- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Customizing process apps
- App templates
- Additional resources
- Out-of-the-box Tags and Due dates
- Editing data transformations in a local environment
- Setting up a local test environment
- Designing an event log
- Extending the SAP Ariba extraction tool
- Performance characteristics

Process Mining
Migrating apps for use in Process Mining
) and an app (.mvp
). Moving to the new technology stack requires the main Process Mining standalone artifacts, apps, and connectors, to be recreated
in a single process app in Process Mining Automation Suite.
It is advised to assess which processes are to be recreated in the new Process Mining product. Not all process apps in Process Mining on-premises (standalone) might be equally valuable and worth the effort of recreating.
For the apps that are selected, assess which KPIs and dashboards are needed.
From the list of KPIs, create a list of data tables and fields, and logic that needs to be recreated.
In Process Mining, an app template contains a predefined set of dashboards and KPIs for process analysis that can be used as the starting point for creating your process apps. If available, an app template can include a built-in connector for a specific combination of a process and source system.
To start recreating an app in Process Mining Automation Suite, select the App Template that’s most applicable for the desired process (refer to App Templates).
The app templates in Process Mining Automation Suite contain dashboards to analyze a given process as well as the data transformations to load the data from a specific source system.
Process Mining on-premises standalone |
App template |
Purchase-to-Pay on SAP |
SAP Purchase-to-Pay |
Order-to-Cash on SAP |
SAP Order-to-Cash |
AppOne/TemplateOne |
connector to adjust the data to the data model for the Process Mining Automation Suite process app.
connector and a a Process Mining on-premises (standalone) .mvp
app, the transformations have to be rewritten in SQL.
For more information on SQL-based transformations, check out Editing data transformations in a local environment.
Use the list of KPIs and data tables that were created earlier, to step-by-step add custom tables and fields to the data transformations in SQL.
The dashboards can be recreated one-by-one using the Dashboard editor. Check out Creating a new app and Creating dashboards for more information.
Each custom dashboard might need additional metrics, or data fields. Be aware that some metrics can be defined directly in the Data manager, check out Data manager. However, some metrics might require adding additional fields in SQL. Check out Data transformations.