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Automation Hub User Guide
To classify the automations and ideas inside your organization you can define the Categories structure specific for your organization. You can apply your company's categories structure using up to 5 category levels. These can be customized, updated, reordered, and removed as per your requirements. You can do this using the web editor available under the Categories page or you can export the CSV template, update it offline, and upload it back in Automation Hub.
When accessing the Categories page for the first time you can find the following:
- An example created for your reference. You can use it to set up your tenant's categories structure or you can simply delete all Level One Categories and add customized ones.
The Set Up and What are Categories? sections providing additional explanations in order to help you easily set up and manage the Categories.
Note: If the Set Up and What are Categories? sections are closed, the information within will no longer be displayed. To re-open these sections click the Help hyperlink. -
The Search option that allows you to efficiently search through the title of the available categories.
To set-up or update the categories use one of the below methods:
To open the Categories page in edit mode click the Use In App Editor button available under the Set Upsection or the Use Editor button available above the categories table, on the right-hand side corner.
As soon as the page is in edit mode, you can make the following updates for each category level selected:
- Add new categories writing a category name of a maximum of 50 characters;
- Rename; once a category name is updated, it is reflected in all the pages from the platform where this is displayed.
- Delete categories that were not used in an Automation, Idea, Component, or Application. If you cannot delete a category, a popup message is displayed.
As soon as you complete updating the page, click the Save and Exit option to save your updates and close the edit mode. To close the edit mode without saving the updates made, click the Cancel and Exit option.
Use the CSV Actions drop-down list available above the categories table, on the right-hand side corner to export the Categories CSV template, apply all the needed updates offline and upload the updated CSV file.
- When editing the CSV offline only new categories and levels will be created once uploaded.
- New categories can be created within existing categories by following the template structure but changing a category name on the CSV will cause a new category to be created when uploaded.
To start updating the Categories offline follow the steps below:
- Download the Categories CSV file. To do this you can use the Export CSV template button available under the Set Upsection or the Download Categories CSV option available under the CSV Actions drop-down list.
Apply the updates.
Note:To be able to upload the CSV back to Automation Hub please follow the below rules:
- Keep the header as downloaded.
- Use only the accepted separator for the CSV format which is the comma.
- In case the file contains more than 5 columns, only the content in the first 5 columns is parsed. The rest of the columns are dismissed without blocking the experience meaning that the information from the extra columns is not parsed but no error message is displayed and you can continue uploading the CSV.
- Each distinct level 1 entry from the file is mapped to a new level 1 entry in the Categories page.
- Do not add categories to already existing level 1 categories.
- Upload the updated CSV file by clicking the Upload New Categories CSV option available under the CSV Actions drop-down list.