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Workflow Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

For Each File in Folder


Executes an activity or a series of activities for each file in a specified folder. Use this activity when you are working with the files in a folder and you want to repeat one or more activities for each individual file. Add the activities to repeat inside For Each File in Folder and, when you configure the activities, select the file property to use for each file from the CurrentFile entry in the Plus menu.

The current file properties you can select in activities inside For Each File in Folder are Size (in bytes), Name (file name including extension), Full Name (includes full path), Folder (full path to the folder containing the file), Last modified date, Last accessed date, Created date (dates including time), IsReadOnly (TRUE or FALSE), Size in KB. Depending on the activity, only some of the properties may be available for selection.

To learn how to use this activity, see:

Configuring the Activity

In the Body of the Activity
  • For each - Enter the name by which to refer to the current file in the iteration. Using a name that describes the type of file in the folder makes it easier to identify and select the current file option when configuring activities added inside For Each File in Folder. For example, for a folder that contains reports, you can enter Report. The default value is CurrentFile.
  • In folder - Click Browse next to the field, and then browse to and select the folder that contains the files you want to work with. Alternatively, you can click Plus on the right side of the field and then, from the menu, choose one of the available options to indicate the folder path:

    • Data from the Project Notebook, a parent Excel file or Outlook account. For example, select an Excel file and then select a cell that contains a folder path, or indicate a field from a selected email in Outlook that contains a folder path.
    • Use Saved Value - Select a value in the form of a folder path that you previously saved for later use in the project.
    • Text - Enter a folder path in the Text Builder. You can combine text with a formula from an Excel file cell, for example to add a date to the folder name using formulas in the Project Notebook.
    • Ask when run - Prompt for a folder path when the project is executed.
    • Open in Advanced Editor - Enter a VB expression.
  • Include sub-folders - If selected, also executes the activities on the files found in the child folders of the specified location. This option is not selected by default.
  • Skip folders where access is denied - If selected, folders where the access is denied are automatically skipped. This option is not selected by default.
  • *Filter by (ex: .xlsx) - Filters the files in the specified folder by extension. Use * as wildcard (matches any number of characters). For example, to only work with pdf files, use *.pdf as the filter, for xlsx files, use *.xlsx. Click Plus docs image on the right side of the field, and then select Text to enter the filter in the Text Builder. Alternatively, you can use one of the other options in the menu to indicate the filter that you want to use:
    • Data from the Project Notebook, a parent Excel file or Outlook account. For example, select an Excel file, and then select a cell that contains a filter, or indicate a field from a selected email in Outlook that contains a filter.
    • Use Saved Value - Select text output from another activity that you previously saved for later use in the project.
    • Ask when run - Prompt for a filter when the project is executed.
    • Open in Advanced Editor - Enter a VB expression.
  • Order by - Select from the drop-down menu in what order the files should be iterated through. You can order the files by name, created date, last updated date, and size, either ascending or descending.
In the Properties Panel
  • DisplayName - The name displayed for the activity in the Designer panel.
  • Private - If selected, the data used in the activity is not logged by StudioX.
  • Configuring the Activity

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