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January 2023

Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Dec 12, 2024
January 2023
- Customers can now benefit from a localized Traditional Chinese experience in Automation Hub.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: The number of answer options for existing single and multiple choice questions is increased from 20 to 40.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: Questions of type number can now have negative values if Allow negative values is selected in the Settings section.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments A link to the documentation page that explains the rules of the formula editor is now available in the formula editor.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: Users who saved a view for a page will now see the different view, not their own saved view if they click on a direct link page with a custom view.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Import Pipeline: Submitter's email was case-sensitive in Import Pipeline, and customers had to match the email address precisely.
- Admin Console > Manage Access > Roles: For some default collaborator roles (Citizen Developer, Process Mining Submitter, Task Mining Submitter) the delete option was available.
- Automation Profile > About > Edit mode: Phase or Status dropdown was overlapping with the About description if it was too long.
- Automation Profile > History: If an Idea's submitted date was changed, the displayed date in the History tab was one day behind the edited submitted date.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: Previewing or editing a detailed assessment that included a tabular section with a new column and question type: date, made it difficult to pick a date from the calendar.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Customize assessments: A KPI or Question with the visibility setting set as hidden inside a tabular section was still shown in the assessment.
- Admin Console > Account> Settings: Users with a custom role who had email reminders toggled on and who filled in the detailed assessment for an approved idea were still receiving email reminder notifications to fill in the detailed assessment even though the idea was already in Qualification – Awaiting Review.
- My Tasks: Searching in Japanese words returned all tasks, regardless of what was searched.
The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.
If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon after we roll out changes to all the regions.