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Last updated Feb 26, 2025


The data run also creates a log file that can help in case of unexpected results or if the data upload with the data uploader fails. The file extraction.log contains the logs of the last data run. For each extraction that failed, a return code is displayed. Refer to the official Theobald Software documentation Call via Commandline for more information. When something with the setup is incorrect, this is mentioned in the error message.

Extraction Issues With CDPOS for Non-HANA Systems

In some older, non-HANA systems, CDPOS is a cluster table and may result in a “join with pool table” erroras displayed in the following code.

ERPConnect.ABAP RuntimeException: RfcReceiveEx failed(RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION) RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE - Join with pool table, cluster or view.ERPConnect.ABAP RuntimeException: RfcReceiveEx failed(RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION) RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE - Join with pool table, cluster or view.
The extraction of the CDPOS table includes by default a join with the CDHDR table to limit the number of records that need to be extracted. Follow these steps to overcome this error.
  1. Edit the CDPOS extraction in Xtract Universal Designer to remove the CDHDR from the tables.
  2. Replace the CDHDR~UDATE between @extraction_start_date and @extraction_end_date with:

    CHANGENR between @CHANGENR_min and @CHANGENR_max

  3. In the extract_theobald.ps1, replace &"$xu_location\xu.exe" -s "$xu_server" -p "$xu_port" -n "CDPOS" -o "extraction_start_date=$extraction_start_date" -o "extraction_end_date=$extraction_end_date" with the code displayed in the following code block.
&"$xu_location\xu.exe" -s "$xu_server" -p "$xu_port" -n "CDHDR_CSV" -o "extraction_start_date=$extraction_start_date" -o "extraction_end_date=$extraction_end_date"
$CDHDR = Import-Csv -Path "$xu_location\<app_template_specific>output\CDHDR_CSV.csv" -Delimiter "`t"
$CDHDR_sorted = $CDHDR | Sort-Object -Property CHANGENR 
&"$xu_location\xu.exe" -s "$xu_server" -p "$xu_port" -n "CDPOS" -o "CHANGENR_min=$CHANGENR_min" -o "CHANGENR_max=$CHANGENR_max"&"$xu_location\xu.exe" -s "$xu_server" -p "$xu_port" -n "CDHDR_CSV" -o "extraction_start_date=$extraction_start_date" -o "extraction_end_date=$extraction_end_date"
$CDHDR = Import-Csv -Path "$xu_location\<app_template_specific>output\CDHDR_CSV.csv" -Delimiter "`t"
$CDHDR_sorted = $CDHDR | Sort-Object -Property CHANGENR 
&"$xu_location\xu.exe" -s "$xu_server" -p "$xu_port" -n "CDPOS" -o "CHANGENR_min=$CHANGENR_min" -o "CHANGENR_max=$CHANGENR_max"
Note: This is a generic example, the tables names can be different for your app template.
Note: Replace the output folder <app_template_specific> with the output folder specified for you app template in extract_theobald.ps1.

Other Extraction Issues

Duplicate key

When uploading data using Theobald Xtract Universal, the following error message can occur:
Duplicate key message
Possible cause

A field used for the primary key on the table is not retrived in the extraction.


To solve this, you need to check if all the fields used for the primary key on the table are retrieved in the extraction.

The following illustration shows an example from the EKKN table. For this table, the primary key is not complete, because the field ZEKKN is not retrieved. The issue can be fixed by making sure this field is also used in the extraction.

Primary keys in SAP tables can be recognized by the key symbol displayed in front of the field name.

Example EKKN table
  • Extraction Issues With CDPOS for Non-HANA Systems
  • Other Extraction Issues
  • Duplicate key

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