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Automation Hub User Guide
Planning Report
This is an aggregate view of the baseline cycle time, actual cycle time, and delta for all automations in any phase, except for Idea phase, that helps you determine if you overestimate or underestimate the effort necessary for the registered implementations.
Use the Search option and find specific automations or sort the information by applying the available filters.
Click the Download CSV button to download this information in a CSV file format. Click the Save View button to preserve the page you set up after applying filters.
The information is broken down into the following Implementation phases:
- Analysis
- Solution Design
- Development
Note:The Launch Date displays the date when the automation was updated to Live phase, status In production.
The value of this field can be edited in the edit mode of the Cost Benefit Analysis page > Project plan > Actual&New Estimate page > Project plan > Actual&New Estimate table.