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Orchestrator User Guide
Mail Tab
Enables you to configure email settings so that you can send email alerts to users with a provided email address.
Field |
Description |
Enable Alerts Email |
When selected, email alerts are sent to users that have a valid email address and View permissions on Alerts. |
Use Default Credentials |
When selected, the credentials of the identity under which Orchestrator runs are used to connect to the SMTP server. When using default credentials, the SMTP Password and SMTP Username fields are disregarded even if they are filled in. This check box should be cleared if the Enable SSL option is selected. |
Enable SSL |
When selected, it indicates that the connection is secured and an TLS certificate is required for the used SMTP domain. If this check box is selected, then the Use default credentials option should not be selected. When cleared, the connection is not secured. |
SMTP Host |
The IP or Domain of the SMTP server. |
SMTP Domain |
Domain for the username, if SMTP server requires authentication. |
SMTP Port |
The SMTP port. For example, if you are using a Gmail account to send mail messages and Enable SSL is selected, the port should be 587. |
SMTP Username |
The username of the SMTP server, if it requires authentication. For example, if you are using Gmail, fill in this field with the email address to be used to send messages. |
SMTP Password |
The email account password. |
Default From Address |
The email address from which to send alert mail messages. |
Default From Display Name |
A custom display name for the email address from which you send alerts. |
Test Mail Settings |
Validate the email settings. |
For more information, see the Setting Up Email Alerts page.