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Orchestrator User Guide
Queued Jobs Scenarios
- If you set multiple triggers on the same Robot and their execution time overlaps at least one time, the jobs are queued, in a pending state. The Robot executes the queued jobs in chronological order.
If the same process is scheduled on the same Robot multiple times and their execution time overlaps, only one process is queued, in a pending state. For example, if process A on Robot X is scheduled to run at 11:20, 11:21, and 11:25, the behavior is as follows:
- at 11:20 the first process is executed.
If the first execution finishes before the second trigger:
The second trigger is processed.
- If this execution finishes before the 11:25 trigger, the latter is also executed.
- If the execution of the 11:21 trigger does not finish before the 11:25 one, the latter is added to a queue, in a pending state.
- If the first execution does NOT finish before the second trigger:
The 11:21 trigger is placed in a queue, in a pending state.
- If the execution of the 11:21 trigger finishes before the 11:25 one, the latter is also executed.
- If the execution of the 11:21 trigger starts but does not finish before the 11:25 one, the last trigger is placed in a queue, in a pending state.
- If the 11:21 trigger is still in pending when the 11:25 one should start, the latter is no longer executed or added to a queue and the following message is displayed: The Robots already have pending jobs for this process.
If you want to execute a process multiple times on any Robots that are available, you have the possibility to do just that by using the Allocate Dynamically option on the Execute Target tab. The jobs are queued, in a pending state, in the corresponding environment and each time a Robot becomes available, the first job in line is executed. In this way, no Robot is ever available while there are jobs pending.
Let's say you want to run a process 7 times. The moment your trigger is triggered, 7 pending jobs are added to the environment workload, without being assigned to specific Robots. There are a couple of scenarios possible:
- There are at least 7 Robots available at trigger time - one Robot gets assigned one job such that all jobs are executed in one go.
- There are less than 7 Robots available at trigger time, say 4 - each of the 4 Robots gets assigned one job, if a new Robot or one of the 4 becomes available, then it takes over another job of the remaining 3. This happens for each available Robot until no jobs are left.
If two or more triggers are running the same process, each for a different number of times, at the next trigger, the maximum number of jobs between them is added to the environment workload; they do not cumulate. Imagine the following situation: trigger A runs a process 13 times and trigger B runs it 20 times. The following scenarios may arise:
- A and B trigger simultaneously - 20 jobs (the maximum between 13 and 20) are queued in the environment workload.
B triggers first - 20 jobs are queued.
- If between B's trigger time and A's trigger time, 7 or more jobs have been executed, say 9 (11 remaining pending jobs), then 13 jobs (the maximum between the 11 and 13) are queued in the environment workload.
- If between B's trigger time and A's trigger time, less than 7 jobs have been executed, say 5 (15 remaining pending jobs), then no more jobs are queued as there are already more than 13 jobs pending. Also, the following message is displayed: The Robots already have pending jobs for this process.
A triggers first - 13 jobs are queued
- Whenever B triggers during A's execution, a number of up to 20 jobs are added to the environment, depending on how much jobs from A are in progress or have been executed. Say 6 jobs have been executed. When B triggers, 14 jobs are added, such that the maximum of 20 has been reached.
If a trigger runs the same process multiple times, the related queued jobs are limited to the number of executions specified when you defined the trigger, on the Execute Target tab. They do not cumulate with each launch of the trigger.
Let's say that every 30 minutes you want to run the same process 10 times. The first time your trigger is launched 10 jobs are queued. If between triggers, less than 10 jobs have been executed (say 4), at the time of the next trigger only 6 new jobs are queued, as the number of pending jobs for that process can be a maximum of 10.