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Orchestrator User Guide
Managing Actions
- For an unassigned action, click More Actions > Assign to Self and Open. The action is assigned to you, and is automatically opened.
- Do the required changes and validate the action using the defined action button. The action status changes to Completed, and the execution of the process is resumed when a Robot is available.
The procedure for reassigning and unassigning an action is similar.
The procedure for reassigning an action is similar. Unassigning an action can only be made on the Actions page. Read the procedure above.
Based on the status of the action, there are two scenarios:
- Pending or unassigned actions: Click More Actions > Open. The action is opened. If the action is opened by the user to whom it has been assigned, it can be validated. If it is opened by a different user, it is read-only.
- Completed actions: Click the Open button. The read-only action is opened. Once completed, validation cannot be reverted.
Besides validating an action, while in action view, you can also assign or reassign it (using the Assign and Reassign buttons), and navigate in between actions (Previous and Next buttons).
After the validation of an action is complete you also have the option to get to the next one automatically. First displayed actions are the ones with higher priority or the older ones, if the priority is the same.
If you want to discard your changes, simply click X, and then Yes to confirm.
Validating document validation actions requires the user to use Validation Station in Orchestrator. Click here to learn how to use Validation Station.
Validating document classification actions requires the user to use Classification Station in Orchestrator. Click here to learn how to use Classification Station.
External systems handle action completion in Orchestrator. As an override, in case the external system cannot mark the action as complete, any action user in Orchestrator to whom the action is visible can mark the action as complete. To complete an external action, simply click Complete for the desired action. The action is marked as Completed and its assignee changes to the user under which completion was performed.