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Orchestrator User Guide
Queue Item Statuses
Queue items can have two types of statuses:
- Item Statuses
- Revision Statuses
These statuses let you know if an item has been processed or not, and the stage of the process at a particular time. Item statuses are displayed in the Status column, in the Transactions page. Queue items can go through the following statuses:
- New - the item has just been added to the queue with the Add Queue Item activity, or the item was postponed, or a deadline was added to it, or the item was added after an attempt and failure of a previous queue item with auto-retry enabled.
- In Progress - the item was processed with the Get Transaction Item or the Add Transaction Item activity; when an item has this status, your custom progress status is also displayed, in the Progress column;
- Failed - the item did not meet a business or application requirement within the project and was therefore sent to a Set Transaction Status activity, which changed its status to Failed;
- Successful - the item was processed and sent to a Set Transaction Status activity, which changed its status to Successful;
- Abandoned - the item remained in the In Progress status for a long period of time (approx. 24 hours) without being processed;
- Retried - the item failed with an application exception and was retried. After the Robot finishes retrying the item, the status changes to Failed or Successful, according to your workflow.
- Deleted - the item has been manually selected from the Transactions page and marked as deleted; an item with this status can no longer be processed.
These statuses let you perform version control but only of queue items that have been abandoned or have failed with an application or business exception. These statuses have to be manually set per item, by an assigned reviewer. All changes are tracked in the History tab of the Audit Details window. The reviewer can be assigned only when the item status is failed or abandoned, and reviewers cannot be changed after a revision status was added to the item. Only logged in reviewers can see requests assigned to them in the Review Requests page. Moreover, queue items can be assigned for revision in bulk.
The following statuses are available:
- None - this is the default status. It is set to all items, even if they failed or not.
- In Review - a user has marked an item that has failed with app exception as in the process of being reviewed. This status does not have other implications in Orchestrator or Studio than changing the value in the Revision column on the Queues page.
- Verified - a user has marked an item as verified. Items cannot be retried after the user sets this status. There are no other implications in Orchestrator or Studio than changing the value in the Revision column on the Queues page.
- Retried - the item has been marked manually for retry. As a result, a new queue item with the New status is created. This is displayed in the Items Details window of the indicated transaction.