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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Advanced components

HTML Element

You can use the HTML Element to display a single HTML element in your form and configure it based on your use-case.

Note: Enable the Disable Sanitize property inside the Create Form activity to show all unsafe content inside an HTML Element.

  • HTML Tag - The tag of the HTML Element.
  • CSS Class - The CSS Class that can be added for this HTML Element. You can input multiple classes, by separating them with single spaces.
  • Attributes - The attributes for the HTML Element. Only safe attributes are allowed, such as: src, href, and title.
  • Content - the content of the HTML Element.
  • Refresh On Change - re-renders the HTML Element whenever a value changes in the form.

To display images forms, you need to use the HTML Element component. Check out the following tutorial Displaying Images.

For PDF files, you can only display them when you create a custom HTML form.


You can use the Content component to add information in your form, that is display-only. The value of the component is not submitted back to the workflow.

  • Refresh On Change - renders the Content component each time a value in the form changes.


Data type: String

You can use the Email component to add a field for inputting email addresses.


Data type: System.Uri

You can use the Url component to add a field for inputting url addresses, ensuring they're in the correct format.

Phone Number

Data type: String

You can use the Phone Number component to add a field for inputting phone numbers.

  • Input Mask - Provides a predefined format for the phone number. For the phone number field, the default format is (999) 999-9999.
  • 9 - numeric
  • a - alphabetical
  • ** \* ** - alphanumeric
  • Input Mask Placeholder Char - You can use a character as a placeholder in the field. For

    example, you can use a hyphen (-).

Note: The placeholder character gets replaced by a space if it is used inside the mask.


Data type: String

You can use the Date/Time component to input dates, times, or input both.

  • Format - the format used for displaying the datetime value.
  • Enable Date Input - allows users to input dates for this field.
  • Use Input to add moment.js for minDate - enables the user to use an input for theminDate moment function, instead of a calendar.
  • Use calendar to set minDate - enables the user to use a calendar to set the minDate.
  • Use Input to add moment.js for maxDate - enables the user to use an input for maxDate moment function, instead of a calendar.
  • Use calendar to set maxDate - enables the user to use a calendar to set the maxDate.
  • Disable specific dates or dates by range - add dates that you want to ban. For example, 2027-08-11.
  • Custom Disabled Dates - allows you to ban certain dates using a customized function.
  • Disable weekends - allows you to ban weekends.
  • Disable weekdays - allows you to ban weekdays.
  • Enable Time Input - allows users to input time for this field.
  • Hour Step Size - the number of hours that have to be incremented or decremented in the time picker.
  • Minute Step Size - the number of minutes that have to be incremented or decremented in the time picker.
  • 12 Hour Time (AM/PM) - displays time in 12 hour periods, using AM or PM.
  • Default Date - sets the default value to a specific date using Moment.js functions. For example, you can use the following function: moment().substract(10, 'days').


Data type: System.DateOnly

You can use the Day component to ask for input for Day,Month, and Year, either through a number-type field or a select-type field.

  • Type / Type of input - choose to give input for Day, Month, or Year either by typing in a number or by selecting options from a dropdown list.

Minimum / Maximum Year - choose the minimum / maximum year that can be entered.

  • Require Day - the Day field must be filled in before the form renders.
  • Require Month - the Month field must be filled in before the form renders.
  • Require Year - the Year field must be filled in before the form renders.
  • Maximum / Minimum Day - choose a minimum / maximum day that can be entered. You can also use Moment.js functions. For example, you can use moment().add(10, 'days').


Data type: System.TimeOnly

You can use the Time component to input time in different formats.

  • Input Type - select the type of widget you would like to use for inputting time: HTML5 Time Input (users can choose the time from a given panel) or Text Input with Mask (users can manually input the time).


Data type: System.Double

You can use the Currency component to display financial amounts using a certain currency. The component has an input mask that displays the currency icon and automatically adds commas based on the number that the user inputs. The component allows two decimal values.

  • Currency - choose a certain currency from the drop-down list.


Data type: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.String>

You can use the Survey component to allow users to answer multiple questions, by choosing only one value from a list.

  • Questions - add the questions that the users should answer.
  • Values - add the options that the user can select per question.
  • HTML Element
  • Content
  • Email
  • Url
  • Phone Number
  • Date/Time
  • Day
  • Time
  • Currency
  • Survey

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