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Orchestrator User Guide
Managing Personal Workspaces
- Navigate to Tenant > Folders. The Folders page is displayed.
- Click the Personal Workspaces tab. The Personal Workspaces page is displayed with all workspaces in the tenant.
- For the desired workspace, click See Usage. A page with details about the items in that workspace is displayed.
- Navigate to Tenant > Folders. The Folders page is displayed.
- Click the Personal Workspaces tab. The Personal Workspaces page is displayed, showing the list of all workspaces in the tenant.
- For the desired workspace, click More Actions > Convert to Modern Folder. A window prompting you to fill in the folder's name is displayed.
- Fill in the name on the New Folder Name field and click Convert to complete the conversion. A new folder is created and is available on the Folders page.
The owner of the initial workspace and the admin user are added by default to the newly created folder and assigned the Personal Workspace Administrator role.
The user who performed the conversion is added by default to the newly created folder with the Folder Administrator role.
The folder is created by default with its own package feed.
Upon converting an active user's personal workspace into a folder, a new personal workspace is created for that user if automatic workspace creation is enabled at the user level.
You need View and Edit permissions on Folders to explore a personal workspace.
- Navigate to Tenant > Folders. The Folders page is displayed.
- Click the Personal Workspaces tab. The Personal Workspaces page is displayed showing the list of all workspaces in the tenant.
For the desired workspace, click More Actions > Start Exploring. The workspace view is displayed and the workspace becomes available on the side navigation bar for the administrator to check its contents.
Note: A background job runs at minute 25 of every hour to check if users exploring workspaces still have the required permissions to explore them. If they do not have the required permissions, the explore sessions are terminated.The original owner of the personal workspace is properly notified whenever a user begins or ends an exploratory session.
- Navigate to Tenant > Folders. The Folders page is displayed.
- Click the Personal Workspaces tab. The Personal Workspaces page is displayed, showing the list of all workspaces in the tenant.
- For the desired workspace, click More Actions > Remove. The Delete Workspace window is displayed, showing all items in the workspace if any.
Upon deleting an active user's personal workspace, a new personal workspace is created for that user if automatic workspace
creation is enabled at the user level.