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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Show Callout



Use this activity to show a callout for a certain UI element. At runtime, the callout bounds to the UI element through an arrow pointing towards it. The callout shown is a .uiform file, essentially acting as a real-time form, which you create using the Form Builder. You can adjust the display properties of the .uiform file to resemble a callout.
The activity involves the following steps:
  • Selecting the uiform file to show.
  • The UI element next to where you want to show the callout.
  • Bind values to the components inside the callout, using the Arguments collection.
As any other uiform file, you can show multiple instances of the same callout, using the Instance Name property.


For more information on how to build your first callout, visit Building your first callout.

Project compatibility



Designer panel
  • Select Form (required) - Select a uiform file from your current project to show.
  • Indicate UI element - click the button to indicate the exact UI element next to where you want to show the callout.
  • UI Element - The reference of the UI element that you clicked previously.
  • Arguments - (Dictionary<String, Argument>) - Binds local and global variables to the callout components. Use In or In/Out directions to add information to callout components . Use Out or In/Out directions to retrieve information from callout components.
    KeyEnter the exact Property Name of the callout component that:
    • You want to add information to.
    • You want to retrieve information from.
    TypeSelect the type of the argument that you are binding to components.
    DirectionSelect the direction of the argument, according to the callout component:
    • If you want to add information to a component, set the Directionto In.
    • If you want to retrieve information from a component, set the Direction to Out
    • If you want to add and then retrieve information for the same component, for the same instance, set the Direction to In/Out.
    ValueEnter the value where the information that you want to add, or retrieve, is stored to. You can type expressions, local variables, and global variables.
Properties panel
  • Title (String)- Set a title for this instance of the callout.
  • Show window frame(Boolean) - Choose if you want to show the margin of the callout window.
  • WidthInt32 - Set the width of the callout window, in screen pixels.
  • HeightInt32 - Set the height of the callout window, in screen pixels.
  • Instance Name - Set a name for this form instance. You can use this name inside other activities, to uniquely identify this callout.
  • Continue on Error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
  • Automatically Close After - Set a time after a callout should automatically close. If you leave this field empty, then the callout will only close manually.
  • Description
  • Examples
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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