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Automation Hub User Guide
September 2020
Build number: 2020.9.2
- The new Priority field is available in the Automation Profile page > About section facilitating the decision-making process regarding moving an automation forward in the flow. The field can be edited by the Project Manager, Program Manager, and System Admin. Furthermore, the information from the Priority field is reflected in the Automation Pipeline > All and Decision Pipeline tables in a dedicated column where Filter and Sort criteria can be applied.
Build number: 2020.9.1
The Manage Users module, including the available Roles and Permissions, is completely revamped in order to provide an Enhanced Role-Based Access Control. This update is meant to improve the interaction with the platform for each user and create more customization opportunities for the System Admins. The enhancement is based on implementing secure user layers in the tenant by partitioning control in the pipeline and granting access rights granularly per view. This improvement is reflected in all the user account management pages as well as pages where role-based access is required. Please find highlighted below some of the most significant changes you will notice when accessing the platform:
- The Direct Manager role is now replaced with the Idea Approver role. To find out more about the permissions and attributions that the Idea Approver has, access this page from our User Guide.
- The Program Manager's permissions were updated. The most important change is that they can no longer access the Admin Console. More details can be found on this page from our User Guide.
- The RPA Sponsor is a new role made available within the platform. Check out their permissions and attributions on this page from the User Guide.
- Users with System Admin roles can now create custom roles to better accommodate the company's specifications. The step by step process is available on this page from the User Guide.
- The Process Owner, Project Manager, Program Manager, and System Admin have now the option to update an automation's Submitter as well as the date when the automation was submitted. These options are available by accessing the Automation Profile page in Edit mode > Collaborators tab for the submitter and About tab for Date submitted.
If Task Capture is used to document an idea, the following information entered during the idea submission process is automatically included in the PDD document.
- Process Area > is automatically filled in with the information from the idea's Automation Area;
- Department > is automatically filled in with the submitter's dept assigned in their Automation Hub account;
- Short Description (operation, activity, outcome) > is automatically filled in with the Description entered in Automation Hub for the idea.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline: the Select all option is available for the Show/Hide Columns list.
- The Automation Profile banner design and information displayed is now updated.
- Dashboards > Planning Report: a dash character is displayed for Baseline, Actual, or Delta columns when dates that are not selected in the Project Plan from the Cost Benefit Analysis page.
- The character limit is extended to 50 for the Automation ID field available in Automation Profile > About > Edit mode.
- If an Abuse Report is recorded for an automation or a comment of an automation, the triggered task available in My Tasks table displays, on hover, the comment added when the report form was filled in.
- The design and options displayed from the rich text fields available within the platform are now consistent.
- Automation Profile: an idea could have been rejected without filling in the Comment field marked as mandatory from the rejection form.
- Automation Profile > Collaborators: the system did not allow for a new Process Owner to be assigned in case the profile of the initially assigned Project Owner was deleted.
- Submit an Employee-driven idea form: the check created to warn users if their idea seemed to duplicate an already existing idea was not functioning.