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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Get File/Folder path

This is a step-by-step tutorial showing you how to prompt a user to browse for a file or folder path and then add it inside a form field.
  1. Create a form called Find the Path with two text fields and two buttons. One text field and button will be used for displaying and selecting a folder path, while the other will be used for displaying and selecting a file path. Set the field keys as folderPath and filePath for the respective text fields.

  2. In your Main workflow, add a Show Form activity to display the Find the Path form to the user. Then add a Run Local Triggers activity to fire all the triggers in the project.
  3. Create a workflow named Get folder path, and add a Form trigger activity, where the triggering event is when the get folder path button is clicked.
    1. To open the file explorer and allow the user to browse for a folder, add a Browse for Folder activity and save the Selected folder path to a variable.
    2. To map the folder path back into the form, add a Set Form Values activity and input the variable created previously as the value of the folderPath key.
  4. To prompt a user to browse for a file path and then add it inside a form field, perform the same steps as above, with the following changes:
    1. Change the Labels and Property Names to filePath.
    2. Use a Browse for File activity, instead of a Browse for Folder.

Workflow example

To follow the steps and try out the automation yourself, see the sample workflow.

  • Workflow example

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