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Automation Hub User Guide
December 2020
Build number: 2020.12.1
- The Clear all tasks option is now available for the Incomplete tasks list available under the My Tasks page.
- The Planning Report and the Cost Report available under the Dashboards tab are enhanced with the Save view capability allowing users to save the page set up after applying filters.
- In the tables available under the Workspace module where an Action bar is displayed the Quick View modal window is now replaced with a side panel indicating the information for the selected idea.
4 new predefined Citizen Development automations are displayed when accessing the Explore Automations module Ready to consume page. The goal of the predefined information is to help you understand the Citizen Development automations content and usage through relevant examples.
Please keep in mind that this information is available only for the tenants created after this release.
- When a user searches in the Similar Automations section available in the Automation Profile page > About > Edit mode, the search is made through all the available ideas and automations regardless of their source.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline: the Ease of implementation filter was not functioning.
- When sharing an idea through the employee-driven flow, the "I do not know" checkbox displayed for question 9, where the submitter is asked to indicate the email address of the Process Owner, is marked as selected even if the user deselected it previously to submitting the idea.
Build number: 2020.11.2
The Open API option is now enriched with the following calls:
- GET Collaborators: enables users to extract all the users set up as collaborators in an Idea Profile page.
- GET Roles: enables users to extract all the roles and the categories that they are assigned to.
- When toggling OFF the File Upload option displayed by accessing Admin Console > Account > Tenant Settings, the option to embed links to the Ideas and Automations Documentation section remains available.
- The Idea Source field is now displayed on the Automation Profile Page in the banner section, after the Submitter field.
The Planning Report and Cost Report displayed under the Dashboards tab are extended and now they include details about ideas and automations in other development phases. The two reports have been enhanced with the following properties together with filtering options:
- Priority
- Idea Source
- Development Type
- Phase (all except Idea)
- Status (all except the ones specific to Idea phase)
- Automation Goal
- The character limitation was increased to 10000 for the Description field from the Share an Idea form.
- Language-specific characters can now be added in the Automation Name field available in the submission form, as well as the Profile page > About section in the edit mode.
- The text of the email sent after Cost-Benefit Analysis permissions are granted is improved.
Open API
- The Edit User call is enhanced in order to restrict the option to add a user and directly set their status to active.
- Users who were assigned a customized role restricted to a category with level 1 and 2 and a collaborator role restricted to the same category for which only level 1 was selected, were not able to access the Automation Pipeline and Dashboards pages and could not share any Ideas.
- Dashboards > Planning Report and Cost Report > Download CSV: the Average and Total lines were not included in the downloaded CSV file.
- Dashboards > Planning Report and Cost Report > Showing drop-down list: if a certain number of items was selected the page was not updated accordingly.
- Open API > GET Categories call: the response body had missing output parameters.
- Automation Profile page > About > Edit mode > Phase dropdown: if the Development phase was selected, the default status was Archived.
- Automation Profile Page > if the Interested button was clicked, the pop-up displayed contains an incorrect message.
- If a request for an automation was submitted while the platform language was not English, the requested email did not contain the link to that automation.
- The alignment for the platform generated emails was incorrect.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: the Qualification Phase Approver column was not populated with the corresponding information.