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- Automation Store Flow
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- Browsing the Store Gallery
- Getting and Requesting Automations
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Automation Hub User Guide
Browsing the Store Gallery
In the Store gallery, you can view all available automations displayed in automation cards.
The Store provides access to the following functionality:
- Automation Store cards gallery;
- Filters;
- Sort;
- Search.
Following our general design, automations can be seen in a card view gallery.
An automation card contains the following information:
Item |
Description |
Automation Name |
The automation name defined by the user when sharing an idea or automation. This can be updated in the Automation Hub Automation profile (edit mode) by the collaborator with the editing rights. |
Automation Area |
The automation area selected by the user when sharing an idea or automation. |
Review Score |
A 5-star rating system to reflect the rating of the automation. |
Number of reviewers |
Persons who have posted a review for the automation. |
Number of downloads |
The number of times the automation has been downloaded or requested from the Store. |
Applications |
The applications used in the automation. |
Short description |
The automation's short description. |
Potential Benefit (in hours/month) |
Filtering is the best way to find automations that are in your interest.
The following items are available in the filter menu:
Item |
Type |
Description |
Category |
Filter |
Applications |
Filter |
Submitter's Business Unit |
Filter |
Rating |
Filter |
To explore the Automation Store easier, you can sort the automations gallery.
The following options are available for sorting:
Sort option |
Behavior |
Most Popular |
Sort using the number of downloads/requests of the automation: From the highest number of downloads/requests → To the smallest number of downloads/requests |
Recently Published |
Sort using the Publish Date attribute from the automation database: From most recent published automation → To oldest published automation |
Alphabetical |
Sort from A→Z based on the automation name |
To quickly find an automation, you can search through the items from the Automation Store by Automation Name or description.