- Overview
- Requirements
- Recommended: Deployment templates
- Manual: Preparing the installation
- Manual: Preparing the installation
- Step 1: Configuring the OCI-compliant registry for offline installations
- Step 2: Configuring the external objectstore
- Step 3: Configuring High Availability Add-on
- Step 4: Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
- Step 5: Configuring the load balancer
- Step 6: Configuring the DNS
- Step 7: Configuring the disks
- Step 8: Configuring kernel and OS level settings
- Step 9: Configuring the node ports
- Step 10: Applying miscellaneous settings
- Step 12: Validating and installing the required RPM packages
- Step 13: Generating cluster_config.json
- Cluster_config.json Sample
- General configuration
- Profile configuration
- Certificate configuration
- Database configuration
- External Objectstore configuration
- Pre-signed URL configuration
- ArgoCD configuration
- External OCI-compliant registry configuration
- Disaster recovery: Active/Passive and Active/Active configurations
- High Availability Add-on configuration
- Orchestrator-specific configuration
- Insights-specific configuration
- Process Mining-specific configuration
- Document Understanding-specific configuration
- Automation Suite Robots-specific configuration
- AI Center-specific configuration
- Monitoring configuration
- Optional: Configuring the proxy server
- Optional: Enabling resilience to zonal failures in a multi-node HA-ready production cluster
- Optional: Passing custom resolv.conf
- Optional: Increasing fault tolerance
- Adding a dedicated agent node with GPU support
- Adding a dedicated agent Node for Task Mining
- Connecting Task Mining application
- Adding a Dedicated Agent Node for Automation Suite Robots
- Step 15: Configuring the temporary Docker registry for offline installations
- Step 16: Validating the prerequisites for the installation
- Manual: Performing the installation
- Post-installation
- Cluster administration
- Managing products
- Getting Started with the Cluster Administration portal
- Migrating objectstore from persistent volume to raw disks
- Migrating from in-cluster to external High Availability Add-on
- Migrating data between objectstores
- Migrating in-cluster objectstore to external objectstore
- Migrating to an external OCI-compliant registry
- Configuring the FQDN post-installation
- Setting up Kerberos authentication
- Setting up Elasticsearch and Kibana
- Switching to the secondary cluster manually in an Active/Passive setup
- Disaster Recovery: Performing post-installation operations
- Converting an existing installation to multi-site setup
- Guidelines on upgrading an Active/Passive or Active/Active deployment
- Guidelines on backing up and restoring an Active/Passive or Active/Active deployment
- Monitoring and alerting
- Migration and upgrade
- Migrating between Automation Suite clusters
- Upgrading Automation Suite
- Downloading the installation packages and getting all the files on the first server node
- Retrieving the latest applied configuration from the cluster
- Updating the cluster configuration
- Configuring the OCI-compliant registry for offline installations
- Executing the upgrade
- Performing post-upgrade operations
- Product-specific configuration
- Best practices and maintenance
- Troubleshooting
- How to troubleshoot services during installation
- How to uninstall the cluster
- How to clean up offline artifacts to improve disk space
- How to clear Redis data
- How to enable Istio logging
- How to manually clean up logs
- How to clean up old logs stored in the sf-logs bucket
- How to disable streaming logs for AI Center
- How to debug failed Automation Suite installations
- How to delete images from the old installer after upgrade
- How to disable TX checksum offloading
- How to manually set the ArgoCD log level to Info
- How to expand AI Center storage
- How to generate the encoded pull_secret_value for external registries
- How to address weak ciphers in TLS 1.2
- How to check the TLS version
- How to schedule Ceph backup and restore data
- Unable to run an offline installation on RHEL 8.4 OS
- Error in downloading the bundle
- Offline installation fails because of missing binary
- Certificate issue in offline installation
- SQL connection string validation error
- Prerequisite check for selinux iscsid module fails
- Azure disk not marked as SSD
- Failure after certificate update
- Antivirus causes installation issues
- Automation Suite not working after OS upgrade
- Automation Suite requires backlog_wait_time to be set to 0
- Volume unable to mount due to not being ready for workloads
- Support bundle log collection failure
- Temporary registry installation fails on RHEL 8.9
- Data loss when reinstalling or upgrading Insights following Automation Suite upgrade
- Unable to access Automation Hub following upgrade to Automation Suite 2024.10.0
- Single-node upgrade fails at the fabric stage
- Upgrade fails due to unhealthy Ceph
- RKE2 not getting started due to space issue
- Volume unable to mount and remains in attach/detach loop state
- Upgrade fails due to classic objects in the Orchestrator database
- Ceph cluster found in a degraded state after side-by-side upgrade
- Unhealthy Insights component causes the migration to fail
- Service upgrade fails for Apps
- In-place upgrade timeouts
- Docker registry migration stuck in PVC deletion stage
- AI Center provisioning failure after upgrading to 2023.10 or later
- Upgrade fails in offline environments
- SQL validation fails during upgrade
- snapshot-controller-crds pod in CrashLoopBackOff state after upgrade
- Upgrade fails due to overridden Insights PVC sizes
- Failure to upgrade to Automation Suite 2024.10.1
- Upgrade fails due to Velero migration issue
- Setting a timeout interval for the management portals
- Authentication not working after migration
- Kinit: Cannot find KDC for realm <AD Domain> while getting initial credentials
- Kinit: Keytab contains no suitable keys for *** while getting initial credentials
- GSSAPI operation failed due to invalid status code
- Alarm received for failed Kerberos-tgt-update job
- SSPI provider: Server not found in Kerberos database
- Login failed for AD user due to disabled account
- ArgoCD login failed
- Update the underlying directory connections
- Partial failure to restore backup in Automation Suite 2024.10.0
- Failure to get the sandbox image
- Pods not showing in ArgoCD UI
- Redis probe failure
- RKE2 server fails to start
- Secret not found in UiPath namespace
- ArgoCD goes into progressing state after first installation
- MongoDB pods in CrashLoopBackOff or pending PVC provisioning after deletion
- Pods stuck in Init:0/X
- Missing Ceph-rook metrics from monitoring dashboards
- Mismatch in reported errors during diagnostic health checks
- Running High Availability with Process Mining
- Process Mining ingestion failed when logged in using Kerberos
- After Disaster Recovery Dapr is not working properly for Process Mining
- Unable to connect to AutomationSuite_ProcessMining_Warehouse database using a pyodbc format connection string
- Airflow installation fails with sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not parse rfc1738 URL from string ''
- How to add an IP table rule to use SQL Server port 1433
- Automation Suite certificate is not trusted from the server where CData Sync is running
- Running the diagnostics tool
- Using the Automation Suite support bundle
- Exploring Logs

Automation Suite on Linux installation guide
Setting up Kerberos authentication
To successfully set up Kerberos authentication, you must meet the following prerequisites:
Before you can configure Kerberos authentication, work with your IT administrators to ensure the Automation Suite cluster can access your AD.
The following requirements must be met:
- Automation Suite cluster must be on the same network as the AD domain;
DNS must be set up correctly on the network so that the Automation Suite cluster can resolve the AD domain names.
Note: It is critical that the Automation Suite cluster can resolve the ADdomain names
. You can verify this by runningnslookup <AD domain name>
on the host machine.
Generating Kerberos default keytab and username parameters
Option 1: by Running the script (recommended)
- Log in with your AD administrator account on a Windows domain-joined machine.
- Run the keytab-creator.ps1 script as administrator.
- Input the following values to the script:
Service Fabric FQDN
. For example,uipath-34i5ui35f.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com
.AD domain FQDN
.- An AD user account. You can use an existing account, such as
, or you can allow the script to create a new one.
parameters required by the Kerberos setup.
Option 2: Manually
for that account as follows:
To configure the UiPath® cluster to connect to SQL using Windows integrated authentication/Kerberos, you need to perform a few additional steps:
- the SQL server must join the AD domain;
- the Automation Suite cluster must be on the same network as the SQL Server;
- the Automation Suite cluster can resolve the AD and SQL servers` domain names;
- the AD user must have access to SQL server and DB permissions.
To create a new login in SQL Server Management Studio, take the following steps:
a. In the Object Explorer panel, navigate to Security > Logins.
b. Right-click the Logins folder and select New Login. The Login - New window is displayed.
c. Select the Windows Authentication option. The window is updated accordingly.
d. In the Login name field, type the user domain you want to use as a service account.
e. From the Default Language list, select English.
f. Select OK. Your configurations are saved.
If the service account has already been created and added to the Security > Logins section of the SQL Server, please check whether the Default Language of that SQL account is set to English. If it isn't, please make the necessary adjustments.
user mapping role, as in the following screenshot.
user mapping role with the UiPath® login, grant the following permissions:
permission ondbo
permission has to be granted by using the GRANT EXECUTE
SQL command, as follows:
USE UiPath
GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [domain\)\)user]
USE UiPath
GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [domain\)\)user]
Integrated Security=True
, you need to create a unique keytab for each UiPath® application, as follows. This will be referred to as <KERB_APP_KEYTAB>
for that application.
Generating Kerberos application keytab and username parameters
Option 1: by Running the script (recommended)
- Run the service-keytab-creator.ps1 script.
- Input the following values to the script:
AD domain FQDN
.- The username and password of an AD user account. For example, the AD user account
and its password.
parameters required by Kerberos.
Option 2: Manually
Run the following script manually:
# Generate keytab file and output it in the desired path
ktpass /princ <AD username>@<AD domain in cap> /pass <AD user password> /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /crypto AES256-SHA1 /out <path to keytab file> -setpass
# Converts AD user's keytab file to base 64
[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("<path to the generated keytab file>"))
# Generate keytab file and output it in the desired path
ktpass /princ <AD username>@<AD domain in cap> /pass <AD user password> /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /crypto AES256-SHA1 /out <path to keytab file> -setpass
# Converts AD user's keytab file to base 64
[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("<path to the generated keytab file>"))
<AD username>
will be the <KERB_APP_USERNAME>
corresponding to the <KERB_APP_KEYTAB>
This section explains how you can configure Automation Suite as a Kerberos client for LDAP or SQL access.
, configure Automation Suite as a
Kerberos client in one of the following ways:
- Configuring Kerberos authentication via the interactive installer
- Configuring Kerberos authentication via cluster_config.json
Note: If you want to set up different services to run under their own AD account, and access SQL as that AD account, you can specify
, anduser_keytab
under the configuration section of the service.
- In the
file, set thekerberos_auth_config.enabled
parameter totrue
. - If you want to use Kerberos for SQL access, configure the
, andsql_connection_string_template_odbc
with the Integrated Security flag. - If you want to set up a different AD user per service, take the following steps:
- After updating the
, run the installer script to update the configuration. For details, see Managing products.
Sample of updating Orchestrator and the platform to use Kerberos authentication
"kerberos_auth_config": {
"enabled" : true,
"ticket_lifetime_in_hour" : 8,
"enable_integrated_sql_auth": true
"sql_connection_string_template": "PLACEHOLDER",
"sql_connection_string_template_jdbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
"sql_connection_string_template_odbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
"orchestrator": {
"sql_connection_str": "Server=tcp:sfdev1804627-c83f074b-sql.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Orchestrator;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
"kerberos_auth_config": {
"ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for Orchestrator",
"user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for Orchestrator",
"enabled": true
"testautomation": {
"enabled": true
"updateserver": {
"enabled": true
"platform": {
"sql_connection_str": "Server=tcp:sfdev1804627-c83f074b-sql.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
"kerberos_auth_config": {
"ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for platform",
"user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for platform",
"enabled": true
"kerberos_auth_config": {
"enabled" : true,
"ticket_lifetime_in_hour" : 8,
"enable_integrated_sql_auth": true
"sql_connection_string_template": "PLACEHOLDER",
"sql_connection_string_template_jdbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
"sql_connection_string_template_odbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
"orchestrator": {
"sql_connection_str": "Server=tcp:sfdev1804627-c83f074b-sql.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Orchestrator;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
"kerberos_auth_config": {
"ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for Orchestrator",
"user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for Orchestrator",
"enabled": true
"testautomation": {
"enabled": true
"updateserver": {
"enabled": true
"platform": {
"sql_connection_str": "Server=tcp:sfdev1804627-c83f074b-sql.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
"kerberos_auth_config": {
"ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for platform",
"user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for platform",
"enabled": true
parameter is set to true
by default. If you want to disable Kerberos authentication for SQL for all products, you must set this parameter to false
Service groups and services
file, or in the ArgoCD UI.
Service group name for
cluster_config.json |
Service group name for ArgoCD |
Included services |
Orchestrator, Webhooks |
Identity, License Accountant (LA), Audit, Location, License Resource Manager (LRM), Organization Management Service (OMS) |
Automation Hub, Task Mining |
Test Manager |
Automation Ops |
AI Center |
Document Understanding |
Insights |
Data Service |
Automation Suite Robots |
Process Mining |
For Kerberos authentication to be used when logging in to Automation Suite, you must further configure Automation Suite host settings.
To remove Kerberos authentication completely, take the following steps:
- If you used Kerberos to configure AD integration, reconfigure AD with the username and password option by following the instructions in Configuring the Active Directory integration.
- If you used SQL integrated authentication, configure the SQL connection strings to use User Id and Password.
- Disable Kerberos authentication. In the
file, set thekerberos_auth_config.enabled
parameter tofalse
, then run the installer script to update the configuration. For details, see Managing products.
To remove SQL integrated authentication, take the following steps:
- Configure the SQL connection strings to use User Id and Password.
- If want to disable SQL integrated authentication for all the services, in the
file, set thekerberos_auth_config.enabled
parameter tofalse
and then run the installer script to update the configuration. For details, see Managing products.
If you encounter any issues while configuring Kerberos, see Authentication troubleshooting.
- Prerequisites
- Ensuring the Automation Suite cluster can access your AD
- Configuring the AD service account for Kerberos authentication
- Optional: SQL authentication prerequisites
- Configuring Automation Suite as a Kerberos client
- Configuring Kerberos authentication via the interactive installer
- Configuring Kerberos authentication via cluster_config.json
- Configuring the Active Directory integration
- Disabling Kerberos authentication
- Removing Kerberos authentication completely
- Removing SQL integrated authentication
- Kerberos troubleshooting