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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025


Retrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API. You can also specify the number of jobs to skip and/or the maximum number of jobs to retrieve. Note that in order to execute this activity in Studio, the Robot has to be connected to Orchestrator and the Robot role needs the View right on jobs, processes, and environments. The activity runs under the Robot which executes it.


Namespace: UiPath.Activities.System.API

Assembly: UiPath.System.Activities.Api (in UiPath.System.Activities.Api.dll)


GetJobs(String)Retrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API.
GetJobs(String, JobFilterSettings, String)Retrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API, with certain settings, and at a specified folder path.
GetJobs(String, JobFilterSettings, String, Int32, Int32, Int32)Retrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API, with certain settings, and at a specified folder path, along with other configurations.


Retrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API.
IEnumerable<OrchestratorJob> GetJobs()IEnumerable<OrchestratorJob> GetJobs()

GetJobs(String, JobFilterSettings, String)

Retrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API, with certain settings, and at a specified folder path.

IEnumerable<OrchestratorJob> GetJobs(
	string filter,
	JobFilterSettings filterBuilder,
	string folderPath
)IEnumerable<OrchestratorJob> GetJobs(
	string filter,
	JobFilterSettings filterBuilder,
	string folderPath
filter String
Specifies the OData filter to get jobs (i.e. CreationTime gt 2017-01-01T00:03:08.93Z and State eq 'Running'). For more references, check the OData Documentation.
filterBuilder JobFilterSettings
Specifies the OData filter to get jobs (i.e. CreationTime gt 2017-01-01T00:03:08.93Z and State eq 'Running'). For more references, check the OData Documentation.
folderPath String
The path of the folder where the asset is located and must be retrieved from, if different from the folder where the process is running.

GetJobs(String, JobFilterSettings, String, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Retrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API, with certain settings, and at a specified folder path, along with other configurations.

IEnumerable<OrchestratorJob> GetJobs(
	string filter,
	JobFilterSettings filterBuilder,
	string folderPath,
	int top,
	int skip,
	int timeoutMS
)IEnumerable<OrchestratorJob> GetJobs(
	string filter,
	JobFilterSettings filterBuilder,
	string folderPath,
	int top,
	int skip,
	int timeoutMS
filter String
Specifies the OData filter to get jobs (i.e. CreationTime gt 2017-01-01T00:03:08.93Z and State eq 'Running'). For more references, check the OData Documentation.
filterBuilder JobFilterSettings
Specifies the OData filter to get jobs (i.e. CreationTime gt 2017-01-01T00:03:08.93Z and State eq 'Running'). For more references, check the OData Documentation.
folderPath String
The path of the folder where the asset is located and must be retrieved from, if different from the folder where the process is running.
top Int32
Returns only a specified number of jobs out of the total. The maximum value is 100.
skip Int32
Helps you skip the first "n" jobs.
timeoutMS Int32
Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).

Return value

IEnumerable OrchestratorJob

The retrived jobs.

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