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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Persistence how-to guides

This page includes guides and resources that can help you learn how to create automations using the activities in this package.


Step-by-step guides on how to create automations from scratch. Each tutorial includes a project that you can download and open in UiPath Studio.

Building Your First Form ActionCreate three generic Form Actions, containing information relevant to an accounting department. For each company name stored inside a data table, a Form Action is created. Create Form Task
Advanced Controls for Drop-downsUse drop-down lists with the UiPath Form Designer, inside the Create Form Task activity. Create Form Task
Embedding Objects in Form ActionsDesign your Form Actions to display images or PDF files, to simply customize the look with logos and icons, or to provide materials that can help your Action Center users in completing the Action. Create Form Task
Allowing Users to Upload Files to the Storage BucketAllow your Action Center users to upload files to a storage bucket. Robots can then download these files for further processing. Create Form Task
Adding Advanced Logic Using Java ScriptBuild advanced conditions and logic into the design of Form Actions to guide Action Center users and reduce the likelihood of errors. Create Form Task
Setting a Default TabSet which tab to be displayed by default inside a Form Action. Create Form Task
Removing the Delete button from Edit Grid using custom CSSUse custom CSS to remove the delete button from an Edit Grid component. Create Form Task
Customizing Edit Grid templatesHelps you customize the Header and Row templates of an Edit Grid to enhance its visual appeal. Create Form Task
Using buttons to trigger custom logicConfigure a Button component in forms to act as an event trigger. Create Form Task
Using an External Form LayoutCreate an external form layout, save it, and modify it.Create Form Task
Sample WorkflowsSample workflows based on Studio snippets, created with the activities available in the Persistence activity package. Add Queue Item And Get Reference page, Wait For Queue Item And Resume, Create External Task, Wait For External Task And Resume, Create Form Task, Start Job And Get Reference, Resume After Delay,
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