- Overview
- App Events
- Flowchart Builder
- Callout
- Complex Scenarios
- Credentials
- Data Service
- About the Data Service activity package
- Project compatibility
- Create Entity Record (New)
- Update Entity Record (New)
- Delete Entity Record (New)
- Get Entity Record by Id (New)
- Query Entity Records (New)
- Upload File to Record Field (New)
- Download File from Record Field (New)
- Delete File from Record Field (New)
- Create Multiple Entity Records (New)
- Update Multiple Entity Records (New)
- Delete Multiple Entity Records (New)
- Form
- Project compatibility
- Real Time Forms
- Updating form data
- Running forms using JavaScript
- Customizing Forms Using CSS
- Conditional components
- Adding multiple components on the same row in Columns
- Using the Data Table component
- Get File/Folder path
- Reading cell values from a Data Grid component
- Displaying PDF files
- Displaying images in forms
- Scrolling through Data Grids
- Using Dev Tools with forms
- Calculate form component values
- Managing dates in forms
- Opening hyperlinks inside forms
- Displaying a default tab in forms
- Displaying the full label of a component
- Searching long strings in drop-down lists
- Dynamically set form values
- About the pre 23.4 Form experience
- Project Compatibility
- Real Time Forms
- Dynamic Checkboxes
- Conditional Dropdowns
- Displaying a Default Tab
- Displaying Images
- Displaying PDF Files
- Displaying the Full Label
- Dynamic HTML Elements
- Managing Dates
- Searching Long Strings in Drop-downs
- Customizing Forms Using Local CSS Files
- Executing Do Block On Checkbox Change
- Customizing Columns Width
- Updating Form Data
- Resetting Collection Data
- Advanced Logic
- Executing Do Block on Dropdown Option Change
- Reading Cell Values From a Data Grid Component
- Conditional Components
- Scrolling Through Data Grid Components
- Using the Grid Component
- Dev Tools
- Calculated Value
- Dynamic Dropdowns
- Switching Tabs With Button Click
- Opening Hyperlinks Inside Form
- Persistence
- Release notes
- Project compatibility
- Bulk Form Designer
- Start Job And Get Reference
- Wait For Job And Resume
- Add Queue Item And Get Reference
- Wait For Queue Item And Resume
- Wait For Form Task And Resume
- Resume After Delay
- Assign Tasks
- Create External Task
- Wait For External Task And Resume
- Complete Task
- Forward Task
- Get Form Tasks
- Get Task Data
- Get App Tasks
- Add Task Comment
- Update Task Labels
- Create App Task
- Wait For App Task And Resume
- Configure task timer
- Working with App tasks
- Building Your First Form Action
- Advanced Controls for Drop-downs
- Embedding Objects in Form Actions
- Allowing Users to Upload Files to the Storage Bucket
- Adding Advanced Logic Using Java Script
- Setting a Default Tab
- Removing the Delete button from Edit Grid using custom CSS
- Customizing Edit Grid templates
- Using buttons to trigger custom logic
- Using an External Form Layout
- Dynamically expanding form components at runtime
- Aligning the content of a form component from left to right using JSON attributes
- Sample Workflows
- Automation Ops Pipelines
- Release notes
- About the Pipelines activity package
- Project compatibility
- Activate Solution Deployment
- Analyze
- Build
- Clone
- Delete Solution Package
- Deploy Solution
- Download Package
- Download Solution Package
- Download Solution Package Configuration
- Publish Package
- Publish Solution Package
- Re-sync Solution Project
- Run Existing Test Set
- Run Tests
- Stage
- Uninstall Solution
- Update Process
- Upload Solution Package
- System
- Release notes
- Project compatibility
- Supported character encoding
- RegEx Builder Wizard
- Add Data Column
- Add Data Row
- Add Log Fields
- Add or Subtract from Date
- Add Transaction Item
- Add Queue Item
- Append Item to Collection
- Append Item to List
- Append Line
- Beep
- Break / Exit Loop
- Browse for File
- Browse for Folder
- Build Collection
- Build Data Table
- Bulk Add Queue Items
- Change Case for Text
- Change Type
- Check False
- Check True
- Clear Data Table
- Collection to Data Table
- Comment
- Compress/Zip Files
- Copy File
- Copy Folder
- Combine text
- Comment Out / Disabled Activities
- Continue / Skip Current
- Create File
- Create Folder
- Create List
- Custom Input
- Delete
- Delete File
- Delete Folder
- Delete Storage File
- Delete Queue Items
- Disable Local Trigger
- Do While
- Download file from URL
- Download Storage File
- Enable Local Trigger
- Evaluate Business Rule
- Exists in Collection
- Extract/Unzip Files
- Extract Date and Time from Text
- Extract Text
- File Change Trigger
- File Exists
- Filter Collection
- Filter Data Table
- Folder Exists
- For Each
- For Each File in Folder
- File Change Trigger V3
- Find and Replace
- Find Matching Patterns
- For Each Folder in Folder
- For Each Row in Data Table
- Format Date as Text
- Format Value
- Generate Data Table From Text
- Get Asset
- Get Credential / Get Orchestrator Credential
- Get Current Job Info
- Get Environment Folder
- Get Environment Variable
- Get File Info
- Get Folder Info
- Get Jobs
- Get Processes
- Get Row Item
- Get Transaction Item
- Get Username/Password
- Get Queue Items
- Global Variable Changed Trigger
- Input Dialog
- Invoke Code
- Invoke Com Method
- Invoke Power Shell
- Invoke Process
- Invoke VBScript
- Invoke Workflow File
- Is Text Matching
- Join Data Tables
- Kill Process
- Launch Workflow Interactive
- List Storage Files
- Log Message
- Lookup Data Table
- Manual Trigger
- Merge Collections
- Merge Data Table
- Message Box
- Modify Date
- Modify Text
- Move File
- Move Folder
- Multiple Assign
- New Item Added to Queue
- Notify Global Variable Changed
- Orchestrator HTTP Request
- Output Data Table
- Parallel
- Path Exists
- Postpone Transaction Item
- Process End Trigger
- Process Start Trigger
- Process Tracking Scope
- Raise Alert
- Read List Item
- Read Text File
- Read Storage Text
- Remove Data Column
- Remove Data Row
- Remove Duplicate Rows
- Remove From Collection
- Remove Log Fields
- Replace Matching Patterns
- Repeat Number of Times
- Repeat Trigger
- Rename File
- Rename Folder
- Report Status
- Reset Timer
- Resume Timer
- Retry Scope
- Return
- Run Local Triggers
- Run Agent
- Run Parallel Process
- Set Asset
- Set Credential
- Set Environment Variable
- Set Task Status
- Set Trace Status
- Set Transaction Progress
- Set Transaction Status
- Should Stop
- Split Text
- Sort Data Table
- Start Timer
- Start Job
- Stop Job
- Stop Local Triggers
- Stop Timer
- Text to Left/Right
- Text to Upper/Lowercase
- Time Trigger
- Trigger Scope
- Track Object
- Timeout Scope
- Update Row Item
- Update List Item
- Upload Storage File
- Wait for Download
- Wait Queue Item
- While
- Workflow Placeholder
- Write Storage Text
- Write Text File
- AddDataRow
- AddQueueItem
- AddTransactionItem
- AppendLine
- BulkAddQueueItems
- ClearDataTable
- CompressZipFiles
- CopyFile
- CreateFile
- CreateFolder
- DeleteFileOrFolder
- DeleteQueueItems
- DeleteStorageFile
- DownloadStorageFile
- ExtractUnzipFiles
- FilterDataTable
- GetAsset
- GetCredential
- GetJobs
- GetQueueItem
- GetQueueItems
- GetResourceForLocalPath
- GetRowItem
- GetTransactionItem
- InvokeProcess
- JoinDataTables
- ListStorageFiles
- LookUpDataTable
- MergeDataTable
- MoveFile
- OrchestratorHTTPRequest
- OutputDataTable
- PathExists
- PostponeTransactionItem
- ReadStorageText
- ReadTextFile
- RemoveDataColumn
- RemoveDuplicateRows
- Replace
- SetAsset
- SetCredential
- SetTransactionProgress
- SetTransactionStatus
- SortDataTable
- StartJob
- StopJob
- UpdateRowItem
- UploadStorageFile
- WaitQueueItem
- WriteStorageText
- WriteTextFile
- Testing
- Release notes
- About the Testing activity package
- Project compatibility
- Project Settings
- Add Test Data Queue Item
- Address
- Attach Document
- Bulk Add Test Data Queue Items
- Create Comparison Rule
- Delete Test Data Queue Items
- Get Test Data Queue Item
- Get Test Data Queue Items
- Given Name
- Last Name
- Random Date
- Random Number
- Random String
- Random Value
- Verify Control Attribute
- Verify Documents Equivalence
- Verify Expression
- Verify Expression With Operator
- Verify Range
- Verify Text Equivalence
- Address
- AddTestDataQueueItem
- AttachDocument
- BulkAddTestDataQueueItems
- DeleteTestDataQueueItems
- GetTestDataQueueItem
- GetTestDataQueueItems
- GivenName
- LastName
- RandomDate
- RandomNumber
- RandomString
- RandomValue
- VerifyAreEqual
- VerifyAreNotEqual
- VerifyContains
- VerifyExpression
- VerifyExpressionWithOperator
- VerifyIsGreater
- VerifyIsGreaterOrEqual
- VerifyIsLess
- VerifyIsLessOrEqual
- VerifyIsRegexMatch
- VerifyRange
- Workflow Foundation
Time Trigger

Workflow Activities
Last updated Feb 28, 2025
Time Trigger
The Time Trigger activity allows you to schedule a recurrent time to start a job. In Studio Web, when you publish a project with this activity, it automatically creates the appropriate trigger in Orchestrator in your personal folder.
- Trigger every - The numerical value for the trigger execution. This relates to how often the trigger starts according to the frequency.
- Frequency - The type of frequency on which the trigger executes. The available options are:
- Minute(s) - Specifies the frequency in minutes when the trigger executes.
- Hour(s) - Specifies the frequency in hours when the trigger executes.
- Starts at minute - Specifies the minute of the hour at which the trigger executes.
- Day(s) - Specifies the frequency in days at which the trigger execute.
- At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger.
- Week
- On the following day(s) of the week - Allows you to select the day or days of the week to repeat the trigger.
- At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger.
- Month(s)
- On - Allows you to choose between using the day of the month or the day of the week for the interval to repeat the trigger.
- Days of the month - Specifies the day or days of the month to repeat the trigger. The following options are available for selection: "Last day of the month", "Last weekday of the month", or A specific day of the month.
Note: If you choose "Last day of the month" or "Last weekday of the month", you cannot combine them with another selection.
- On the following day(s) of the month - Specifies the day or days of the month to repeat the trigger.
- At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger on the selected date.
- Days of the week - Specifies the day or days of the week to repeat the trigger.
- On the following day(s) of the week - Specifies the day or days of the week on which to repeat the trigger.
- At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger on the selected day.
- Days of the month - Specifies the day or days of the month to repeat the trigger. The following options are available for selection: "Last day of the month", "Last weekday of the month", or A specific day of the month.
- On - Allows you to choose between using the day of the month or the day of the week for the interval to repeat the trigger.
- Advanced (Cron expression)
- Cron Expression - Allows you to configure an advanced cron expression for the trigger frequency. This field is only available when Advanced (Cron expression) is selected as the frequency.
- The cron expression format is
{Day of month}
{Day of week}
For example: the cron expression5 6,18 ? * *
means "Trigger at5 minutes
pasthour 6 and 18
onevery day-of-week
- The cron expression format is
- Cron Expression - Allows you to configure an advanced cron expression for the trigger frequency. This field is only available when Advanced (Cron expression) is selected as the frequency.
Cron expression fields:
Field | Mandatory | Allowed Values | Allowed Special Characters |
seconds | Yes | 0 - 59 |
minutes | Yes | 0 - 59 | , - * / |
hours | Yes | 0 - 23 | , - * / |
day of the month | Yes | 1 - 31 | , - * / ? L W |
month | Yes | 1 - 12 or JAN - DEC | , - * / |
day of the week | Yes | 1 - 7 or SUN - SAT | , - * / ? L # |
year | No | blank or 1970 - 2099 | , - * / |
Special characters used in cron expressions:
Character | Description | Example |
* | Used to indicate all values for the given field. | * * * ? * * would trigger every second, whereas 0 * * ? * * would trigger every minute, more specifically at second 0 of each minute.
? | Used to indicate that no value is specified. May be used only in the day of the month or day of the week fields.
| 0 0 0 15 * ? * would trigger at midnight on the 15th day of each month, whereas 0 0 0 ? * 2 * would trigger at midnight each Monday.
- | Used to indicate a range of values. | 0 0 9-17 ? * 2-6 would trigger every hour from 9:00am until 5:00pm on Monday through Friday.
, | Used to indicate additional values. | 0 0 9-17 ? * 2-6 would trigger every hour from 9:00am until 5:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
/ | Used to indicate increments of the given field(s). | 0 0 2/3 ? * 2/7 would trigger every three hours, starting from 2 a.m. on Mondays, beginning at midnight.
L | Used to indicate Last. May be used only in the day of the month or day of the week fields. For day of the week , it can be used after another value, for example 6L to indicate the last Friday.
| 59 59 23 L * ? would trigger at 11:59:59pm on the last day of each month, whereas 59 59 23 ? * 2L would trigger at the same time but only on the last Monday of each month.
W | Used to indicate the nearest weekday to the given value. May only be used with the day of the month field.
| 0 0 0 15W * ? would trigger at midnight of the nearest weekday to the 15th, every month. If the 15th is a Saturday, it would trigger on
Friday the 14th, whereas if the 15th is Sunday, it will trigger on Monday the 16th.
# | Used to indicate a desired monthly occurrence of the given value, for example the first Friday, or fourth Thursday. May only
be used with the day of the week field.
| 0 0 17 ? * 6#1 would trigger at 5:00pm on the first Friday of every month.
This can be used only once in the expression. |