- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Customizing process apps
- App templates
- Additional resources
- Out-of-the-box Tags and Due dates
- Editing data transformations in a local environment
- Setting up a local test environment
- Designing an event log
- Extending the SAP Ariba extraction tool
- Performance characteristics

Process Mining
Editing Data transformations does not work when the process app security is configured as
Using the Data transformations editor could result in failing runs when Amazon S3 is used as storage platform. To prevent the issue, make sure to use a small dataset for the development and testing of data transformations.
Follow these steps to solve the issue.
Upload data using
files. See Selecting the data source. The run needs to finish successfully.Note:You can also upload the sample data files, but do not use the Sample data option.
If needed, upload data as desired. Now you can use the source data option of your choice. For example, using an extractor to upload data using CData Sync.
Running the transformations for the Data transformations editor should now work properly.
Edit Data Transformations
With the new inline editor, you can edit the data transformations of your app directly in the browser. This means you do no longer have to export and import your transformations. Once you are done editing, you can run your customized transformations from the inline transformations editor.See Data transformations.
Preview panels
In the Data Transformations editor, you can see the results of your queries in the new preview panel. By clicking on one of the SQL files, you can see the data of the query next to the SQL code.
Preview input data
Creating metrics
Edit transformations permissions
Users can now be granted Edit transformations permission. User with Edit transformations permission can export, edit, and import the app transformations.
Due dates
file using data transformations.
See Due dates.
file using data transformations.
See Tags.
Timeframe filter
The Period filter has been enhanced and is now labeled as Timeframe filter. You can now select the date field you want to use for the Timeframe filter. Also, it is now possible to navigate to the next and previous timeframe directly from the header bar.
The timeframe filter is displayed as the label for the x-axis.
See Timeframe filter.
Chart filters
App developers can now define chart filters to filter data from the table before it is provided to the chart. When business users open a process app that contains one or more charts with chart filters set, those charts will display data according to the chart filters.
When a chart filter is defined for a chart, the icon is displayed at the top of the chart. Business users can select the icon to view the applied chart filters. See the
illustration below.
See Editing a chart and Applied chart filters.
Custom tooltip for dashboards and charts
App developers can now define a tooltip that is displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the title of a dashboard or chart in the published process app. See Editing a chart.
Optimizing apps
We are constantly working to improve the UiPath® Process Mining experience. To bring the latest data optimization improvements to existing process apps for an optimal end user experience, you can now use the Optimize app option. See Optimizing an app.
Multiple columns in horizontal bar charts
Business users can now select the fields and metrics that define columns in a bar chart.
App templates available from Create new app workflow
The following app templates are now directly available from the Create new app workflow:
See App templates and Uploading app templates.
Sample data now available from Create new app workflow
The Use sample data option is now available in the Select data source step of the Create new app workflow which enables you to use the sample data included in the app template. You no longer need to download the sample data and upload it as input files.
A new version of the DataBridgeAgent is now available. The DataBridgeAgent now uses the End of upload API to trigger the data processing in Process Mining. See Loading data using DataBridgeAgent.
View logs
The option to view log files has improved. Log files are now available for all data runs. It is also possible to view the log file for a data run in progress, and to refresh the log file to monitor the progress of the data run.
The log now contains different log levels to indicate the severity of the message:
See Uploading data.
Process data
Export to .csv is now available for the Process data dashboard and Case details.
You can now change the order of the columns in the Process data dashboard.
Compare is now disabled in the Process data dashboard.
General app settings
The layout of the General settings page for editing process app settings has improved. See the illustration below.
It is now possible to open the App permissions page directly from the App settings page to manage access permissions for Process Mining process apps.
See also Editing app settings.
"Variant" label
Variants now have the label "Variant" in filters and charts. See the illustration below for an example.
Root cause analysis
The start node now also contains a value (%). The value (%) in the start node is the global selected percentage, whereas the value (%) in the other nodes is the Influence (%) which represents the deviation of the node’s selected percentage from the global selected percentage.
Purchase-to-Pay input fields
field is no longer available in the Invoices_base_raw
is used for linking accounting documents to invoices and the Invoice_ID_accounting_relation
field does not contain the same values as Invoice_ID
, the accounting document events will no longer be included in the process graph.
Extended data models for Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash
The data models of the Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash app templates have been extended. This means that now many more object tables are available in Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash app templates. For example, in Purchase-to-Pay you can now analyze Purchase Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Invoices, and Payments. The fields of the new tables can be used in filters, metrics and charts just like any other fields.
These new data models are part of app templates for the Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash apps. This means that new Purchase-to-Pay or Order-to-Cash apps will see the new data model, but existing apps will not be affected.
Data transformations
Dbt projects now run with dbt version 1.4. Although you can still run your data transformations using dbt 1.1, it is recommended to upgrade your local environments to dbt 1.4 to make use of the latest dbt functionalities.