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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Signature Similarity


Analyze and compare two signature images to determine their similarity, providing a detailed analysis and a numerical similarity score.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection ID - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.

  • First signature - First signature image to be compared. This field supports IResource type input.
  • Second signature - Second signature image to be compared. This field supports IResource type input.
Note: Supported file formats: PNG (.png), JPEG (.jpeg and .jpg).
Manage Properties

Use the Manage Properties wizard to configure or use any of the object's standard or custom fields. You can select fields to add them to the activity canvas. The added standard or custom fields are available in the Properties panel (in Studio Desktop) or under Show additional properties (in Studio Web).

Additional properties
  • Similarity score - A score between 0 and 100 indicating the similarity of the signatures.
    • 0: Completely different or not signatures.
    • 50: Some similarities but significant differences.
    • 100: Identical or near-identical signatures.
  • Reasoning - The explanation of how the conclusion was reached.
  • Signature similarity object - Automatically generated output variable.

Limitations and other considerations

  • The GPT-4 models have certain limitations when working with images. See the OpenAI Platform documentation to learn more: Limitations.
  • The quality of uploaded images may affect the system's accuracy.
  • The system can provide valuable insights, but it should not be considered a replacement for expert human analysis in critical situations. Consider incorporating an Action Center task for a human-in-the-loop.
  • To ensure privacy and security, the system does not store or retain uploaded signature images.

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