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Automation Suite installation guide

Last updated Feb 24, 2025

MongoDB Pod Fails to Upgrade From 4.4.4-ent to 5.0.7-ent


When upgrading from Automation Suite 2021.10 to 2022.10, the MongoDB pod is stuck is rolling update and cannot move from version 4.4.4-ent to 5.0.7-ent. Only one pod is available, and it is failing the readiness check.


To check the MongoDB Agent logs, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n mongodb
Use the pod name and get log for that pod
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n mongodb -c mongodb-agent
In the Agent logs if we are seeing below line then the upgrade hasn't been successful
  ['currentState.Version = 4.4.4-ent is equal to desiredState.Version = 5.0.7-ent' = false]kubectl get pods -n mongodb
Use the pod name and get log for that pod
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n mongodb -c mongodb-agent
In the Agent logs if we are seeing below line then the upgrade hasn't been successful
  ['currentState.Version = 4.4.4-ent is equal to desiredState.Version = 5.0.7-ent' = false]

To fix the issue, take the following steps:

  1. Disable auto-sync in ArgoCD. Go to Applications > MongoDB > AppDetails > Summary, and click Disable Auto-Sync.
  2. The MongoDB sts definition is still using the old MongoDB localhost:30071/mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-appdb-database:4.4.4-ent image. Edit the definition to use version 5.0.7-ent. Save it and sync it.
  3. Delete the old MongoDB pod.
  4. The pods should come up with MongoDB version 5.0.7-ent.
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