- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Customizing process apps
- Publishing Dashboards
- App templates
- Additional resources

Process Mining
Filters can be created on dashboards and charts, and can be used to modify the information displayed on all dashboards. With filters, you can create subsets of your data to have a closer look at particular parts of the process.
in a logical statement where the data has to meet the conditions of Filter 1 AND
Filter 2 AND
Filter 3...so on, to be in the final subset.
The Timeframe filter is a predefined and immovable filter. This Timeframe filter splits the data according to the selected date field of relevant items in the dashboard. For example, purchase order items or purchase order events for purchase orders created in the selected timeframe.
that are defined for your dataset. Depending on the dashboard context, the selected Date field will return relevant results.
You can set a timeframe filter and save it to a filter collection.
The Next and Previous arrow buttons are only enabled if your dataset contains data for the next or previous timeframe.
days, the filter will include data from the past week.
The Before timeframe filter type allows you to specify a timeframe for the period that includes all data before a specific date. For example, if you select Before January 1, 2024, the filter will include all data up until December 31, 2023.
The After timeframe filter option allows you to specify a timeframe that includes all data from a particular date until the current date. For instance, if you select After February 1, 2024, the filter will include all data from that date to today's date.
Filter |
Description |
Use case |
Example |
Case start
(Purchase order item start, Sales order item start) | Filters the data according to the objects’ start date, and returns the objects that started in the selected period. | You want to filter for objects that start in October 2023.
| Case start = October 2023 |
Case end (Purchase order item end, Sales order item end) | Filters the data according to the objects’ end date, and returns the objects that ended in the selected period. | You want to filter for objects that end in January 2024. | Case end = January 2024 |
Event end | Filters the data according to the events’ end date, and returns the objects that have events that ended in the selected period. |
You want to filter for events that happen in 2023. |
Event end = 2023 |
If the Enable fiscal calendar option is selected, you can select the applicable calendar type from the list of available calendar types.
The fiscal calendar allows for better year-over-year comparison.
To use the fiscal calender in the Timeframe filter, the Use fiscal calendar option must be enabled in the Timeframe filter.
You can select a custom timeframe to be used as the timeframe filter. All relevant items that have a date according to the selected date field within the defined timeframe are displayed in the dashboard.
Follow these steps to select a custom timeframe.
- Select the Timeframe filter button.
- Select the Date field you want to use for the timeframe.
- Select the Type list box and select the Custom option from the list.
- Select the From field and select the start date of the custom period you want to define from the date picker.
- Select the To field and select the end date of the custom period you want to define from the date picker.
Process apps contain multiple advanced filter types. These filters can be added to the dashboard and used to modify the information displayed. You can add filters for analyzing in more detail in the Filter panel.
Follow these steps to display the Filter panel.
The Filter panel is displayed. The Filter icon indicates if there are filters applied.
Follow this step to hide the Filter panel.
Select the Filter
The Filter panel is hidden.
Follow this step to show the Filter panel.
Select the Filter
The Filter panel is expanded.
Follow these steps to add a filter.
If you want to add a particular filter, you can search for available filters.
Selections in the dataset allow you to create a filter based on the information displayed in the dashboards. Selections can be triggered by dragging your mouse or by clicking on the graphs and charts.
Follow these steps to create a filter based on a data selection.
- Select the data you want to use to create a filter.
- Select the Filter icon
on the chart to open the Filter menu.
- Select the Filter by selected values option.
A filter is added to the Filter panel.
Instead of using the Filter menu you can also right-click and select Filter by selected values from the context menu.
The Filter icon is only visible when you have made a data selection.
The percentage graphics in the header bar display the percentage of objects and events for the applied filters. The following illustration shows an example.
If ~0% or ~100% is displayed, this indicates that the value is not exactly zero or 100, but that it rounded to 0 or 100.
, for example, Purchase order items
, or Incidents
The Activity end-to-end process filter enables you to select activities to filter on objects that include the selected activities.
Filtering on objects that do not include the selected activity
If you want to filter on objects that do not include particular activities, you can select the Without option next the activity. The foillowing illustration shows an example.
With the Directly follows and Indirectly follows end-to-end process filters you can filter particular activity paths, meaning directly or eventually followed activities. This enables you to analyze objects in which activities follow a certain order.
Creating a Directly follows filter
Follow these steps to add a Directly follows filter.
Creating an Indirectly follows filter
Follow these steps to add an Indirectly follows filter.
You can also create a Directly follows filter, or Indirectly follows filter, by clicking on an edge in the process graph and selecting the Filter by selected values option from the context menu.
If you want to filter on objects that do not follow a particular activity path, you can select the Without option for the Directly follows or Indirectly follows filter. The following illustration shows an example.
With the Starts with and Ends with end-to-end process filters, you can filter for cases that start or end with a selected activity. You can select the Without option if you want to filter for cases that do not start or end with the selected activity.
The Rework filter enables you to filter for objects that have rework, meaning that one or multiple activities are executed more than once in the process.
Follow these steps to create a Rework filter.
- Add a Rework filter in the Filter panel.
- Select the activity for which you want to filter the occurrences from the Show objects where activity list.
- Use the Occurs .. times fields to select an operator (
) and the number of occurrences to define the filter expression.
If you want to use the Process cropping filter for an existing process app, you must first optimize the process app.
Refer to Optimizing an app for more information.
You can use the Process cropping filter to check the throughput time between selected activities.
Follow these steps to create a Process cropping filter.
In the Filter panel, add a Process cropping filter.
Select the activity you want to use as the start activity for the subset from the list in the From field.
Select the activity you want to use as the end activity for the subset from the list in the To field.
The process graph changes and only shows the activities that are part of the selection. The From <activity> will be the first instance, and the To <activity> will be the last instance of the process. The data in other charts and the KPIs on the dashboard are updated and only show the values related to the selection.
A list box filter allows you to select multiple values of a field.
Select all / Deselect all
You can select the Select all option to select all the options from the list box in one click.
You can click on Invert to change all unselected values into selected values, whereas all selected values will become unselected.
A range selector is created for numeric fields and time ranges. This filter allows for a range to be selected. You can either drag the dots on the line to select a range, or enter the desired start and end values in the value fields.
The following illustration shows an example.
For time ranges you can change the granularity of the selected range by selecting a different units from the drop-down lists. The following illustration shows an example.
The Clear all option in the Filter panel enables you to reset all the current filters. This means that any selections in advanced filters are cleared and all filters are removed from the Filter panel.
Follow these steps to reset all filters.
- Go to the Filter panel.
Select the More icon
Select Clear all from the menu.
Follow these steps to reset the values of an individual filter.
- Go to the Filter panel and locate the filter for which you want to reset the values.
- Select the reset icon
When you have set one or more filters, you can save these filters in a filter collection. This enables you to quickly and easily navigate to your frequently used filters when analyzing data.
Follow these steps to create a filter collection.
Add one or more filters.
In the Filter panel, select the More icon to open the drop-down menu.
Select Save as filter collection.
In the Save filter collection dialog, enter a Name and a Description for the filter collection.
The filter collection is added in the Saved filter collections in the Filters list.
You can change a filter collection, for example, by adding a new filter.
Follow these steps to change a filter collection.
In the Filter panel, select the filter collection you want to change from the Filter search list.
Add new filters or change the filters as desired.
Select the Save icon next to the Filter search list field.
The Save icon is only visible if the filters in the filter collection have changed.
Follow these steps to manage existing filter collections.
In the Filter panel, select the More icon next to open the drop-dwon menu
Select Manage filter collections.
The Manage filter collections dialog is displayed. Here you can edit the Name or the Description for a filter collection, or you can delete the filter collection.
Follow these steps to edit the name and/or the description of the filter collection.
In the Manage filter collections list, locate the filter collection for which you want to change the Name or Description.
Select the Edit icon.
Edit the Name or Description as desired.
When you open a dashboard that contains dashboard level filters, the dashboard will display data according to the applied
dashboard level filters. When one or more filters are defined for a dashboard, the icon is displayed in the dashboard header.
You can select the icon to view the applied dashboard filters. The following illustration shows an example of dashboard level filters.
You can still add global filters in the Filter panel, which are applied on top of the dashboard filters. You cannot change the dashboard level filters.
When you open a dashboard that contains one or more charts with chart filters, those charts will display data according to
the chart filters. When one or more filters are defined for a chart, the icon is displayed at the top of the chart.
You can select the icon to view the applied chart filters. The following illustration shows an example of chart level filters.
You can still add global filters in the Filter panel, which are applied on top of the chart filters. You cannot change the chart filters.
- Introduction
- Using multiple filters
- Timeframe filter
- Selecting the previous or next timeframe
- Last, Before, and After timeframe filter types
- Case start, Case end, and Event end filters
- Fiscal calendar
- Offset calendar
- Defining a custom timeframe
- Filter panel
- Hiding or showing the Filter panel
- Adding a filter
- Adding filter values
- Data selections
- Percentage objects and events
- Process filters
- Activity filter
- Directly follows and Indirectly follows
- Starts with or Ends with
- Rework filter
- Process cropping filter
- Filter types
- List box
- Combo box
- Range selector
- Resetting filters
- Clear all
- Resetting individual filters
- Removing individual filters
- Filter collections
- Introduction
- Creating a new filter collection
- Changing a filter collection
- Managing filter collections
- Changing the name or description of a filter collection
- Deleting a filter collection
- Applied dashboard level filters
- Applied chart filters