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Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Dec 12, 2024
June 2020
Build number: 2020.6.2
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Cost Setup: a total number of 99 currencies are now available and can be selected from the Currency drop-down list.
- The new Task Capture .msi installer option is now available in the Task Capture download drop-down list.
- Automation Pipeline: Users have now a Search option within the Show/Hide filter enabling them to find faster the needed information.
An email notification is now received by the user if:
- A component that they have previously downloaded was updated.
- A component they uploaded was rejected.
- A user has raised a bug for a component that they have submitted.
- An abuse was reported for a component that you submitted.
- Automation Profile (Edit mode) > Process Volumetry section: a tooltip providing details about the way the information will impact the Cost-Benefit Analysis details is now available next to the Number of Employees Performing the Task field.
- If not allowed characters are added to the Create Tenant form, a message providing the cause of the error is displayed.
Admin Console
- Admin Console > Hierarchy: the header information was missing from the exported CSV file.
- Admin Console > Manager Users > People: no search results were displayed if the search value contained a . (dot) or an at @ symbol.
- Admin Console > People page > Add User form: if a space was added along with the email address in the Email field, the user account was not saved and a generic error message was displayed.
- Admin Console > App Inventory: if a new app was created through the Upload Component form, the "create" term was added to the Application Name.
Automation Profile
- Automation Profile > Cost Benefit Analysis (Edit mode)> Cost Estimates section: users were not able to add the same Cost Types multiple times.
- Automation Profile > Cost Benefit Analysis (Edit mode) > Automation Assumptions > Robot Working: the label for the calculated values was incorrect.
- Dashboards > Cost Report > FTR Overriden: if a value wasn't added to the Cost Benefit Analysis page, 0$ was displayed instead of a dash.
- Dashboards > Automation Program Performance: the Automation Potential computed by the algorithm was used to compute the 1-Year_Benefit instead of the Automation Potential final from the Cost Benefit Analysis page.
- Workspace > Decision Pipeline: the number of automations was not displayed in the dashboard slider.
Upload Component form
- Upload Component form: the applications drop-down list did not display all the apps linked to the selected Automation Area.
- Upload Component form: when adding a new app to the App Inventory list, this was automatically added to all the automation areas.
Build number: 2020.6.1
- The new Cost Report is available for users with Program Manager and System Admin permissions. This offers an aggregate view of the Costs for all Automations in the Live phase - In Production status. Users have the option to apply 2 filters and export the data to a CSV file.
- Preview is the new option available for documents uploaded using Task Capture. This allows users to view the image diagram from Task Capture as well as other images included in the documentation section (jpg, jpeg, gif, png).
- To overcome any confusion, the following information displayed in the Automation Pipeline table for each automation idea is now labeled as follows: Business Unit is renamed to Submitter’s Business Unit and Department is renamed to Submitter’s Department. The displayed information remains the same.
- Admin Console > Documentation: the templates available in English are now revised and updated. 7 new documentation templates are available in Japanese for the new tenants to be created from now on.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Idea Assessment > Assessment Customization: the questions and answers limit and the corresponding fields character limit have been increased.
- Ready for Production and Hypercare are the newly added statuses for Automation in Live Phase.
- Rejected and Postponed are the newly added statuses for Automation in Assessment Phase.
- To avoid inconsistencies the Ongoing status available for the Live Phase is now renamed to In Production.
- Authorized users have now, by default, editing rights for the About section of the ideas that they have submitted.
- Admin Console > Manage Users > People page: when a Status filter is applied, the option(s) label is displayed under the Search bar.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Cost Setup: the default currency for all new tenants is set up to USD. The Account Owner can change it to any of the other currency options available.
- Automation Profile page > Documentation > Add File > Upload: .xlsm files can also be uploaded.
- Automation Profile page> High-Level Assessment table: the comments added while submitting the idea are now displayed next to the corresponding question.
- Automation Profile page > About > Edit mode> Process Volumetry section: a new tooltip is now available next to Number of Employees Performing the Task field informing the user that the entered value doesn’t have an impact in the current calculation, but it will be taken into consideration in the number of required licenses if they decide to use attended robots, in the Cost-Benefit Analysis stage.
- Automation Profile page > About > View mode > Assessment Score bubble chart > Benefit (currency/year): the amount of money estimated to be saved in a year is displayed only to users with System Admin or Program Manager permission and users who have access to the Cost Benefit Analysis page.
An email notification is now received by the user if:
- their Automation Hub account is Deactivated
- their Automation Hub account is Activated
- they are granted with Editing rights on an Automation Profile Documentation page.
- The Company Name field from Create a Trial Tenant form is enhanced with a tooltip providing information about the characters accepted when creating the Company Name. The following error message is displayed if the user attempts to enter characters that are not accepted: _Tenant was not created. The Company Name can only contain letters, numbers, and the following special characters: . ! - _.
- All the mandatory fields from the CoE-driven idea form and the Automation Profile - Overview and Detailed Assessment in About page are now marked with an asterisk sign (*).
- Dashboards > Planning Report and Cost Report: the number of automations from the page and the total number of automations from the table are now displayed on top of the page.
- The email sent when an idea assessment was launched did not contain the name of the Program Manager who did this action.
- The email sent when a Project Manager is assigned did not contain the Automation Profile hyperlink.
- The email notifying a user that editing rights for an automation component page have been assigned did not contain the correct hyperlink towards the Automation Profile > Components page.
- The invitation email is now sent to all the users added through the Upload CSV feature even when a large number of users are being added.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: when the Show/Hide columns functionality was applied the user got redirected to the upper part of the page.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline: when a filter was applied the user got redirected to the upper part of the page.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > CSV download: the % sign was missing from the Automation Potential column.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > CoE-driven idea: if an already assigned Automation ID was copy/pasted in a new CoE-driven idea form, a duplicate Automation Profile with empty data was created.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Save View: users were redirected to the saved view if they copy/pasted a bookmark link with other filters.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline: if a bulk operation for multiple items was made the action bar did not disappear even if the user completed the operations.
- The system allowed duplicate CoE-driven ideas submissions if the user clicks several times on the Submit For Review button in case of slow server response.
- Automation Profile > Documentation tab: the Edit with Task Capture action was displayed for documents that were not uploaded through Task Capture.
- Automation Profile > Automation ID field: the dot character was not allowed even if this should have been.
- Automation Profile > Cost Benefit Analysis tab > Edit mode: the Cost/Year value was editable, still if this occurred, the system immediately changed the entered value back to the original one.
- Automation Profile > Cost Benefit Analysis tab: for tenants created before 20.5.2, the default currency symbol ($) was still displayed for automations created before setting up a currency.
- Dashboards > Automation Program Performance > Pipeline Evolution: the tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over the question mark icon contained incorrect information for the Phase and Status columns.
- Dashboards > Automation Program Performance > select Quarterly for the Pipeline Evolution Chart > hover over the columns: the displayed values were incorrect.
- My Tasks > Incomplete tab: if the Clear Task option was used to mark a task as Complete, the task was moved to Completed task section still the option to complete the task remained available.
- Admin Console > Manage Users > User Roles > Edit mode: a misleading error message was displayed when clicking Save without making any changes.