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August 2020

Automation Hub User Guide
Last updated Dec 12, 2024
August 2020
Build number: 2020.8.1
- When accessing the Settings page the Account Owner can now set up the preferred Date format for their tenant.
- When submitting a CoE-driven idea, authorized users can now Save it as Draft. This allows them to pause working on an idea before submitting it for review.
- The Hierarchy page is enhanced and renamed to Categories. Within this page, the Program Manager(s) build and manage a customized automation classification structure when setting up the platform. Access the Categories page in Admin Console module > Platform Setup. The Program Manager(s) can set up their companies categories structure using up to 5 category levels that can be customized, updated, reordered, or removed. This can be done through the web editor available or offline using the new import CSV file option. This improvement is reflected in all the pages where the Hierarchy was mentioned.
- Admin Console > Account > Settings: users can now enable or disable the option to Upload executable files.
- Stand-alone .ssp files can be uploaded as Task Capture Documents through the Edit feature. Furthermore, when opening the ssp file with Task Capture, editing it, and sending it back to Automation Hub the initial ssp file is replaced with the .zip received from Task Capture. However, the preview option is not available for this file type.
- Admin Console > Account > Settings page: if the File Upload option is turned off, the Task Capture integration is automatically turned off as well. Moreover, the Emails, Tasks, and Notifications triggered by the displayed options are now turned off if the correspondent option is switched off.
- Automation Profile > About page > Edit mode > Detailed Assessment: an additional section named Estimated Benefit containing 5 rows with 5 indicators computed based on the detailed assessment is now available.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Cost Setup > One Time Costs > edit mode: Panama option was added in the Country list.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Cost Setup > One Time Costs, Running Costs and Other Running Costs > edit mode: value fields now accept positive float with 2 decimals.
Workspace > Automation Pipeline: the following columns were updated:
- Automation Potential column that reflects the value from Cost Benefit Analysis page > Volume Split Estimations: Automation Potential value in Final After Automation column.
- Est. Benefit (currency) value is now updated when the Automation Potential is manually overridden by the user in the Cost Benefit Analysis page.
- Est. Benefit (Hours) value is now updated when the Automation Potential is manually overridden by the user in the Cost Benefit Analysis page.
- FTR Overridden column was added; reflects the value from Cost Benefit Analysis: FTR Overridden row_ Automated(Robot) Final After Automation column.
Once the Ease of Implementation value is updated in the Cost Benefit Analysis page the new value is updated in the following tables and dashboards:
- Automation Pipeline> Est. Benefit (hours) color code and filter;
- Decision Pipeline > Est. Benefit (hours) color code and filter;
- Decision Pipeline > Hover box: Ease of Implementation % value;
- Automation Program Performance dashboard > Ease of Implementation filter.
- The Program Manager(s) are notified by email about each new idea submitted in their tenant.
- Email Settings page > Master Preferences section: an additional field named Secondary Email Address is added allowing users to route their notifications to a different email address.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline: if a user clicked a certain result point from the chart available on the left-hand side of the screen, the information was not highlighted in the Global Overview chart.
- Automation Profile page > Documentation section: if a document was downloaded it was automatically renamed.
- Automation Profile page > Documentation section: an error was displayed if the user tried to upload an spp file.
- Upload Component: files were automatically renamed after the user performed an upload in Upload Component form.