automation Hub Open API service - includes the entire request and response.
- Tenant service - list of all the API calls performed on your Automation Hub instance - includes the entire request and response.
- Object reference - list of API calls that too large to be displayed in the Tenant Service or Open API report.
- Represents the period for which the log is generated.
- The logs are generated on a weekly basis - therefore the range will always be of 1 week.
- The dates are generated by the system and cannot be controlled by the user.
- The download button will be displayed in the “Download” column.
- The button will allow the user to download the file and store it on his local machine.
- The download button will not have limitations or restrictions - so the user can access and download the log at any time.
- Will allow the user to visualize any of audit log report type from the page.
- When clicked, it will open a table visualizer above the initial table that contains the Audit Log files.
- Search will allow you to search in any column of the file.
- Most common use case that we will recommend will be the search by “Action Name” in the Event Log report.
- The visualizer also has pagination that enters into play after showing 210 lines of the report.
There are a couple of fields in the report which have also the option to copy the content of a specific field.
These fields are:
- Action Info
- Request Body
- Response Body
- Open API token
The list below is the complete list of events that can occur on tenant level and that can be included in the Action type:
Event Log - Action types
Event Id |
Platform Event Name |
Platform Event Slug |
1 |
Idea Submitted |
idea-submitted |
2 |
Process Phase and Status Changed |
process-phase-changed |
3 |
Process Mark As Completed |
process-mark-completed |
4 |
User Profile Updated |
user-profile-updated |
5 |
Process Updated |
process-updated |
6 |
Process Document Added |
process-document-added |
7 |
Process Followed |
process-followed |
8 |
Process Upvoted |
process-upvoted |
9 |
Process Comment Added |
process-comment-added |
10 |
Process Comment Reply Added |
process-comment-reply-added |
11 |
Process Comment User Mentioned |
process-comment-user-mentioned |
12 |
Process Collaborator Role Assigned |
process-collaborator-role-assigned |
13 |
Reusable Component Added |
reusable-component-added |
14 |
Process Abuse Reported |
process-abuse-reported |
15 |
Component Status Changed |
component-status-changed |
16 |
Component Support Requested |
component-support-requested |
17 |
Component Abuse Reported |
component-abuse-reported |
18 |
User Invited to Join NavGo |
send-user-invite-email |
19 |
Email Verification Sent |
email-verification-sent |
20 |
Component Review Abuse Reported |
component-review-abuse-reported |
21 |
Process Comment Abuse Reported |
process-abuse-comment-reported |
22 |
Component Comment Abuse Reported |
component-abuse-comment-reported |
23 |
Process Collaborator Role Removed |
process-collaborator-role-removed |
24 |
Process Collaborator About Edit Rights Gran |
process-collaborator-about-edit-rights-granted |
25 |
Process Collaborator About Edit Rights Revo |
process-collaborator-about-edit-rights-revoked |
26 |
Process Owner Assigned |
process-owner-assigned |
27 |
Project Manager Assigned |
project-manager-assigned |
28 |
Process Document Updated |
process-document-updated |
29 |
Process Document Deleted |
process-document-deleted |
30 |
Direct Manager Added |
direct-manager-added |
31 |
Direct Manager Removed |
direct-manager-removed |
32 |
Admin Process Role Added |
admin-process-role-added |
33 |
Admin Process Role Updated |
admin-process-role-updated |
34 |
Admin Process Role Deleted |
admin-process-role-deleted |
35 |
Admin Template Doument Added |
admin-template-document-added |
36 |
Admin Template Doument Updated |
admin-template-document-updated |
37 |
Admin Template Doument Set Default |
admin-template-document-set-default |
38 |
Admin Process Role Enabled |
admin-process-role-enabled |
39 |
Admin Process Role Disabled |
admin-process-role-disabled |
40 |
Admin Template Deleted |
admin-template-deleted |
41 |
Process Collaborator Documentation Edit Ri |
process-collaborator-documentation-edit-rights-granted |
42 |
Process Collaborator Documentation Edit Ri |
process-collaborator-documentation-edit-rights-revoked |
43 |
Process Collaborator Removed From Certain |
process-collaborator-certain-role-removed |
44 |
Component Version Updated |
component-version-updated |
45 |
Project Manager Role Assigned |
project-manager-role-assigned |
46 |
Component updated |
component-updated |
47 |
CoE-driven Idea Submitted |
coe-driven-idea-submitted |
48 |
Reusable component removed |
reusable-component-removed |
49 |
System Admin added to user |
system-admin-added-to-user |
50 |
Program Manager added to user |
program-manager-added-to-user |
51 |
Curator added to user |
curator-added-to-user |
52 |
Assigned System admin |
assigned-system-admin |
53 |
System Admin removed from user |
system-admin-removed-from-user |
54 |
Program Manager removed from user |
program-manager-removed-from-user |
55 |
Curator removed from user |
curator-removed-from-user |
56 |
Process hierarchy updated |
process-hierarchy-updated |
57 |
Application inventory updated |
application-inventory-updated |
58 |
User's information updated |
admin-users-information-updated |
59 |
Assigned Program Manager |
assigned-program-manager |
60 |
Assigned Curator |
assigned-curator |
61 |
Removed as System Admin |
removed-as-system-admin |
62 |
Removed as Program Manager |
removed-as-program-manager |
63 |
Removed as Curator |
removed-as-curator |
64 |
Component Archived |
component-archived |
65 |
Component Updated for Downloaded Users |
component-updated-for-downloaded-users |
66 |
Component Uploaded for Curation |
component-uploaded-for-curation |
67 |
Component Curation Started |
component-curation-started |
68 |
Component Curation Reject |
component-curation-reject |
69 |
Component Curation Needs Update |
component-curation-needs-update |
70 |
Component Curation Publish |
component-curation-publish |
71 |
First User Standard Plan email |
first-user-standard-email |
72 |
First User Trial Plan email |
first-user-trial-email |
73 |
Component Downloaded |
component-downloaded |
74 |
Component Review Added |
component-review-added |
75 |
Component Comment Added |
component-comment-added |
76 |
Component New Reply |
component-new-reply |
77 |
Component User Mentioned |
component-user-mentioned |
78 |
Authorized User added to user |
authorized-user-added-to-user |
79 |
CoE Collaborator added to user |
coe-collaborator-added-to-user |
80 |
Assigned Authorized User |
assigned-authorized-user |
81 |
Assigned CoE Collaborator |
assigned-coe-collaborator |
82 |
Authorized User removed from user |
authorized-user-removed-from-user |
83 |
CoE Collaborator removed from user |
coe-collaborator-removed-from-user |
84 |
Removed as Authorized User |
removed-as-authorized-user |
85 |
Removed as CoE Collaborator |
removed-as-coe-collaborator |
86 |
Change Plan Dealhub email |
changed-plan-dealhub-email |
87 |
Change Plan Owner email |
changed-plan-owner-email |
88 |
Error email to Account Owner |
changed-plan-error-email |
89 |
Process Collaborator CBA Edit Rights Grante |
process-collaborator-cba-edit-rights-granted |
90 |
Extend Trial Granted |
extend-trial-granted |
91 |
User Sync Finished |
user-sync-finished |
92 |
User Deleted |
user-deleted |
93 |
Process Collaborator Components Edit Right |
process-collaborator-components-edit-rights-granted |
94 |
User Deactivated |
user-deactivated |
95 |
User Activated |
user-activated |
96 |
Component bug reported |
component-bug-reported |
97 |
CD Automation submitted |
cd-automation-submitted |
98 |
CD Automation shared |
cd-automation-shared |
99 |
CD Automation requested |
cd-automation-requested |
100 |
Automation Published |
automation-published |
101 |
Process Review Added |
process-review-added |
102 |
Process Question Added |
process-question-added |
103 |
Process Question Reply Added |
process-question-reply-added |
104 |
Process Review Updated |
process-review-updated |
105 |
Group Added |
group-added |
106 |
Group Deleted |
group-deleted |
107 |
Group Updated |
group-updated |
108 |
Automation Consumed |
automation-consumed |
109 |
User Added |
user-added |
110 |
User Updated |
user-updated |
111 |
User Mentioned In A Question |
process-question-user-mentioned |
112 |
User Login |
log-in |
113 |
User Logout |
log-out |
114 |
E-mail sent to the user |
email-sent |
file by clicking the Download button.
The entry contains the following fields:
Field |
Description |
userEmail |
the e-mail of the user who performed the operation |
userId |
the User ID as registered in the data base |
logType |
the type of log |
auditLogRequestId |
the ID of the log entry |
timestamp |
the timestamp registered for the log |
tenantId |
the tenant UUID |
tenantName |
the tenant name |
statusCode |
the status code of the API request |
responseBody |
requestBody |
query |
the query object |
logRequestDuration |
the duration of the log request |
logEndEpoch |
the end time of the log request |
cloudUserId |
logStartEpoch |
the start time of the epoch log |
the endpoint URL |
serviceName |
Differentiates between the different services:
method |
API method |
openAPIToken |
filled only for open - API service logs |