- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Managing access
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Root cause analysis
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Filters
- Simulating automation potential
- Due dates
- Compare
- Export
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Uploading data
- Retrieving the SQL Server database parameters
- Setting up a SQL Server account for data upload using an extractor
- Loading data using Theobald Xtract Universal
- Customizing dashboards
- Data transformations
- TemplateOne app template
- Purchase to Pay app template
- Order to Cash app template
- Basic troubleshooting guide

Process Mining
Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
Different UiPath® products work together to discover, investigate and build automation and communicate process improvements. Automation Hub is used to turn ideas for automation that are discovered from Process Mining into real automated implementations. You can submit ideas for process improvements that are subject for automation directly from the process graph to Automation Hub.
In Automation Hub the idea will be investigated and processed. Once the automation is built, the impact should become visible in Process Mining.
When you identify a bottleneck in your process while monitoring, for example when a manual activity takes a long time to be executed, you might want to send a request to automate the activity to Automation Hub. You can do this directly from the process graph.
Follow these steps to submit a request for automation and send it to Automation Hub.
When you hover your mouse over an activity in the process graph, the icon is displayed in the activity. When you click on the icon, the Send to Automation Hub form is displayed at the right and the activity is selected by default.
You can also select the Activity in the process graph and click on the icon the appears in the activity to directly select the activity that you want to indicate as a candidate for automation.
See the illustration below.
The Send to Automation Hub option is also available from the context menu of an Activity. See the illustration below.