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Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Dec 12, 2024
May 2020
- Localization in Japanese: Starting today our Japanese customers can benefit from a localized experience in Automation Hub. This allows them to access all the platform's content and resources in either English or Japanese. To update the language preference the new Language option is now available under the My Profile icon.
Build number: 2020.5.2
- Program Manager(s) and System Admin(s) have access to the Planning Report, an aggregate view of the baseline cycle time, actual cycle time, and delta for all Live-Ongoing automations. The information is broken down by the following Implementation phases: Analysis, Solution Design, Development, and Testing.
- The currency selected initially when setting up the tenant can now be updated by the Account Owner in order to pick the currency that is most suitable for their organization.
- A dedicated page where users can enable or disable the emails received from Automation Hub is made available for all users by accessing the Email Settings page.
- The High Level Assessment section can now be edited so that the most accurate information is available in the Automation Profile.
- The search by multiple keywords is improved for the majority of the pages where the search option is available.
- For Project Manager to better understand what is the number of days gained they have now access to the values for Delta displayed as negative instead of 0 when the Actual Cycle Time is smaller than the Baseline Cycle Time. This information is displayed in Automation Profile > CBA > Edit mode > Project Plan > Actual & New Estimate table > Delta column.
- A list pre-populated with existing components is available for users with editing rights in the Components section of an Automation Profile when the search box is clicked in the Add Component modal window.
- Automation Profile Page > Documentation > Add File > Upload: besides the 22 existing file types, customers can now upload .bmp files.
- Admin Console > People: the counter displaying the number of results found was not updated when applying Search or Status filter.
- Admin Console > People: the counter displaying the number of results found was not updated in real-time when a user account was added or deleted.
- Admin console > Manage Users > User Roles: the disable button was overlapped by the search bar.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Hierarchy: Hierarchies could not be deleted even if they are no longer associated with Automation Profiles or components.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Cost Setup > Running Costs-RPA Software Costs, Other Running Costs, and People Costs: when an inline cost was added some of the values were copied from the row below and if these values were not manually updated the following error was displayed: You must fill in all the fields even if all the necessary fields were filled in.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Cost Setup > Currency Setup > the Automation Profiles created before the currency was defined still display the $ symbol in CBA page (View mode) > Estimated Costs & Benefits chart and CBA (Edit mode) > all fields with currency values, even after a different currency was set up.
- Workspace -> Automation Pipeline -> Collaborators column: no results were displayed if a user entered their name as a search criterion.
- My Tasks: partial search and title search did not work.
- CoE submission form or the Automation profile page in edit mode: the field character limit was not applied.
- The Abuse Reported on Comment Email: the hyperlink from the email was not pointing towards the section of the comment that was reported.
Build number: 2020.5.1
- The new Automation ID field added in the Automation Profile, About section, enables the Process Owner, Project Manager, and all the collaborators who have editing rights in the About section to add an (alpha-)numerical ID for each automation.
- The option to re-send the account verification email is now available for users who selected to sign up with their email and did not complete the email validation requirement during the registration process.
Workspace > Automation Pipeline: the following fields from Automation Profile > About page are available in the Show/Hide columns list and in the CSV file:
- Automation ID
- Description
- PDD Link
Workspace > Automation Pipeline: the following key statistics from the Cost Benefit Analysis are available in the Show/Hide columns list and in the CSV file:
- Est. Benefit (FTEs)
- Number of Robots
- Est. Implementation Costs
- Est. Running Costs
- Est. Net Benefit Year 1
- Est. Net Benefit Year 2
Workspace > Automation Pipeline: the following three fields are added in order to facilitate the display of information regarding the persons involved in the automation idea approving flow:
- Idea Phase Approver
- Launch Assessment Approver
- Qualification Phase Approver
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: all columns related to Cost or Benefit are now available for the System Admin and Program Manager(s).
- Automation profile > Documentation: users have the option to edit using Task Capture documents created with Task Capture.
- Explore > Automations: the name of the idea Submitter is now displayed on the automation card.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Documentation: a user with edit rights in this section can Set as Default multiple documents.
- New sections are available in the FAQ section and the search functionality is improved.
- Each time a user is mentioned in a comment in an Automation Profile, the user is notified by email.
- The message displayed once a Process Owner clicks Submit Assessment is enhanced.
- The X icon enabling users to instantly erase information entered in a Search Box is added to all the platform's Search Boxes.
Admin Console
- Admin Console > Manage Users > People > Export: the exported document contained all the information from the page even if filters were applied prior to the export.
- Admin Console > Manage Users > People > Upload CSV: if an invalid file was selected for the upload, the message error notifying the user about this disappeared after a couple of seconds.
- Admin Console > Manage Users > People > Delete User: users were able to delete their own account.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > App Inventory: the predefined information could not be deleted.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > save default view for the All, Assessment Pipeline and Decision Pipeline tabs: counters were not properly displayed after the default view was selected for all the tabs.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Show/Hide columns from the table > Download CSV: the columns/filters selected were not reflected in the CSV document downloaded.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline > apply filters > Download CSV: the columns/filters selected were not reflected in the CSV document downloaded.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline: filter drop-downs did not roll up after the Apply button was clicked.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > save default view for the All, Assessment Pipeline and Decision Pipeline tabs: if one of the items selected as filtering criteria for the saved view is deleted from Admin Console, the view did not show any results.
- Workspace > My Ideas: after an idea was deleted the page was not refreshed allowing the user to perform other actions on the deleted idea.
- Workspace: submitted ideas could not be deleted if they were documented using Task Capture.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: too many columns were displayed by default when a predefined Saved View was not applied.
- Explore > Leaderboard: the name of Business Units that contained more characters were incorrectly displayed.
- Explore > Leaderboard: only the level of the first user was correct, the rest of the users were labeled as Novice despite the actual level.
- Explore > People: the Department, Business Unit, City information is not refreshed if this was updated via the Manage People module.
- Explore > Automations: an error was displayed if the searched information contained the single quote character.
- Dashboards > Average Automation Cost Dashboard: the values between 100,000 and 999,999 were not displayed using 'k' and rounded to 2 decimals.
- Dashboards > Automation Program Performance Dashboard: the dashboard displayed inaccurate data after creating a tenant that contains predefined content.
Automation Profile Page
- Automation Profile > Edit mode > Average Employee Full Cost/Year: the currency sign was not displayed.
- Automation Profile > Collaborators > Manage Roles and Permissions: a collaborator whose account was deleted could still be assigned additional collaborator roles.
- Automation Profile > About page > Edit mode: a misleading confirmation modal was displayed when the Save button was clicked.
Other Platform Updates
- Create a CoE idea > the real-time results were not displayed if the Average Employee Full Cost/Year field was not filled in.
- The Help us fill in the assessment details for an automation idea and Review assessed automation email notifications were sent twice.
- The menus from the Homepage were overlapping if double-clicked.