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Automation Suite installation guide

Last updated Feb 24, 2025

How to enable Istio logging

To debug Istio, you need to enable logging. To do that, perform the following steps:

  1. Find the istio-ingressgateway pod by running the following command. Copy the gateway pod name. It should be something like istio-ingressgateway-r4mbx.
    kubectl -n istio-system get podskubectl -n istio-system get pods
  2. Open the gateway Pod shell by running the following command.

    kubectl exec -it -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-r4mbx bashkubectl exec -it -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-r4mbx bash
  3. Enable debug level logging by running the following command.

    curl -X POST http://localhost:15000/logging?level=debugcurl -X POST http://localhost:15000/logging?level=debug
  4. Run the following command from a server node.

    istioctl_bin=$(find /var/lib/rancher/rke2/ -name "istioctl" -type f -perm -u+x   -print -quit)
    if [[ -n ${istioctl_bin} ]]
    echo "istioctl bin found"
      kubectl -n istio-system get cm istio-installer-base -o go-template='{{ index .data "istio-base.yaml" }}'  > istio-base.yaml
      kubectl -n istio-system get cm istio-installer-overlay  -o go-template='{{ index .data "overlay-config.yaml" }}'  > overlay-config.yaml 
      ${istioctl_bin} -i istio-system install -y -f istio-base.yaml -f overlay-config.yaml --set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout --set meshConfig.accessLogEncoding=JSON 
      echo "istioctl bin not found"
    fiistioctl_bin=$(find /var/lib/rancher/rke2/ -name "istioctl" -type f -perm -u+x   -print -quit)
    if [[ -n ${istioctl_bin} ]]
    echo "istioctl bin found"
      kubectl -n istio-system get cm istio-installer-base -o go-template='{{ index .data "istio-base.yaml" }}'  > istio-base.yaml
      kubectl -n istio-system get cm istio-installer-overlay  -o go-template='{{ index .data "overlay-config.yaml" }}'  > overlay-config.yaml 
      ${istioctl_bin} -i istio-system install -y -f istio-base.yaml -f overlay-config.yaml --set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout --set meshConfig.accessLogEncoding=JSON 
      echo "istioctl bin not found"

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