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Automation Suite on Linux installation guide

Last updated Mar 10, 2025

How to clear Redis data

To clear all the data stored in Redis and reset it to an empty state, take the following steps:

  1. Identify the secret name, password, and port:

    export KUBECONFIG="/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml"; export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin;
    secretName=$(kubectl get redb redis-cluster-db -o jsonpath="{.spec.databaseSecretName}" -n redis-system)
    password=$(kubectl get secret $secretName -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" -n redis-system | base64 --decode)
    port=$(kubectl get secret $secretName -o jsonpath="{.data.port}" -n redis-system | base64 --decode)export KUBECONFIG="/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml"; export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin;
    secretName=$(kubectl get redb redis-cluster-db -o jsonpath="{.spec.databaseSecretName}" -n redis-system)
    password=$(kubectl get secret $secretName -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" -n redis-system | base64 --decode)
    port=$(kubectl get secret $secretName -o jsonpath="{.data.port}" -n redis-system | base64 --decode)
  2. Identify the service names:

    kubectl get secret $secretName -o jsonpath="{.data.service_names}" -n redis-system | base64 --decodekubectl get secret $secretName -o jsonpath="{.data.service_names}" -n redis-system | base64 --decode
  3. Let's assume the output of the previous command is: redis-cluster-db, redis-cluster-db-headless. You must call the following FLUSHALL commands:
    kubectl exec -ti -n redis-system redis-cluster-0 -- redis-cli -h redis-cluster-db -p $port -a $password FLUSHALL
    kubectl exec -ti -n redis-system redis-cluster-0 -- redis-cli -h redis-cluster-db-headless -p $port -a $password FLUSHALLkubectl exec -ti -n redis-system redis-cluster-0 -- redis-cli -h redis-cluster-db -p $port -a $password FLUSHALL
    kubectl exec -ti -n redis-system redis-cluster-0 -- redis-cli -h redis-cluster-db-headless -p $port -a $password FLUSHALL

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