- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Setting up Automation integration
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Customizing process apps
- Publishing Dashboards
- App templates
- Additional resources

Process Mining
Setting up Automation integration
To trigger automations, you must set up Automation integration.The following sections describe the steps to set up an Automation integration for a Process Mining process app.
There are two different types of automations that can be triggered from a process app.
Manually triggered automations are initiated by business users from the process app dashboards.
Automatically triggered automations are initiated when predefined conditions, determined by tags, are met during data ingestion for the process app.
Manual triggers can be done from both the development and published app. Automatic triggers are only applied when running ingestions on a published app.
You can download the Send_Email_example_files.zip file to easily set up an automation integration for sending an email yourself.
The Send_Email_example_files.zip file contains:
- A SendEmail.zip file with an automation workflow project that you can import in Studio.
The automation workflow is built in UitPath Studio 2022.10.5.
- A simpleschema.json file that you can use to set up the Orchestrator queue.
In Process Mining open the process app for which you want to enable automation integration in the Dashboard editor. Refer to Working with the dashboard editor for details.
In the Dashboard editor, select the Automation manager option to open the Automation manager.
Select Build automation to open Studio. Refer to Automation manager for details.
To set up Automation integration, first create an automation workflow in Studio. For example, you can set up an automation for sending an email when an item is added to an Orchestrator queue. This automation can be used, for example, to send a reminder email for a late payment case detected in Process Mining. The following illustration shows an example automation workflow.
Define a Get Transaction Item activity in the automation workflow if you want to enable pulling items from queues.
In the above example: Set Variable Value activities are used to set the arguments to variables that can be used in the email. The Microsoft Office 365: Send Email activity is used to send a notification email from the automation.
In Studio, publish the automation to make it available in Orchestrator.
1. In Orchestrator, create a new queue using a Specific Data JSON Schema. The Data JSON Schema defines the input data that is required for the automation. Make sure the JSON schema matches the arguments defined in the automation.
Only queues containing a Specific Data JSON Schema file in Orchestrator are supported by Process Mining. The following code shows an example of a Specific Data JSON Schema that is used to set up integration with Process Mining.
{ "definitions": {},
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"$id": "http://example.com/root.json",
"type": "object",
"title": "The Root Schema",
{ "type": "string"
{ "type": "string"
{ "type": "number"
{ "type": "string"
{ "definitions": {},
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"$id": "http://example.com/root.json",
"type": "object",
"title": "The Root Schema",
{ "type": "string"
{ "type": "string"
{ "type": "number"
{ "type": "string"
2. Add a Trigger for the queue and select the automation workflow you created in Studio as the process associated.
When you have created a queue in Orchestrator, you can reference that queue from a Process Mining process app.
In Process Mining open the process app for which you want to enable automation integration in the Dashboard editor. Check out Working with the dashboard editor.
In the Dashboard editor, select the Automation manager button to open the Automation manager. Check out Automation manager.
Add a new automation and select the Orchestrator queue.
- Select +Connect automation.
If you have not created an automation, you can select the Build automation option to open Studio, where you can start building an automation.
- In the Add queue dialog select the Orchestrator queue you want to use. The data schema defined in the Data JSON Schema file for the Orchestrator queue is loaded. Note that only queues containing a Specific Data JSON Schema file in Orchestrator are available for Process Mining.
- Map the automation input fields to the appropriate data fields available in your process app.
Check out the data type of the queue input fields defined in the Specific data JSON schema and make sure to map the input fields to a Process Mining data field with the correct input type. Check out App Templates.
Note:Instead of mapping to a specific Case field, you can select the Business user input option for a text input field. This enables business users to enter a free text when triggering an automation. For example a description or an email address. The Analyst input option enables you to enter a custom text which is displayed as read-only to the business user.The Business user input option is only applicable to Manual triggers. -
Enter the Maximum number of cases sent at once to limit the number of cases that can be sent to Orchestrator.
Note:As an analyst, it is important to consider limiting the number of cases a business user can send to Orchestrator based on the specific use case. By default, the system allows 50 cases to be sent to the queue, but the range can be adjusted from 1 to 1000, providing flexibility for different scenarios.
Select the type of the trigger for the automation from the Trigger list box.
If you want to configure an Automatic trigger for an automation, add the tags to define the trigger conditions. A case that meets a condition when the filter is evaluated will be sent to Orchestrator.
Note:Each trigger condition is evaluated separately. For example, Case 001 has tags A and B. When you have set the trigger conditions for both A and B, this case will be sent to Orchestrator twice (one based on condition A and one based on condition B).
- Select +Connect automation.
Publish the process app to make the automation available in the published process app.
- Select Publish.
When you select the Manual trigger type for the automation, business users can trigger the automation from the published process app. The Trigger an automation option is available on most dashboards and charts. The following illustration shows an example.
When the user has selected objects that are candidate for automation, the Trigger an automation option can be selected to enter the input data for the automation.The following illustration shows an example.
For every case that is selected, a Queue item is created in the Orchestrator queue that will trigger the automation defined in Studio.
Refer to Triggering an automation from a process app for details on how to trigger an automation from a published process app.
Automated triggers can trigger automations when specific events occur within the process. This allows for immediate attention to a case for enhanced efficiency and streamlined workflows.
When you select the Automatic trigger type for the automation, the automation is triggered automatically when the trigger conditions have met. The trigger conditions are determined by tags that are evaluated any time data for the process app is ingested. Each case that meets the conditions creates a Queue item in the Orchestrator queue, which initiates the automation defined in Studio.
- Introduction
- Manually triggered and automatically triggered automations
- Send email example
- Step 1: Create an automation workflow
- Step 2: Set up an Orchestrator queue
- Step 3. Configure the automation integration in Process Mining
- Manually triggered automations
- Automatically triggered automations
- Step 4. Execute the automation