- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Customizing process apps
- App templates
- Additional resources
- Out-of-the-box Tags and Due dates
- Editing data transformations in a local environment
- Setting up a local test environment
- Designing an event log
- Extending the SAP Ariba extraction tool
- Performance characteristics

Process Mining
Enabling Process Mining
Process Mining is provided as part of the Automation Suite complete profile, hence it is enabled automatically. To disable Process Mining, follow the Advanced installation experience guide.
To start using the Process Mining service you need an Automation Suite account. Check out About accounts for more details.
The Process Mining service that allows you to manage and set up process apps must be enabled on each of the tenants where the Process Mining service will be used.
To start using Process Mining in Automation Suite, you must enable the Process Mining service on a selected tenant. Follow these steps to enable the Process Mining services on a tenant.
- Log in to Automation Suite in with your UiPath® account.
- Select Admin to display the list of available tenants and enable the service for an already existing tenant.
- Locate the tenant for which you want to enable the Process Mining service.
Select the Services tile.
The Services page for the tenant opens, showing the services that are currently provisioned.
Select Add Services at the top right.
Note: The button is only available if you have not already provisioned all services. - Select the Process Mining checkbox in the Add Service panel.
- Select Add.
The Add Services panel closes and the tenant is briefly unavailable while the Process Mining service is being provisioned. When finished, the Process Mining service is displayed on the Services page.
When accessing the newly created/updated tenant, the Process Mining service is displayed on the left-hand side panel.