- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Managing access
- Working with process apps
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Uploading data
- Retrieving the SQL Server database parameters
- Setting up a SQL Server account for data upload using an extractor
- Loading data using Theobald Xtract Universal
- Customizing dashboards
- Data transformations
- TemplateOne app template
- Purchase to Pay app template
- Order to Cash app template
- Basic troubleshooting guide

Process Mining
Editing transformations
The transformations of a process app consist of a dbt project. Below is a description of the contents of a dbt project folder.
Folder/file |
Contains |
pm_utils package and its macros.
logs created when running dbt. |
custom macros. |
.sql files that define the transformations.
.yml files that define tests on the data.
.csv files with configuration settings.
the settings of the dbtproject. |
See the illustration below.
files in the models\
directory. The data transformations are organized in a standard set of sub directories:
Check out Structure of transformations.
files are written in Jinja SQL, which allows you to insert Jinja statements inside plain SQL queries. When dbt runs all .sql
files, each .sql
file results in a new view or table in the database.
files have the following structure:
With statements: One or more with statements to include the required sub tables.
{{ ref(‘My_table) }}
refers to table defined by another .sql file.{{ source(var("schema_sources"), 'My_table') }}
refers to an input table.
- Main query: The query that defines the new table.
Final query: Typically a query like
Select * from table
is used at the end. This makes it easy to make sub-selections while debugging.
For more tips on how to write transformations effectively, refer to Tips for writing SQL
. This way, other models can refer to it by using {{ source(var("schema_sources"), 'My_table_raw') }}
. See the illustration below for an example.
The suffix _raw is added to source tables table names when loading data. For example, a table called my_table should be referred to as my_table_raw.
For more detailed information, see the official dbt documentation on Sources.
The data transformations must output the data model that is required by the corresponding app; each expected table and field must be present.
should not be deleted. Also, the output fields in the corresponding queries should not be removed.
If you want to add new fields to your process app, you can use the custom fields that are available for the process app. Map the fields in the transformations to the custom fields to have them available in the output. Make sure the custom fields are named in the output as described in the data model of the process app.
dbt docs
commands to generate a documentation site for your dbt project and open it in your default browser. The documentation site
also contains a Lineage Graph that provides an entity relationship diagram with an graphical representation of the linkage
between each data table in your project.
dbt docs
Macros make it easy to reuse common SQL constructions. For detailed information, refer to the official dbt documentation on Jinja macros.
package contains a set of macros that are typically used in Process Mining transformations. For more info about the pm_utils
macros, check out ProcessMining-pm-utils.
files that are used to add data tables to your transformations. For detailed information, refer to the official dbt documentation on jinja seeds.
In Process Mining, this is typically used to make it easy to configure mappings in your transformations.
After editing seed files, these files are not automatically updated in the database immediately. To instruct dbt to load the new seed file contents into the database, run either
dbt seed
- which will only update the seed file tables, or-
dbt build
- which will also run all models and tests.Note: If the seed file had no data records initially, the data types in the database might not have been set correctly. To fix this, callrun dbt seed --full-refresh
. This will also update the set of columns in the database.
file is used to set additional fields related to activities. activity_order
is used as a tie breaker when two events are happening on the same timestamp. The following illustration shows an example
folder contains a set of .yml
files that define tests. These validate the structure and contents of the expected data. For detailed information, refer
to the official dbt documentation on tests.
are run on each data ingestion. This is done to check if the input data is properly formatted.
With customizing data transformations and dashboard editing you can create and use custom throughput time metrics. Throughput times are the timings between two activities A and B. The following sections describe the steps you need to perform to create a custom throughput time metric when editing transformations and how to enable the througput time metric in the process app dashboards.
Creating a custom throughput time metric with editing transformations
You must first caclulate the throughput time and then make it available as a Case field.
Calculating the throughput time
Per case, you can compute throughput times between Activity A and Activity B. Since activities can occur more than once per case, you need to take into account whether you take the first or last occurrence of an activity.
Create an additional model based on the Event log to calculate the desired throughput times. For example, Cases_with_throughput_times.
In this model, create pre-processing tables in which you define which event ends you want to use for the computations. Per table, you need the Case ID, and the Event end of an activity. The following code shows an example of how to select the last occurrence of activity A for a case.
Event_end_activity_A as ( select Event_log."Case_ID", max(Event_log."Event_end") as "Event_end_activity_A" from Event_log where Event_log."Activity" = 'Activity A' group by Event_log."Case_ID")
Event_end_activity_A as ( select Event_log."Case_ID", max(Event_log."Event_end") as "Event_end_activity_A" from Event_log where Event_log."Activity" = 'Activity A' group by Event_log."Case_ID")Note:In this example, if you want to select the first occurrence of the activity, replace max with min.
Define the throughput time table by joining the pre-processing tables to the Event log and calculating the actual throughput time.
Tip:You can use the datediff function provided in the pm-utils package to compute the time difference between any two event ends.
The throughput time should be computed in milliseconds for the instances where Activity A precedes Activity B. Milliseconds are the unit of time used to define durations in the app template. As the throughput times are already grouped per case in the pre-processing tables, you can pick any record. In the above example he aggregation min is used. The throughput time table, selecting the throughput time and a Case ID, can be defined as displayed in the follwing code block.
Cases_with_throughput_times as ( select Event_log."Case_ID", case when min(Event_end_activity_A."Event_end_activity_A") <= min(Event_end_activity_B."Event_end_activity_B") then {{ pm_utils.datediff('millisecond', 'min(Event_end_activity_A."Event_end_activity_A")', 'min(Event_end_activity_B."Event_end_activity_B")') }} end as "Throughput_time_activity_A_to_activity_B" from Event_log left join Event_end_activity_A on Event_log."Case_ID" = Event_end_activity_A."Case_ID" left join Event_end_activity_B on Event_log."Case_ID" = Event_end_activity_B."Case_ID" group by Event_log."Case_ID)"
Cases_with_throughput_times as ( select Event_log."Case_ID", case when min(Event_end_activity_A."Event_end_activity_A") <= min(Event_end_activity_B."Event_end_activity_B") then {{ pm_utils.datediff('millisecond', 'min(Event_end_activity_A."Event_end_activity_A")', 'min(Event_end_activity_B."Event_end_activity_B")') }} end as "Throughput_time_activity_A_to_activity_B" from Event_log left join Event_end_activity_A on Event_log."Case_ID" = Event_end_activity_A."Case_ID" left join Event_end_activity_B on Event_log."Case_ID" = Event_end_activity_B."Case_ID" group by Event_log."Case_ID)"
Calculating throughput time in days excluding weekends
function provided in the pm-utils package to compute the number of days between two activities. Additionally, the diff_weekdays
function enables you to filter out weekend days.
The following code example shows how to calculate the number of weekdays between Activity A and Activity B.
with Event_log as (
select * from {{ ref('Event_log') }}
Activity_A as (
min({{ pm_utils.date_from_timestamp('Event_log."Event_end"') }}) as "Date_activity_A"
from Event_log
where Event_log."Activity" = 'Receive invoice'
group by Event_log."Case_ID"
Activity_B as (
min({{ pm_utils.date_from_timestamp('Event_log."Event_end"') }}) as "Date_activity_B"
from Event_log
where Event_log."Activity" = 'Pay invoice'
group by Event_log."Case_ID"
Total_days_minus_weekends as (
{{ pm_utils.diff_weekdays('Activity_A."Date_activity_A"', 'Activity_B."Date_activity_B"') }}
-- Only compute for cases where both dates are known.
from Activity_A
inner join Activity_B
on Activity_A."Case_ID" = Activity_B."Case_ID"
select * from Total_days_minus_weekends
with Event_log as (
select * from {{ ref('Event_log') }}
Activity_A as (
min({{ pm_utils.date_from_timestamp('Event_log."Event_end"') }}) as "Date_activity_A"
from Event_log
where Event_log."Activity" = 'Receive invoice'
group by Event_log."Case_ID"
Activity_B as (
min({{ pm_utils.date_from_timestamp('Event_log."Event_end"') }}) as "Date_activity_B"
from Event_log
where Event_log."Activity" = 'Pay invoice'
group by Event_log."Case_ID"
Total_days_minus_weekends as (
{{ pm_utils.diff_weekdays('Activity_A."Date_activity_A"', 'Activity_B."Date_activity_B"') }}
-- Only compute for cases where both dates are known.
from Activity_A
inner join Activity_B
on Activity_A."Case_ID" = Activity_B."Case_ID"
select * from Total_days_minus_weekends
Calculating throughput time in days excluding holidays
Follow these steps to calculate the throughput time in days between Activity A and Activity B excluding weekend days and holidays.
file to define the days that should be counted as holidays. The file should at least contain a record for each holiday. Use
the following format:
Holiday |
Date |
Weekday |
New year's day |
2024-01-01 |
Yes |
Easter |
2024-03-31 |
No |
.. |
.. |
.. |
file are used to count the number of days that need to be excluded exclude from a date range.
file as a seed file in the dbt project. For detailed information, refer to the official dbt documentation on jinja seeds.
and the diff_weekdays
functions provided in the pm-utils package as described above in Calculating throughput time in days excluding weekends.
file that fall within the given date range for each case. The following code shows an example.
Holidays_count as (
count(Holidays."Date") as "Number_of_holidays"
from Total_days_minus_weekends
left join Holidays
on Holidays."Date" between Total_days_minus_weekends."Date_activity_A" and Total_days_minus_weekends."Date_activity_B"
where Holidays."Weekday" = 'Yes'
group by Total_days_minus_weekends."Case_ID"
Holidays_count as (
count(Holidays."Date") as "Number_of_holidays"
from Total_days_minus_weekends
left join Holidays
on Holidays."Date" between Total_days_minus_weekends."Date_activity_A" and Total_days_minus_weekends."Date_activity_B"
where Holidays."Weekday" = 'Yes'
group by Total_days_minus_weekends."Case_ID"
Weekday = 'Yes'
is used to not subtract holidays when the holiday is on a Saturday or a Sunday. This is already taken care of in the diff_weekday
5. Subtract the computed number of holidays from the total number of days computed for each case. The following code shows an example.
Total_days_minus_weekends_and_holidays as (
Total_days_minus_weekends."Number_of_days" - Holidays_count."Number_of_holidays" as "Number_of_days_between_dates"
from Total_days_minus_weekends
inner join Holidays_count
on Total_days_minus_weekends."Case_ID" = Holidays_count."Case_ID"
Total_days_minus_weekends_and_holidays as (
Total_days_minus_weekends."Number_of_days" - Holidays_count."Number_of_holidays" as "Number_of_days_between_dates"
from Total_days_minus_weekends
inner join Holidays_count
on Total_days_minus_weekends."Case_ID" = Holidays_count."Case_ID"
Making the throughput time available as case field
Once the throughput time table is created this table needs to be joined to the Cases table to add the additional throughput time data as case information. To have the new throughput time field available in the dashboards, it is necessary to cast the new throughput time field to one of the custom case duration fields.
Replace one of the custom case duration lines in the Cases table that look like this:
{{ pm_utils.optional(ref('Cases_base'), '"custom_case_duration_1"', 'integer') }} as "custom_case_duration_1",
{{ pm_utils.optional(ref('Cases_base'), '"custom_case_duration_1"', 'integer') }} as "custom_case_duration_1",
with the newly created throughput time:
Cases_with_throughput_times."Throughput_time_activity_A_to_activity_B" as "custom_case_duration_1",
Cases_with_throughput_times."Throughput_time_activity_A_to_activity_B" as "custom_case_duration_1",
The updates to the transformations for the custom throughput time metric are now done and can be imported into the app template.
Enabling the throughput time metric in the process app dashboards
When you have created a custom throughput time in your transformations it is available in your app template as a case property under its alias. You can customize your process app to create a throughput time metric based on the custom throughput time you created in the transformations.
By default, a new custom duration field is added as a field of type numeric. Make sure to edit the field and change the Type of the new field to duration. Refer to Data manager.
- Go to Data manager and create a new metric.
- Select the custom duration field to be used for the throughput time, and select Average or any other desired aggregation. You can also rename the custom case duration field to your desired name in the Data Manager.
- Edit the application and put the new metric on the charts where you want to make it available for business users.
- Publish the dashboards to make the throughput time metric available on the dashboards.
In Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash app templates a throughput time calculation is already available in the Purchase_order_items_with_throughput_times and Sales_order_items_with_throughput_times, respectively. Custom throughput times can be added there and then be made available as a custom duration on the Purchase_order_items or Sales_order_items.
SQL Server vs. Snowflake
In a local development environment, transformations are run on SQL Server, while Snowflake is used in Process Mining Automation Suite. Although most SQL statements will work both on SQL Server and Snowflake, there can be slight differences in syntax, which may lead to different return results.
To write SQL statements that work on both database systems:
- Write field names in double quotes, e.g.
. -
Prevent using SQL functions that are different in Snowflake and SQL Server, e.g.
package comes with a set of functions that work on both database types, refer to Multiple databases. For example, instead of usingstring_agg()
, thepm_utils.string_agg()
will result in the same behavior for both databases. Ifpm_utils
does not contain the desired function, then a Jinja statement should be created to make sure the right function is called on each database.
String concatenation
function. This will yield the same results for both SQL Server and Snowflake.
pm_utils.concat("This is a nice string", null)
= "This is a nice string"
Concatenating strings should not be done with operators like +
or ||
, as they are different for both databases (Snowflake uses ||
and SQL Server uses +
). Also the standard concat()
function has different behavior on both systems:
SQL Server |
Snowflake |
null values will be ignored and treated as an empty string.
null values will cause the entire result to be null .
Sorting is handled differently in Snowflake and SQL server.
... order by "Attribute_1" desc, "Attribute_2" ...
Null values
SQL Server |
Snowflake |
null will default be sorted first (ascending)
null will default be sorted last (ascending)
Handling capital letters
SQL Server |
Snowflake |
capitals are sorted as expected (AaBbCc) |
first sorts by capitals, then by non-capitals (ABCabc) |
SQL Server |
Snowflake |
dashes are ignored in sorting (so '-Accountant-' is treated same as 'Accountant') |
dashes will be sorted at the top |
Whitespace handling
When you group by values “A“ and “ A“, this is seen as one value in SQL Server, but as two different values in Snowflake. Therefore trimming is advised if your data may cause this issue.
Case sensitivity
Table."Field" = "Some_value"
and Table."Field" = "SOME_VALUE"
will return the same result set in SQL Server, but potentially two different result sets in Snowflake.
You are advised to change the behavior of your local SQL Server database to match Snowflakes behavior, to prevent any problems. This can be accomplished by setting the database collation to a case sensitive value.
The settings.json file contains settings related to loading input data. These settings are temporary and should be used to switch existing process apps (created before March 2023) to the new data loading behavior. You should not change the settings.json file for new process apps.
When you create a new process app, always make sure that the input data is in the required format for the app template that you use to create a new app. See App Templates.
New process apps will apply to the new data model by default. Existing process apps will continue to work in Process Mining 2023.4 and Process Mining 2023.10. Switch over the data loading settings of your process apps before Process Mining 2024.4, to make sure uploading data keeps working properly. The AddRawTablePostfix and StripSpecialCharacters settings are temporary and will be removed in Process Mining 2024.4. From then on, all process apps will function as if these settings were set to false.
Setting |
Format |
Description |
AddRawTablePostfix |
boolean | For adding a _raw suffix to your source tables when using file uploads through the Upload data option. For example, if the file you upload is named Event_log.csv it changes to Event_log_raw.csv if this setting is set to true. |
StripSpecialCharacters |
boolean | For removing special characters and replacing spaces with underscores in table names and/or field names.For example, a field called Event+end changes to Eventend. |
Using existing process apps with the new data model settings
Follow these steps to use your existing process apps with the new data model settings.
Download the settings.json.zip and unzip the file.
Export the transformations of your process app. Check out Editing data transformations in a local environment.
Add the settings.json file (if not already present) to transformations.
Make sure both AddRawTablePostfix and StripSpecialCharacters are set to false.
Change your input files, or transformations, such that the file names match exactly. For example, if your input transformations expect event_log_raw then your csv file should also be called event_log_raw.csv.
If you are using special characters in table names or field names (for example ' ', '(' or '?'), then make sure the input transformations use the same name. For example, a field Activity category should be referred to as Activity category in your queries and not Activity_category.
Import transformations and ingest new data.
Data transformations are used to transform input data into data suitable for Process Mining. The transformations in Process Mining are written as dbt projects.
This pages gives an introduction to dbt. For more detailed information, refer to the official dbt documentation.
pm-utils package
Process Mining app templates come with a dbt package calledpm_utils
. This pm-utils
package contains utility functions and macros for Process Mining dbt projects. For more info about the pm_utils
, refer to ProcessMining-pm-utils.
Updating the pm-utils version used for your app template
package by adding new functions.
package is released, you are advised to update the version used in your transformations, to make sure that you make use of
the latest functions and macros of the pm-utils
package in the Releases panel of the ProcessMining-pm-utils.
version in your transformations.
Download the source code (zip) from the release of
. -
Extract the
file and rename to folder to pm_utils. -
Export transformations from the inline Data transformations editor and extract the files.
Replace the pm_utils folder from the exported transformations with the new pm_utils folder.
Zip the contents of the transformations again and import them in the Data transformations editor.