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Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Nov 11, 2024
Access the Review page to view all the ideas and automations waiting to be reviewed:
- All ideas in Idea or Assessment phase with any status;
- All automations in Business Review or Technical Review phase.
A set of Actions is available on the last column for each item. These are different for ideas and automations as follows:
Program Managers can:
Approve the idea and sent it to the Assessment Pipeline.
Note: Before Approving ideas, make sure that a Process Owner is assigned. If the Submitter didn’t select the Process Owner, open the Quick View modal of that idea and select a Process Owner in the thumbnail displayed on the top right corner. - Reject the idea.
- Mark as Duplicate the idea.
- View Automation Profile by opening the Idea Profile Page or Automation Profile Page. This page contains all the details of the item.
- Quick View the idea's description, idea score, and general information in a pop-up page.
- Archive the idea. This signifies that the idea will not be queued for implementation and will no longer appear on the Explore Ideas page.
Delete the idea in order to remove all its details from the platform.
Actions available for automations:
Note: The available actions differ depending on the automation phase and status as well as the role assigned to the person accessing
- Approve the automation so it can then be evaluated in the next review stage.
- Mark it as Rework Required in order to trigger a notification for the Project Manager who needs to decide if the automation should go through the CoE flow or Citizen Developer Power User work.
- View Automation Profile by opening the Idea Profile Page or Automation Profile Page. This page contains all the details of the item.
- Quick View the automation's description, and general information in a pop-up page.
- Put on Hold the automation in order to gather more information or discuss it at a later time.
- Archive the automation. This signifies that the automation will not be queued for implementation and will no longer appear on the Explore Automations page.
Delete the automation in order to remove all its details from the platform.