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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Form Pre 23.4 how-to guides

This page includes guides and resources that can help you learn how to create automations using the activities in this package.

Note: The capabilities demonstrated in these tutorials are available only for versions of the activity package lower than 23.4.


Step-by-step guides on how to create automations from scratch. Each tutorial includes a project that you can download and open in UiPath Studio.

Real Time FormsModify values in the form you are using without closing the form. This means variables linked to the form fields you are using can be easily modified without needing to close the workflow and then run it again. Create Form
Dynamic CheckboxesConfigure and use dynamic checkboxes. Create Form
Conditional Drop-DownsSelect an option from the dropdown, based on a previous selection made in another form component. Create Form
Displaying a Default TabSpecify which tab to be displayed by default upon opening the form. Create Form
Displaying ImagesDisplay local image files, online images, Base64 encoded images. Create Form
Displaying PDF FilesDisplay PDF files in your forms.Create Form
Displaying the Full LabelDisplay the full length of a label on multiple lines, in cases where you use the Label field to enter a large description. Create Form
Dynamic HTML ElementsCreate HTML content that can be dynamically displayed or used in any part of the form while the form is open during runtime. Create Form
Managing DatesSet a minimum or a maximum date for your Date / Time component of your form, as well as restrict the user selection of specific dates. Create Form
Searching Long Strings in Drop-downsSearch values by using the full string or sections of it.Create Form
Customizing Forms Using Local CSS FilesCustomize forms using local CSS files.Create Form
Executing Do Block On Checkbox ChangeConfigure activities inside the Do block to execute when a specific checkbox in the form is checked or unchecked. Create Form
Customizing Columns WidthSet a custom width for tables in Edit Grid and Data Grid components. Create Form
Updating Form DataUpdate the form without executing the Do block. Create Form
Resetting Collection DataReset the data inside your form collection.Create Form
Advanced logicCreate conditions and advanced logic scripts that can change the state or the behavior of the selected form component. Create Form
Executing Do block on dropdown option changeConfigure activities inside the Do block to execute when the dropdown option changes. Create Form
Reading cell values from a Data Grid componentRead the cell values from a Data Grid component. For example, you will learn how to dynamically sum all values in a Data Grid column. Create Form
Conditional componentsPlace conditions on components in your form, in order to hide or display them. Create Form
Scrolling through Data Grid componentsThis tutorial demonstrates how to scroll through the Data Grid. Create Form
Using the Grid componentDisplay an unlimited number of rows and columns.Create Form
Dev ToolsDebug your forms and experiment with CSS styles. Create Form
Calculated ValueCalculate form component values.Create Form
Dynamic dropdownsAdd dynamic dropdown lists in your form, using the Drop-down List component in the Form Designer. Create Form
Switching tabs with Button clickCreate a Button component that switches to the next tab. Create Form
Opening hyperlinks inside formOpen hyperlinks inside forms, using a Button component of type Click. Create Form

Workflow examples

Prebuilt projects for automating common tasks that you can download and open in Studio. See the annotations in the projects for additional instructions on how to configure them.

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  • Workflow examples

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