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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025


APIs allow you to access and interact with the services offered in the Manage Packages menu. You can use these APIs when you design coded automations. Visit Coded Automations to learn about coded automations and how to design them using APIs.
Note: Using Go to Definition (F12) allows you to access the definition of UiPath APIs for a certain service. We recommend relying only on the directly exposed APIs when you implement coded automations. Other APIs that are not directly exposed with a service are subject to change without prior notification.


APIs often have overloads, which means they provide multiple versions of the same method with different parameter options. Overloads allow you to customize the behavior of the API based on your specific requirements. For example, a UI Automation API may have an overload that accepts a timeout parameter to specify the maximum time to wait for a UI element to appear before ending execution.

By using the APIs with their respective overloads, you can easily achieve your desired automation logic and behavior.

System APIs

AddDataRowAdds a DataRow to a specified DataTable.
AddQueueItemAdds a new item in an Orchestrator queue.
AddTransactionItemAdds a new item in the queue and starts a transaction.
AppendLineAppends the specified string to a file, creating the file if it does not already exist.
BulkAddQueueItemsAdds a collection of items from a specified DataTable to a specified queue in Orchestrator.
ClearDataTableClears all the data in the specified DataTable.
CompressZipFilesAdds the specified files or folders to a compressed (zip) file archive.
CopyFileCopies a file from a specified location to another.
CreateFileCreates an empty file in the specified location. If a file already exists at that location,
CreateFolderCreates a folder in the specified location.
DeleteFileOrFolderDeletes a specified file or folder.
DeleteQueueItemsEnables you to delete items with the New state from a specified Orchestrator queue.
DeleteStorageFileDeletes a file from a specified Storage Bucket in Orchestrator.
DownloadStorageFileDownloads a copy of a file in an Orchestrator storage bucket locally.
ExtractUnzipFilesExtracts all the contents of a zip file archive to a specified folder.
FilterDataTableFilters a DataTable by specifying conditions in the Filter widget.
GetAssetGets a specified Orchestrator asset by using a provided AssetName.
GetCredentialGets a specified credential asset by using a provided Asset Name.
GetJobsRetrieves a list of Orchestrator jobs according to a custom filter, using the Orchestrator API.
GetQueueItemThe method gets an item from the queue so that you can process it (start the transaction) and sets its status to In Progress.
GetQueueItemsEnables you to retrieve a list of up to 100 transactions from an indicated Orchestrator queue, according to multiple filters, such as creation date, priority, state, and reference.
GetResourceForLocalPathBuild a resource from the local path of the file or folder.
GetRowItemRetrieves a value from a row in a DataTable according to a specified column.
GetTransactionItemGets an item from the Orchestrator queue so that you can process it (start the transaction) and sets its status to In Progress.
InvokeProcessExecutes a UiPath process that is available for the local machine.
JoinDataTablesCombines rows from two tables by using values common to each other, according to a Join rule, which is specified in the JoinType parameter.
ListStorageFilesLists files matching a given pattern from a specified Storage Bucket in Orchestrator.
LookUpDataTableThis method emulates the behaviour of the VLOOKUP Excel formula. It enables you to search for a provided value in a specified DataTable and returns the RowIndex at which it was found.
MergeDataTableMerges the Destination with the Source, indicating whether to preserve changes and how to handle missing schema in the Source.
MoveFileMoves a file from a specified location to another.
OrchestratorHTTPRequestPerforms HTTP requests to the Orchestrator API by authenticating under the Robot it is executed on.
OutputDataTableWrites a DataTable to a string using the CSV format.
PathExistsChecks if the specified path exists. The path can represent a file path or a directory path.
PostponeTransactionItemAdds time parameters between which an Orchestrator transaction must be processed (not before Postpone and no later than Deadline).
ReadStorageTextDownloads a file from a specified Storage Bucket in Orchestrator and stores it in a string variable.
ReadTextFileReads all characters from a specified file and stores it in a String variable.
RemoveDataColumnRemoves a DataColumn from a specified DataTable.
RemoveDuplicateRowsRemoves the duplicate rows from a specified DataTable variable, keeping only the first occurrence.
ReplaceWithin a specified input string, replaces strings that match a regular expression pattern with a specified replacement string.
SetAssetEnables you to update the value of an indicated asset, which is already available in Orchestrator, be it a global or a Per Robot asset.
SetCredentialEnables you to update the value of an indicated credential asset, that is already available in Orchestrator, be it a global or a Per Robot asset.
SetTransactionProgressHelps you create custom progress statuses for your In ProgressOrchestrator transactions.
SetTransactionStatusSets the status of an Orchestrator transaction item to Failed or Successful.
SortDataTableSorts an entire DataTable by ascending or descending order, based on the values of a specified column.
StartJobEnables you to start a job on Orchestrator on a specified number of Robots.
StopJobEnables you to stop or kill a job on Orchestrator.
UpdateRowItemAssigns a specified value to the indicated column of a DataTable row.
UploadStorageFileUploads a file to a specified Storage Bucket in Orchestrator.
WaitQueueItemRetrieves an Orchestrator queue item from a specified queue and stores it in a QueueItem variable.
WriteStorageTextUploads a string into a specified Storage Bucket in Orchestrator.
WriteTextFileWrites the specified text into a file. If the file already exists, the pre-existing text is overwritten.

Using APIs

Use the following format, to call an API from the corresponding service: service.API. For example, system.GetAsset.
  • Overloads
  • System APIs
  • Using APIs

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