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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Managing dates in forms

When you are using the Date/Time component you can set a minimum or maximum date, as well as restrict the user selection of specific dates.

Removing dates from user selection

For the Date/Time component you can make one or more specific dates unavailable for selection within the form, using the Disable specific dates or dates by range property.

To remove specific dates or ranges of dates from user selection follow the steps below:
  1. Go the Date tab of the component.
  2. Using the information under Custom Disabled Dates, write the dates that you want to remove, in the specified formats.
  3. Additionally, if you want to disable either weekdays or weekends, you can select the corresponding checkboxes.

Setting a relative date

To set a relative minimum or maximum date inside a Day/Time component, you can use the JavaScript library Moment.js. This library is already included and you can use it inside your forms.

For example, to set the minimum date 10 days prior to the current date, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Validation tab of the Day/Time component.
  2. Select Use Input to add moment.js for minDate.
  3. In the Minimum Date field, input moment().substract(10,'days').

To set the maximum date 10 days after the current date, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Use Input to add moment.js for maxDate.
  2. In the Maximum Date field, input moment().add(10,'days').

  • Removing dates from user selection
  • Setting a relative date

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