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Automation Hub User Guide
Tenants allow you to model your organization structure, separating your business flows and information just like in real-life organizations. They are containers where you can organize your services and manage them for a group of users. For example, you can create tenants for each of your departments and decide what services you want to enable for each, based on their needs. In each tenant, you can have one instance of each of the cloud services.
Organization administrators can see and manage all of the tenants in their organization.
All existing tenants are displayed on the Admin page, in the panel on the left:
Tenants can be in one of two states:
- Enabled - the tenant is active and can be accessed by users.
Disabled - the tenant is not active and unavailable to users. Disabled is shown next to the tenant name in the tenants panel:
If your organization has multiple tenants and you have access to more than one, you can switch between tenants while on the page of a tenant-specific service. This lets you work with the data that exists within the selected tenant for the various services, which can be different than what is available in other tenants, or your service-level roles can be different between tenants.
To switch the context in which you are working to a different tenant, click the tenant list in the top right and select another tenant:
The page refreshes and then shows data for the newly selected tenant.