- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Permissions
- Role Description and Matrix
- Collaborator Roles Information and Matrix
- Understanding the Roles and Collaborator Roles
- Citizen Developer Roles and Collaborator Roles
- Starting as
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- Share Idea or Automation
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Automation Hub User Guide
Citizen Developer Roles and Collaborator Roles
Specific Roles and Collaborator Roles are made available to support the Citizen Developers towards managing Automation submissions and flow within the platform. Please find below two tables containing the Citizen Developer default roles and Collaborator Roles along with the permissions assigned to each of them.
- These roles cannot be edited, disabled, or deleted because they are connected to the way the Automation Hub works.
- You can assign multiple roles to the user account and, for each role, define the categories corresponding to the type of access you want the user to have.
- For details about the other roles available in the platform please check the .
Role |
Description |
Citizen Developer Self User |
Automate low-risk, simple tasks/activities only for their own usage; Access to Share automations. |
Citizen Developer Power User |
Automate low risk, simple/medium task/activities or processes for users from their own department/team or for themselves; Access to Share automations; Access to the Automation Pipeline page to view and select automations that they want to develop. |
Business Reviewer |
Push forward automations created by a Citizen Developer Self User and select which automations are worth being endorsed for a technical review. |
Technical Reviewer |
Identify code quality issues and approve automations for large consumption. |
Citizen Developer Automations
Action |
Citizen Developer Self User |
Citizen Developer Power User |
Business Reviewer |
Technical Reviewer |
View Automations Access to view the details of an automation built by the citizen developer. |
Share an Automation Access to share an automation built using Studio/StudioX, in order to have it reviewed for consumption by a larger audience. |
N |
N |
Access to All and Review tables to perform Business Review of Automations Access to the Automation Pipeline, All, Review to perform the actions needed to make an automation progress in its lifecycle, based on its potential benefits: approve, move to technical review, put on hold, reject. |
N |
N |
N |
Access to All and Review tables to perform Technical Review of Automations Access to the Automation Pipeline; All, Review to perform the actions needed to prepare the automation from the technical point of view: approve for large consumption, put on hold, request rework to the CoE team or the Citizen Development team, modify the details. |
N |
N |
N |
Start Development of projects assigned to CD Power Users Access to the Automation Pipeline; All, Implementation to select an idea or an automation from the Citizen Developer Power User pipeline and start implementing it. It also gives access to add files and components. |
N |
N |
N |
Automation ideas
Action |
Citizen Developer Self User |
Citizen Developer Power User |
Business Reviewer |
Technical Reviewer |
View an idea Access to view the information available in any Idea Profile page based on the categories you have been assigned to. |
Action |
Citizen Developer Self User |
Citizen Developer Power User |
Business Reviewer |
Technical Reviewer |
View Components Access to view the reusable components which have passed the curation process and are now published. |
Download any published Component Access to download the package of any reusable component displayed in Explore Components. |
Upload a Component Access to the Upload Component option which allows the user to upload a reusable component and submit it for curation. |
- Citizen Developer Submitter collaborator role cannot be manually assigned to users. It is automatically assigned following the submission of an automation, respectively when a Citizen Developer clicks the Start Development option.
- Citizen Developer collaborator can be manually assigned to users only if the Make this role assignable option is turned on.
Collaborator Role |
Description |
Citizen Developer Submitter |
Automatically assigned to any user who shared an automation. |
Citizen Developer |
Start development for the selected automations; Update the Source Code file; Document your code in the Development Specifications Document; Create and link reusable components to the automation initiative; Fix bugs and provide support during UAT and hypercare period; Create the Move to Production checklist. |