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Automation Suite on Linux installation guide

Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Setting up Kerberos authentication


Ensuring the Automation Suite cluster can access your AD

Before you can configure Kerberos authentication, work with your IT administrators to ensure the Automation Suite cluster can access your AD.

The following requirements must be met:

  • Automation Suite cluster must be on the same network as the AD domain;
  • DNS must be set up correctly on the network so that the Automation Suite cluster can resolve the AD domain names.

    Note: It is critical that the Automation Suite cluster can resolve the AD domain names. You can verify this by running nslookup <AD domain name> on the host machine.

Configuring the AD service account for Kerberos authentication

Generating Kerberos default keytab and username parameters

Option 1: by Running the script (recommended)

  1. Log in with your AD administrator account on a Windows domain-joined machine.
  2. Run the keytab-creator.ps1 script as administrator.
  3. Input the following values to the script:
    1. Service Fabric FQDN. For example,
    2. AD domain FQDN. For example, TESTDOMAIN.LOCAL.
    3. An AD user account. You can use an existing account, such as sAMAccountName, or you can allow the script to create a new one.
The output file contains the <KERB_DEFAULT_USERNAME> and <KERB_DEFAULT_KEYTAB> parameters required by the Kerberos setup.

Option 2: Manually

Reach out to your AD administrator for an AD user account, and retrieve the <KERB_DEFAULT_USERNAME> and <KERB_DEFAULT_KEYTAB> for that account as follows:
  1. In your AD Server, create a new user account. If you already have one, skip to step 2.
    1. In the Active Directory Users and Computers console, right-click the Users folder, select New, and then select User.
    2. Finish creating the user account.
  2. Right-click the user account and select Properties.
  3. Go to the Account tab, then under Account options, select This account supports Kerberos AES 256 bit encryption.
  4. Important: The keytab generated in the next steps will become invalid if the AD user's password is expired or updated. Consider checking Password never expires under Account options for this AD user account. Alternatively, you can update the password when it is about to expire and generate a new keytab.
  5. To generate a keytab file for the SPN, open PowerShell with admin access and execute the following command:
    ktpass -princ HTTP/<Service Fabric FQDN>@<AD FQDN in cap> -pass <AD user's password> -mapuser <AD NetBIOS name in cap>\<AD user name> -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -out <output file path> -crypto AES256-SHA1ktpass -princ HTTP/<Service Fabric FQDN>@<AD FQDN in cap> -pass <AD user's password> -mapuser <AD NetBIOS name in cap>\<AD user name> -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -out <output file path> -crypto AES256-SHA1
    Some fields must be specified in uppercase. For example:
    ktpass -princ HTTP/ -pass pwd123 -mapuser TESTDOMAIN\aduser -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -out c:\krb5.keytab -crypto AES256-SHA1ktpass -princ HTTP/[email protected] -pass pwd123 -mapuser TESTDOMAIN\aduser -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -out c:\krb5.keytab -crypto AES256-SHA1
    After the keytab generation, the user logon name changes to HTTP/<Service Fabric FQDN>. Use this value for the <KERB_DEFAULT_USERNAME> field in the default_ad_username in cluster_config.json as follows:
    "kerberos_auth_config": {
          "enabled": true,
          "ticket_lifetime_in_hour": 8,
          "ad_domain": "AUTOSUITEAD.LOCAL",
          "default_ad_username": "HTTP/",
          "default_user_keytab": "BQIAAAB9AAIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGRCqh+yQ="
          "enable_integrated_sql_auth": true
    },"kerberos_auth_config": {
          "enabled": true,
          "ticket_lifetime_in_hour": 8,
          "ad_domain": "AUTOSUITEAD.LOCAL",
          "default_ad_username": "HTTP/",
          "default_user_keytab": "BQIAAAB9AAIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGRCqh+yQ="
          "enable_integrated_sql_auth": true
    The enable_integrated_sql_auth parameter is set to true by default. If you want to disable Kerberos authentication for SQL for all products, you must set the parameter to false.
  6. Encode the generated keytab file in Base64, open PowerShell, and execute the following command:
    [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("<path to the generated keytab file>"))[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("<path to the generated keytab file>"))
  7. Save the encoded keytab file. You will use it when configuring the UiPath® cluster for Kerberos. Let's call the value from step 6 <KERB_DEFAULT_KEYTAB>.

Optional: SQL authentication prerequisites

To configure the UiPath® cluster to connect to SQL using Windows integrated authentication/Kerberos, you need to perform a few additional steps:

  • the SQL server must join the AD domain;
  • the Automation Suite cluster must be on the same network as the SQL Server;
  • the Automation Suite cluster can resolve the AD and SQL servers` domain names;
  • the AD user must have access to SQL server and DB permissions.

To create a new login in SQL Server Management Studio, take the following steps:

a. In the Object Explorer panel, navigate to Security > Logins.

b. Right-click the Logins folder and select New Login. The Login - New window is displayed.

c. Select the Windows Authentication option. The window is updated accordingly.

d. In the Login name field, type the user domain you want to use as a service account.

e. From the Default Language list, select English.

Important: Ensure that the Default Language is set to English. If it isn't, the website cannot start, and the Event Viewer on the computer on which Orchestrator is installed displays the following error message: “The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out of range value”.

f. Select OK. Your configurations are saved.

If the service account has already been created and added to the Security > Logins section of the SQL Server, please check whether the Default Language of that SQL account is set to English. If it isn't, please make the necessary adjustments.

You need to provide the user connecting to the SQL database with the db_owner user mapping role, as in the following screenshot.

If security restrictions do not allow you to use the db_owner user mapping role with the UiPath® login, grant the following permissions:
  • db_datareader
  • db_datawriter
  • db_ddladmin
  • EXECUTE permission on dbo schema

The EXECUTE permission has to be granted by using the GRANT EXECUTE SQL command, as follows:
USE UiPath
GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [domain\)\)user]
GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [domain\)\)user]
If you want UiPath® applications to use unique AD user accounts to connect to SQL using Integrated Security=True, you need to create a unique keytab for each UiPath® application, as follows. This will be referred to as <KERB_APP_KEYTAB> for that application.

Generating Kerberos application keytab and username parameters

Option 1: by Running the script (recommended)

  1. Run the service-keytab-creator.ps1 script.
  2. Input the following values to the script:
    1. AD domain FQDN. For example, TESTDOMAIN.LOCAL.
    2. The username and password of an AD user account. For example, the AD user account sAMAccountName and its password.
The output file contains the <KERB_APP_USERNAME> and <KERB_APP_KEYTAB> parameters required by Kerberos.

Option 2: Manually

Run the following script manually:

# Generate keytab file and output it in the desired path 
ktpass /princ <AD username>@<AD domain in cap> /pass <AD user password> /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /crypto AES256-SHA1 /out <path to keytab file> -setpass 

# Converts AD user's keytab file to base 64 
[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("<path to the generated keytab file>"))# Generate keytab file and output it in the desired path 
ktpass /princ <AD username>@<AD domain in cap> /pass <AD user password> /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /crypto AES256-SHA1 /out <path to keytab file> -setpass 

# Converts AD user's keytab file to base 64 
[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("<path to the generated keytab file>"))
The value <AD username> will be the <KERB_APP_USERNAME> corresponding to the <KERB_APP_KEYTAB>.

Configuring Automation Suite as a Kerberos client

This section explains how you can configure Automation Suite as a Kerberos client for LDAP or SQL access.

With <KERB_DEFAULT_KEYTAB>, configure Automation Suite as a Kerberos client in one of the following ways:

Configuring Kerberos authentication via the interactive installer

  1. When running the Automation Suite installer, specify that you want to enable Kerberos Auth in the Deployment configuration:
                                Deployment configuration
    Are you performing an evaluation/development/test/demo or a production deployment?
    [1] Production deployment (multi-node)
    [2] Evaluation/development/test/demo deployment (single-node)
    Enter your choice [2]: 2
    Will your deployment have access to Internet (online) or is it physically isolated from unsecured networks (air-gapped)?
    [1] Online
    [2] Air-gapped
    Enter your choice [1]: 1
    Enter the Automation Suite FQDN []:
    Would you like to enable Kerberos Auth? This will be used to connect to SQL Databases and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Adaptor if configured.
    [1] Yes
    [2] No
    Enter your choice [2]: 1===============================================================================
                                Deployment configuration
    Are you performing an evaluation/development/test/demo or a production deployment?
    [1] Production deployment (multi-node)
    [2] Evaluation/development/test/demo deployment (single-node)
    Enter your choice [2]: 2
    Will your deployment have access to Internet (online) or is it physically isolated from unsecured networks (air-gapped)?
    [1] Online
    [2] Air-gapped
    Enter your choice [1]: 1
    Enter the Automation Suite FQDN []:
    Would you like to enable Kerberos Auth? This will be used to connect to SQL Databases and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Adaptor if configured.
    [1] Yes
    [2] No
    Enter your choice [2]: 1
  2. Provide the input parameters for Kerberos Auth:
    Note: This is the default Kerberos auth setting for all the services. If you want to set up a different AD user per service, you can specify the values in the service-specific JSON object at a later step during installation.
    Specify the Active Directory domain for Kerberos Auth []: 
    Specify the Ticket Granting Ticket lifetime (TGT) in hours between 8 and 168 for Kerberos Auth [8]:
    Specify the default Active Directory username for Kerberos Auth []: 
    Specify the default Active Directory user's keytab for Kerberos Auth []: 
    Specify the SQL server FQDN []: 
    Specify the SQL server connection PORT [1433]:Specify the Active Directory domain for Kerberos Auth []: 
    Specify the Ticket Granting Ticket lifetime (TGT) in hours between 8 and 168 for Kerberos Auth [8]:
    Specify the default Active Directory username for Kerberos Auth []: 
    Specify the default Active Directory user's keytab for Kerberos Auth []: 
    Specify the SQL server FQDN []: 
    Specify the SQL server connection PORT [1433]:

    The AD domain controller has the Maximum lifetime for user ticket Kerberos setting inside the Default Domain Policy. Make sure the ticket lifetime configured here is not longer than the server-side setting.

    You must generate the keytab file (<KERB_DEFAULT_KEYTAB>) as described in the Prerequisites section and provide the base64 encoded value to the installer. Then, you must provide <KERB_DEFAULT_USERNAME> as a value for Active Directory username to the installer.
  3. Complete the rest of the installation experience as shown in the following example:
    Would you like the databases to be automatically provisioned for all the products you've selected?
    [1] Yes
    [2] No
    Enter your choice [1]: 1
    The following databases will be provisioned automatically:
    - Shared suite capabilities: AutomationSuite_Platform
    - Orchestrator: AutomationSuite_Orchestrator
    - Test Manager: AutomationSuite_Test_Manager
    - Insights: AutomationSuite_Insights
    - Automation Hub: AutomationSuite_Automation_Hub
    - Automation Ops: AutomationSuite_Automation_Ops
    - AI Center: AutomationSuite_AICenter
    - Document understanding: AutomationSuite_DU_Datamanager
                                Current config values
    Multi node: false
    Airgapped: false
    Automation Suite FQDN:
    Sql server FQDN:
    Sql port: 1433
    Sql username:
    Sql password:
    Create sql databases: true
    Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours: 8
    Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX
    The cluster configuration file was generated at /tmp/UiPathAutomationSuite/cluster_config.json:
    [1] Continue installing with the default config
    [2] Edit the config
    [3] Go to the main menu
    For advanced settings, quit now and manually edit the config file.
    Once the configuration file is updated, run the deployment wizard again and follow the instructions.
    Would you like the databases to be automatically provisioned for all the products you've selected?
    [1] Yes
    [2] No
    Enter your choice [1]: 1
    The following databases will be provisioned automatically:
    - Shared suite capabilities: AutomationSuite_Platform
    - Orchestrator: AutomationSuite_Orchestrator
    - Test Manager: AutomationSuite_Test_Manager
    - Insights: AutomationSuite_Insights
    - Automation Hub: AutomationSuite_Automation_Hub
    - Automation Ops: AutomationSuite_Automation_Ops
    - AI Center: AutomationSuite_AICenter
    - Document understanding: AutomationSuite_DU_Datamanager
                                Current config values
    Multi node: false
    Airgapped: false
    Automation Suite FQDN:
    Sql server FQDN:
    Sql port: 1433
    Sql username:
    Sql password:
    Create sql databases: true
    Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours: 8
    Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX
    The cluster configuration file was generated at /tmp/UiPathAutomationSuite/cluster_config.json:
    [1] Continue installing with the default config
    [2] Edit the config
    [3] Go to the main menu
    For advanced settings, quit now and manually edit the config file.
    Once the configuration file is updated, run the deployment wizard again and follow the instructions.Would you like the databases to be automatically provisioned for all the products you've selected?
    [1] Yes
    [2] No
    Enter your choice [1]: 1
    The following databases will be provisioned automatically:
    - Shared suite capabilities: AutomationSuite_Platform
    - Orchestrator: AutomationSuite_Orchestrator
    - Test Manager: AutomationSuite_Test_Manager
    - Insights: AutomationSuite_Insights
    - Automation Hub: AutomationSuite_Automation_Hub
    - Automation Ops: AutomationSuite_Automation_Ops
    - AI Center: AutomationSuite_AICenter
    - Document understanding: AutomationSuite_DU_Datamanager
                                Current config values
    Multi node: false
    Airgapped: false
    Automation Suite FQDN:
    Sql server FQDN:
    Sql port: 1433
    Sql username:
    Sql password:
    Create sql databases: true
    Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours: 8
    Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX
    The cluster configuration file was generated at /tmp/UiPathAutomationSuite/cluster_config.json:
    [1] Continue installing with the default config
    [2] Edit the config
    [3] Go to the main menu
    For advanced settings, quit now and manually edit the config file.
    Once the configuration file is updated, run the deployment wizard again and follow the instructions.
    Would you like the databases to be automatically provisioned for all the products you've selected?
    [1] Yes
    [2] No
    Enter your choice [1]: 1
    The following databases will be provisioned automatically:
    - Shared suite capabilities: AutomationSuite_Platform
    - Orchestrator: AutomationSuite_Orchestrator
    - Test Manager: AutomationSuite_Test_Manager
    - Insights: AutomationSuite_Insights
    - Automation Hub: AutomationSuite_Automation_Hub
    - Automation Ops: AutomationSuite_Automation_Ops
    - AI Center: AutomationSuite_AICenter
    - Document understanding: AutomationSuite_DU_Datamanager
                                Current config values
    Multi node: false
    Airgapped: false
    Automation Suite FQDN:
    Sql server FQDN:
    Sql port: 1433
    Sql username:
    Sql password:
    Create sql databases: true
    Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours: 8
    Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX
    The cluster configuration file was generated at /tmp/UiPathAutomationSuite/cluster_config.json:
    [1] Continue installing with the default config
    [2] Edit the config
    [3] Go to the main menu
    For advanced settings, quit now and manually edit the config file.
    Once the configuration file is updated, run the deployment wizard again and follow the instructions.
  4. Optional: you can edit the configuration:
                        Choose what setting you want to edit
    [1] Multi node: false
    [2] Airgapped: false
    [3] Automation Suite FQDN:
    [4] Sql server FQDN:
    [5] Sql port: 1433
    [6] Sql username:
    [7] Sql password:
    [8] Create sql databases: true
    [9] Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    [10] Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    [11] Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours
    [12] Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    [13] Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX===============================================================================
                        Choose what setting you want to edit
    [1] Multi node: false
    [2] Airgapped: false
    [3] Automation Suite FQDN:
    [4] Sql server FQDN:
    [5] Sql port: 1433
    [6] Sql username:
    [7] Sql password:
    [8] Create sql databases: true
    [9] Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    [10] Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    [11] Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours
    [12] Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    [13] Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX===============================================================================
                        Choose what setting you want to edit
    [1] Multi node: false
    [2] Airgapped: false
    [3] Automation Suite FQDN:
    [4] Sql server FQDN:
    [5] Sql port: 1433
    [6] Sql username:
    [7] Sql password:
    [8] Create sql databases: true
    [9] Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    [10] Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    [11] Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours
    [12] Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    [13] Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX===============================================================================
                        Choose what setting you want to edit
    [1] Multi node: false
    [2] Airgapped: false
    [3] Automation Suite FQDN:
    [4] Sql server FQDN:
    [5] Sql port: 1433
    [6] Sql username:
    [7] Sql password:
    [8] Create sql databases: true
    [9] Kerberos Auth enabled: true
    [10] Kerberos Auth Active Directory domain:
    [11] Kerberos Auth TGT lifetime in hours
    [12] Kerberos Auth default Active Directory username: ad_user
    [13] Kerberos Auth default user's keytab: XXXXXXXXX

Configuring Kerberos authentication via cluster_config.json

  1. In the cluster_config.json file, set the kerberos_auth_config.enabled parameter to true.
  2. If you want to use Kerberos for SQL access, configure the sql_connection_string_template, sql_connection_string_template_jdbc, and sql_connection_string_template_odbc with the Integrated Security flag.
  3. If you want to set up a different AD user per service, take the following steps:
    1. Specify the ad_username and user_keytab in the JSON object of the service group.
    2. Update the SQL connection string for the service to enable integrated security.
    3. The enabled parameter is set to true by default when Kerberos authentication is enabled at global level. If you want to disable Kerberos authentication for SQL for a specific product, you must set enabled to false.

      The JSON object should be as follows:

      "<serviceGroupName>": {
          "kerberos_auth_config": {
            "ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for this service group",
            "user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for this service group",
            "enabled": true
      }"<serviceGroupName>": {
          "kerberos_auth_config": {
            "ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for this service group",
            "user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for this service group",
            "enabled": true
      Note: For the list of service group names, see Service groups and services.
  4. After updating the cluster_config.json, run the installer script to update the configuration. For details, see Managing products.

Sample of updating Orchestrator and the platform to use Kerberos authentication

"kerberos_auth_config": {
    "enabled" : true,
    "ticket_lifetime_in_hour" : 8,
    "default_ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_DEFAULT_USERNAME",
    "default_user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_DEFAULT_KEYTAB",
    "enable_integrated_sql_auth": true
  "sql_connection_string_template": "PLACEHOLDER",
  "sql_connection_string_template_jdbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
  "sql_connection_string_template_odbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
  "orchestrator": {
    "sql_connection_str": ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Orchestrator;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
    "kerberos_auth_config": {
      "ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for Orchestrator",
      "user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for Orchestrator",
      "enabled": true
    "testautomation": {
      "enabled": true
    "updateserver": {
      "enabled": true
  "platform": {
    "sql_connection_str": ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
    "kerberos_auth_config": {
      "ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for platform",
      "user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for platform",
      "enabled": true
  "kerberos_auth_config": {
    "enabled" : true,
    "ticket_lifetime_in_hour" : 8,
    "default_ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_DEFAULT_USERNAME",
    "default_user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_DEFAULT_KEYTAB",
    "enable_integrated_sql_auth": true
  "sql_connection_string_template": "PLACEHOLDER",
  "sql_connection_string_template_jdbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
  "sql_connection_string_template_odbc": "PLACEHOLDER",
  "orchestrator": {
    "sql_connection_str": ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Orchestrator;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
    "kerberos_auth_config": {
      "ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for Orchestrator",
      "user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for Orchestrator",
      "enabled": true
    "testautomation": {
      "enabled": true
    "updateserver": {
      "enabled": true
  "platform": {
    "sql_connection_str": ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=100;",
    "kerberos_auth_config": {
      "ad_username": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_USERNAME for platform",
      "user_keytab": "PLACEHOLDER - INSERT KERB_APP_KEYTAB for platform",
      "enabled": true
Theenable_integrated_sql_auth parameter is set to true by default. If you want to disable Kerberos authentication for SQL for all products, you must set this parameter to false.

Service groups and services

The following table lists the available service groups and the services that they include, The names are slightly different in the cluster_config.json file, or in the ArgoCD UI.
Service group name for cluster_config.json

Service group name for ArgoCD

Included services



Orchestrator, Webhooks



Identity, License Accountant (LA), Audit, Location, License Resource Manager (LRM), Organization Management Service (OMS)



Automation Hub, Task Mining



Test Manager



Automation Ops



AI Center



Document Understanding






Data Service



Automation Suite Robots



Process Mining

Configuring the Active Directory integration

For Kerberos authentication to be used when logging in to Automation Suite, you must further configure Automation Suite host settings.

Disabling Kerberos authentication

Removing Kerberos authentication completely

To remove Kerberos authentication completely, take the following steps:

  1. If you used Kerberos to configure AD integration, reconfigure AD with the username and password option by following the instructions in Configuring the Active Directory integration.
  2. If you used SQL integrated authentication, configure the SQL connection strings to use User Id and Password.
  3. Disable Kerberos authentication. In the cluster_config.json file, set the kerberos_auth_config.enabled parameter to false, then run the installer script to update the configuration. For details, see Managing products.

Removing SQL integrated authentication

To remove SQL integrated authentication, take the following steps:

  1. Configure the SQL connection strings to use User Id and Password.
  2. If want to disable SQL integrated authentication for all the services, in the cluster_config.json file, set the kerberos_auth_config.enabled parameter to false and then run the installer script to update the configuration. For details, see Managing products.

Kerberos troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues while configuring Kerberos, see Authentication troubleshooting.

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