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Orchestrator User Guide
A folder is a storage area that helps keep your projects separate. They enable you to maintain fine-grained control over automations and their intrinsic entities, and personnel across the entire organization.
Folders have their own Orchestrator resources that reside within each specific folder. There are also global resources that are created at the tenant level and are available across folders.
These entities can be included in multiple folders of a hierarchical structure or be specific to each folder or subfolder. Only those available in the active folder are visible in Orchestrator. Switching the active folder will also update the entities and their contents, visible in Orchestrator.
Root folders can be configured with a dedicated package feed, in which case packages are a folder-specific resource, meaning they are kept separate and only available in the folder they have been published to.
Folders with a dedicated package feed are marked with a Folder Packages label below the Folder name.
To manage user access in this organizational structure, for each of the above categories there is a dedicated permissions section that controls it, Tenant Permissions and Folder Permissions. We recommend using permissions of a single type in a single role. Depending on the access level you wish to grant, a combination of multiple roles is often required. Learn more about Orchestrator's access control model on the About Roles page.
Folders support a hierarchical structure where you can have up to six subfolders under each first-level folder. User access is inherited from parent folders such that you have access to any subfolder(s) of a folder you are assigned to.
Two permission sets dictate the users' abilities concerning folders: Folders and Subfolders.
Folders Permission |
Subfolders Permission |
The Folder Packages permission set controls access to folder packages.