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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Frequently asked questions

This page helps answer the most frequent questions regarding the unified UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities package.

Are there any prerequisites needed for using UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities?

To use the unified UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities package, you must:
  • Install Studio Desktop version 2023.10 or newer. Studio Web uses UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities by default.
  • Connect Studio to a UiPath Automation Cloud instance with Integration Service enabled.
  • Enable access to the Studio official package feed. Additionally, you can enable access to preview activities, if you want to use the newest activities.

What are the benefits of using UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities?

Integration Service connectors are available in Automation Cloud and they receive updates on a regular basis. The fast pace of a Cloud product can quickly make a traditional activity package obsolete. UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities solves this problem through its auto-upgrade mechanism.
With UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities you get:
  • Automatic and effortless upgrades for the existing activities to the latest connector version when opening a workflow.
  • Quick and default access to new activities, without an upgrade. The activities listed in the Available section are not dependent on a NuGet package. They are derived automatically from the live connector catalog in Integration Service.
  • Delivery of new features and bug fixes for all connectors at the same time. There is no need to upgrade separate packages, because a single package upgrade applies to all connectors and their activities.

Can I use UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities in my project alongside other individual Integration Service activity packages?

Yes, you can use activities included in UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities alongside individual Integration Service activities, from the versioned activity packages, as well as Classic Integrations activities (as long as project compatibility allows it).
However, UiPath is no longer delivering new features or improvements for older packages. These packages are now in the maintenance phase. All new features are delivered through UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities.

If I built a project in an older version of Studio using individual Integration Service activity packages, can I run that project with Studio 2023.10?


Can I automatically convert or migrate individual Integration Service activities to the activities within UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities?

If you have a project using individual Integration Service activity packages, you cannot automatically convert them to their correspondent in UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities. You must rebuild your project using UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities and configure the activities again.

How do I upgrade the UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities?

The automatic upgrade of UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities can occur either with a package upgrade or a connector upgrade.

Package upgrade

When a new version of UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities is published, all the Integration Service connectors refer to this latest version:
  • In Studio Web, all the packages in a project are automatically upgraded to the latest version when you open a project. This feature is enabled by default through a governance policy. Learn more Settings for Studio Web Policies in the Automation Ops User Guide. If you disable this feature on your tenant, the behavior replicates in Studio Desktop.
  • In Studio Desktop, when you add an activity from a connector that refers to a UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities version newer than what is currently installed in the project, the latest version is automatically installed.

Connector upgrade

When a new connector version is published and you open a project using activities from a previous connector version, the activities automatically retrieve the latest connector metadata and are updated accordingly. This can bring any of the following changes: differences in property names, different properties order on the canvas, new properties or removal of properties, new default values, etc.

What is the Advanced section from the Activity panel? How are advanced activities different from the others?

Activities listed under the Advanced list in Studio are so-called "generic" activities, whereas the rest are preconfigured.

The preconfigured activities use a predefined object exposed by the vendor API. They have been created by UiPath based on the observed common usage. They are easier to use because they are already configured. For example, Create Issue in Jira.

The advanced activities allow you to apply any of the CRUD operations (create/read/update/delete) to any available object exposed by the vendor API. For example, to create an issue in Jira, use an Insert Record activity, select the Issue object, then configure whatever properties you need.

If I update and publish my custom connector in Integration Service, will the activities using it still work?

Yes, custom activities are also automatically upgraded to the latest version of a connector. Activities corresponding to a custom connector are displayed under the Available section in Studio, under the connector name.

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