- Release Notes
- Getting Started
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- My Tasks
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- Task Capture Integration
- Automation Store
- Overview
- Permissions
- Automation Store Flow
- Publish Settings
- Browsing the Store Gallery
- Getting and Requesting Automations
- Email Notifications
- Video Tutorials
- Additional Resources

Automation Hub User Guide
Getting and Requesting Automations
As a business user, click on the Automation Store link from the selected tenant or from the Automation Store icon on the left navigation bar.
You can easily identify your Automation by using the search function. To do this, Open the Automation Profile, by clicking on the Automation Card.
The instant consumption settings determines the buttons that will be available on the Automation Store cards:
- Instant Consumption ON - means that the GET button will be displayed
- Instant Consumption OFF - means that the REQUEST button will be displayed
In order to have the Automation available in Orchestrator , click Get on the Automation.
The GET button can appear grayed out if:
- the user does not exist in the Orchestrator,
- if his personal workspace is not enabled on the Orchestrator,
if the Orchestrator connection has issues.
Get the Automation - Success
will be pushed to your personal worskpace, a correspondent process will be created for you in Personal Workspace and the
process will automatically appear in UiPath Assistant.
Once you have installed the automation, the GET button will appear greyed out and a helper tooltip will announce you that you have already consumed this automation.