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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Deprecated activities

The following activities have been deprecated starting with the December 2024 release of the Oracle NetSuite activity package. They remain available in previous versions of this package.

Create Basic Company Customer



Creates a basic customer of the type Company.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.
  • Name - The name of the company customer.
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary with which you want the contact to be associated. This field is required only during creation if the Company ID field is not provided.
  • Parent Customer - Start typing the company name to associate with the customer. This field is required only during creation, if the Subsidiary field is not provided.
  • Email - The email address of the company.
  • Phone - The phone number of the company.
  • Website URL - The website url of the company. For example,
  • Currency - The currency you want to bill the customer in.



  • Address 1 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 1 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 1 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 1 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 1 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 1 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 1 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 1 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.
  • Address 2 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 2 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 2 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 2 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 2 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 2 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 2 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 2 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.


  • Customer ID - The ID of the customer you have created.

Update Basic Company Customer



Updates a basic customer of the type Company without addressbook details.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections. This field supports String type input.
  • Customer ID - The unique identifier of the customer.
  • Name - The name of the company customer.
  • Email - The email address of the company.
  • Phone - The phone number of the company.
  • Website URL - The website URL of the company. For example,
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary to associate to the customer. This field is required only during creation if the Parent customer field is not provided.
  • Parent customer - Start typing the company name to associate to the customer. This field is requred only during creation if the Subsidiary field is not provided.
  • Currency - The currency the customer is billed in.



  • Is customer inactive - Set to true if the company is inactive.

Create Basic Individual Vendor



Creates a basic vendor of the type Individual.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.
  • First Name - The first name of the vendor.
  • Last Name - The last name of the vendor.
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary with which you want the vendor to be associated.
  • Salutation - The title of the person, such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev., etc..
  • Middle Name - The middle name of the vendor.
  • Email - The email address of the vendor.
  • Phone - The phone number of the vendor.
  • Currency - The currency you want to bill the vendor in.



  • Company name - The name of the vendor's company.
  • Address 1 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 1 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 1 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 1 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 1 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 1 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 1 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 1 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.
  • Address 2 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 2 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 2 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 2 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 2 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 2 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 2 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 2 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.


  • Vendor ID - The ID of the vendor you have created.

Update Basic Individual Vendor



Updates a basic individual vendor without address book details.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.
  • Vendor ID - The unique identifier of the vendor.
  • First Name - The first name of the vendor.
  • Last Name - The last name of the vendor.
  • Salutation - The title of the vendor, such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev., etc..
  • Middle Name - The middle name of the vendor.
  • Email - The email address of the vendor.
  • Phone - The phone number of the vendor.
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary with which you want the vendor to be associated.
  • Currency - The currency you want to bill the customer in.



  • Company Name - The name of the vendor's company.
  • Is vendor inactive - Set to true if the vendor is inactive.

Create Basic Individual Customer



Creates a basic customer of the type Individual.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections. This field supports String type input.
  • First Name - The first name of the customer.
  • Last Name - The last name of the customer.
  • Salutation - The title of the person, such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev., etc..
  • Middle Name - The middle name of the customer.
  • Email - The email address of the customer.
  • Phone - The phone number of the customer.
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary with which you want the customer to be associated. This field is required only during creation if the Parent Customer field is not provided.
  • Parent Customer - Select the company name that is associated to the customer. This field is only required during creation if the Subsidiary field is not provided.
  • Currency - The currency you want to bill the customer in.



  • Company name - The name of the company.
  • Address 1 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 1 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 1 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 1 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 1 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 1 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 1 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 1 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.
  • Address 2 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 2 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 2 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 2 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 2 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 2 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 2 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 2 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.


  • Customer ID - The ID of the customer you have created.

Update Basic Individual Customer



Updates a basic individual customer without address book details.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.
  • Customer ID - The unique identifier of the customer.
  • Salutation - The title of the customer, such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev., etc..
  • First Name - The first name of the customer.
  • Middle Name - The middle name of the customer.
  • Last Name - The last name of the customer.
  • Email - The email address of the customer.
  • Phone - The phone number of the customer.
  • Currency - The currency you want to bill the customer in.
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary with which you want the contact to be associated. This field is required only during creation if the Company ID field is not provided.
  • Parent Customer - The company name that is associated to the customer. This field is only required during creation if the Subsidiary field is not provided.



  • Company name - The name of the company.
  • Is customer inactive - Set to true, if the company is inactive.

Create Basic Company Vendor



Creates a basic vendor of the type Company.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.
  • Name - The name of the company vendor.
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary with which you want the contact to be associated. This field is required only during creation if the Company ID field is not provided.
  • Email - The email address of the contact.
  • Phone - The phone number of the customer.
  • Website URL - The website url of the vendor. For example,
  • Currency - The currency you want to bill the customer in.



  • Address 1 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 1 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 1 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 1 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 1 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 1 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 1 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 1 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.
  • Address 2 line 1 - The first address line.
  • Address 2 line 2 - The second address line.
  • Address 2 state - The state of the address.
  • Address 2 city - The city of the address.
  • Address 2 zip - The zip code of the address.
  • Address 2 country - The country of the address.
  • Is address 2 default billing - If set to true, Address 1 is used for billing.
  • Is address 2 default shipping - If set to true, Address 1 is used for shipping.


  • Vendor ID - The ID of the vendor you have created.

Update Basic Company Vendor



Updates a basic company vendor without addressbook details.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.
  • Vendor ID - The unique identifier of the company vendor.
  • Name - The name of the company vendor.
  • Email - The email address of the company vendor.
  • Phone - The phone number of the company vendor.
  • Subsidiary - Select the subsidiary with which you want the company vendor to be associated.
  • Website URL - The Website URL of the company vendor. For example,
  • Currency - The currency of the vendor.



  • Is vendor inactive - Set to true if the vendor is inactive.

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