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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Basic components

Text Field

Data type: String

You can use the Text Field component to input short text.

Text Area

Data type: String

You can use the Text Area component to input long text. The Text Area component offers multi-line input.

The Rows setting allows you to set how many rows are visible in the Text Area component.


Data type: System.Double

You can use the Number component to input any number value.

  • Use Thousands Separator - separates thousands with a comma.
  • Require Decimal - always shows decimals, even if 0.
  • Decimal Places - sets the maximum number of decimals displaying.


Data type: System.Security.SecureString

You can use the Password component to input passwords. The text is displayed as asterisks instead of the actual value entered for secrecy.


Data type: Boolean

You can use the Checkbox component to input boolean values (true or false).

Select Boxes

Data type: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.String>

You can use the Select Boxes component to allow users to choose multiple values from a list.

Values - allows you to add options to your Select Box component. The column is the value visible to users. The Value column is the name stored in the data.

You can pass or retrieve values from a Select Boxes component, using the Set Form Values and Get Form Values activities. To do this, assign the value of the argument as a variable of type List .


Data type: String

You can use the Label/Header component to add labels to other form components. You can also use it to separate sections in your form.

  • Label Size - choose a size or type for the Label/Header component from the dropdown list.

Drop-down List

Data type: String

You can use the Drop-down List component to display lists in a dropdown format.

  • Widget Type - select the type of widget you want to use.
  • Data Source Values - input the values that appear in the dropdown list. The Label column is the value visible to users. The Value column is the name stored in the data.

  • Item Template - HTML template that allows you to control the way values are displayed in the dropdown list. You can access the values in the dropdown list, through the item variable. For example, use item.label to access a certain value in the dropdown list
  • Refresh Options On - refreshes data when another field changes.
  • Refresh Options On Blur - refreshes data when another field is blurred.
  • Clear Value on Refresh Options - clears the components value when the Refresh On Field option is changed.
  • Read Only Value - only show the value when in Read-Only mode.
  • Choice.js options - input raw JSON object to use as options for the Select component.
  • Use exact search - disables search algorithm threshold.
  • Custom Default Value - create a custom default value using JavaScript or JSONLogic.


Data type: String

You can use the Radio component to allow users to choose only one value from a list.

  • Values - input the values that appear in the list. The Label column is the value visible to users. The Value column is the name stored in the database.


Data type: String

You can use the Button component to allow users to perform various actions in the form.

docs image
  • Action - select the action you want the button to perform:

    • Submit - submits the form.
    • Click - performs the click operation.
    • Reset Form - resets the form fields.
    • Event - when a user clicks the button, a certain event starts running. When selecting Event you need to input the event in the Button Event field.
  • Theme - choose the color theme of the button from the drop-down list.
  • Size - choose the size of the button from the drop-down list.
  • Block Button - stretches to the full width of the bounding container.
  • Left / Right Icon - add the full icon class string, to show a specific icon. For example, you can add fa fa-plus.

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