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Automation Hub User Guide
Detailed Assessment
This assessment is completed by the Process Owner assigned to the automation idea and becomes available once the idea has past the first approval step.
Access the Automation Profile in Edit mode.
You can do this by clicking the link available in the assignment email or by checking for the assigned task in My Task section.
Under the About tab scroll down to the Detailed Assessment section.
Except for the Average Employee Full Cost, Error Rate, and Review/Audit related questions, all the fields from the Detailed Assessment section are mandatory in order to submit the assessment.
Automation goal
Primary Reason to Automate the Process
Select from the drop-down list the main reason for Automating the process.
Environmental stability
Process Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months
Select the expected process changes in the next 6 months.
Note: user selects the extent of the changes not the actual changes (no change, minor change, several changes etc).Applications Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months
Select the expected application changes in the next 6 months.
Note: same comment as aboveEmployee Profile
Average Working Days/Year
Enter the average working days per year of the employees performing the process. Exclude bank holidays, paid holidays, any company benefit holidays.
Working Hours/Day
Enter the number of working hours per day of the employees performing the process. We recommend adding the legal number of working hours in a day, as defined in the legislation of the country or as defined in the working contract.
Average Employee Full Cost/Year
Enter the full cost per year of the employees performing the process.
Process Volumetry
Task/Process Frequency
Select the recurrence of the process.
Activity Volume Average
Enter the average number of transactions performed, such as the average number of documents or requests processed.
Select the suitable option from the drop-down list as the value entered can be applicable for either the entire Company (if the average volumes for the entire team/process are declared in the assessment) or per Employee (if the average volumes for only 1 employee per selected frequency are declared when filling in the assessment).
Number of Employees Performing the Task
Enter the total number of users needed to complete the task.
Average Processing Time/Transaction
Enter the average time in minutes spent to complete the task once.
Total Processing Time
System calculated value based on the information added in the previous columns.
Average Error Rate
Enter the average percentage of the total yearly volumes of transactions that are faulty and require re-work time.
Average Rework Time/Transaction
Enter the average re-work time needed per transaction caused by human error.
Total Rework Time
System calculated value based on the information added in the previous columns.
Average Work to be Reviewed/Audited
Enter the average percentage of the task that needs to be reviewed or audited before being considered complete.
Average Review or Audit Time/Transaction
Enter the average time in minutes spent to complete the review or audit of the task.
Total Review/Audit Time
System calculated value based on the information added in the previous columns.
Total Time Needed to Perform the Work - AS IS Process
System calculated value based on the information added in the previous columns.
Note: to mention that this shows the value computed at the level of the company (not per employee)FTEs Required
System calculated value based on the information added in the previous columns.
Cost/Year for Process AS IS
System calculated value based on the information added in the previous columns.
Note: to mention that this shows the value computed at the level of the company (not per employee)Process ways of working
Process Peaks
Select the frequency on which you expect an increase in activity or volumes for the process.
Average Number of Steps
Select the average number of steps needed to complete the task. A step could be one verification that is done in an excel table, the download of a file etc.
Number of Ways to Complete the Process
Select the number of different variations possible to complete the process.
Data Input
% of Digital Data Input
Enter the percentage for each data source provided.
Note: data source? this is for understanding to what extent is the input data digitalScanned Data Input
Select if scanned data is used to complete the task. You can easily check if you have scanned documents by trying to do a Ctrl-F. This will not work in scanned documents.
% of Structured Digital Data Input
Select the percentage of structured digital data used to complete the process.
Additional Information
Section containing additional questions defined by the System Admin in the Admin Console > Platform Setup > Idea Assessment.
The indicators computed are not affected by these questions but the information collected can influence the decision to implement the process.
Applications Used
Select from the list all the applications that are being used when performing the described task.
This list was previously defined by the System Admin in the Admin console > Platform Setup > App Inventory.
If the application is not defined, start typing its name. The Create <new app name> row is displayed. Click this row or hit the Enter key in order to add the application's details.
The newly added application is automatically included in the App Inventory list.
Post Automation Results
After the automation runs, this section shows the average time it takes to run one transaction, the percentages of how often errors occur, and how long it takes to resolve an error.
Once an idea reaches the Live phase, this section becomes available and can be completed in the edit mode.
To save your progress click Save.
Note: Saving the information does not signify that you have completed the assessment. - As soon as you are confident about the completeness and accuracy of the Detailed Assessment information click Submit Assessment.
The automation phase is updated to Qualification and the status to Awaiting review.
To view the video version of this process please access Video Tutorials section > Ideas > Fill in the Detailed Assessment.