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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Sync contact and account in Sugar Serve whenever a new account is created in CRM

Applications Used: Salesforce and Sugar Serve

Description:An account in Salesforce represents a customer that has made a purchase. In order to maintain data consistency, syncing data across systems is required as the same customer could be added to other campaigns or perhaps shared across partner teams for cross-selling, etc.

The workflow uses the activities Create Contact and Create Account in Sugar Serve, along with Salesforce's Account Created event and Search Records activity.


TIP: If you want to save time, use the Sync contact and account in Sugar Serve whenever a new account is created in CRM template in Studio Web to build this workflow.


  1. Open Studio Web and create a new project. In the How to start the automation field, select Event based. You are presented with a window that enables you to search for the trigger you want to start the automation with. Navigate to Salesforce > Account Created.
  2. Configure the Account Created activity as follows:
    1. Set up your Salesforce connection.
    2. Add any additional filter, if needed.
    3. Optionally, rename the trigger activity according to your use case.
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  3. Add a Search Records activity to your workflow. You want to pass the output of the previous Trigger activity as input for retrieving the primary contact details. In this activity:
    1. Select the Select object input parameter and select Contact.
    2. Select Manage Properties, then select Where, and click Update Fields.
    3. Click on See more on the right side of Where input, open the expression editor, type AccountId='+_out_ConnectorTriggerActivity_1__Account.AccountId+', and click Save.
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  4. Add the Create Account activity to your workflow. Here, you want to pass the output of the previous Trigger activity as input for adding the account details. In this activity:
    1. Select Name, search for Name, and then select Account.Name.
    2. Select Total, search for Phone, and select Account.Phone.
    3. Select Website, search for Website, and select Account.Website.
    4. Configure any additional options, if necessary.
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  5. Add a Create Contact activity to your workflow. Here, you want to pass the output of the previous Trigger activity as input for adding the contact details. In this activity:
    1. Select First name, search for FirstName, and select Use FirstName of first item.
    2. Select Last name, search for LastName, and select Use LastName of first item.
    3. Select Email, search for Email, and select Use Email of first item.
    4. Select Mobile number, search for Phone, and select Use Email of first item.
    5. On the right side of Account, click on See more, search for Account ID, and select the same under Create Account.
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  6. You are now ready to publish or run the project. For publishing, click on the Publish button at the top of the workflow and enter details such as name, description, and the workspace of the automation. The version of the automation will be automatically loaded.
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